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Welcome To Pakistan in IOK


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom
As the saying goes, the writing is clearly on the wall.... for Indians. :lol:

As the saying goes, the writing is clearly on the wall.... for Indians. :lol:

For Kashmiris the name 'Pakistan' connotes 'freedom'...freedom from oppression and subversive Indian forces.

Freedom fighters who are for an independent Kashmir also uses this 'idea' of Pakistan, for them Pakistan is not a country but the meaning of 'freedom' and most of the people do this to annoy and irritate the occupied forces there...not just for the love of the country Pakistan...sure they love the country.
For Kashmiris the name 'Pakistan' connotes 'freedom'...freedom from oppression and subversive Indian forces.

Freedom fighters who are for an independent Kashmir also uses this 'idea' of Pakistan, for them Pakistan is not a country but the meaning of 'freedom' and most of the people do this to annoy and irritate the occupied forces there...not just for the love of the country Pakistan...sure they love the country.

Kashmirs in India have more freedom than their brothers in Pakistan. The writing is on the wall!

Kashmir thy Destiny is Freedom !!

We got it. You don't. Thank You!

Kashmirs in India have more freedom than their brothers in Pakistan. The writing is on the wall!

Use some common sense if you have any...there are close to 0.7 million Indian forces in a small area of Kashmir valley, the highest concentration of forces anywhere in the world.

One reason for extreme hatred of Kashmir people is this huge presence and constantly breathing down their neck, subjugating them, not allowing them even the funeral processions of those martyred and namaz...India has lost the hearts and minds of the Kashmir people...it is only a matter of time before it loses the land.

Read some history...
Use some common sense if you have any...there are close to 0.7 million Indian forces in a small area of Kashmir valley, the highest concentration of forces anywhere in the world.

One reason for extreme hatred of Kashmir people is this huge presence and constantly breathing down their neck, subjugating them, not allowing them even the funeral processions of those martyred and namaz...India has lost the hearts and minds of the Kashmir people...it is only a matter of time before it loses the land.

Read some history...

they call it freedom...freedom for oppressed minds
The bottom line is while the Pakistani flag flies all over the IOK and has also been hoisted in places like Assam, Bihar and MP, do people in Azad Kashmir or elsewhere in Pakistan even know what the Indian flag looks like......!!!
Kashmir thy Destiny is Freedom !!

Kasmirion ko deewar sey na lagao...read 'nawishta-e-deewar'.

The bottom line is while the Pakistani flag flies all over the IOK and has also been hoisted in places like Assam, Bihar and MP, do people in Azad Kashmir or elsewhere in Pakistan even know what the Indian flag looks like......!!!

True...that is the point I made in my first comment, Assam, Bihar and MP and elsewhere where there is a freedom movement they uses the flag of Pakistan to portray freedom.

The name Pakistan and the flag of Pakistan for them means the 'idea' of freedom.
True...that is the point I made in my first comment, Assam, Bihar and MP and elsewhere where there is a freedom movement they uses the flag of Pakistan to portray freedom.

The name Pakistan and the flag of Pakistan for them means the 'idea' of freedom.
Or to antagonize authority and gain some media coverage they use Pakistan flag. Later they form a political party and try to rule the state. Take bribes and so on. Does any of them wish to go to Pakistan willfully given their chance? No. None, neither of them want to live in the land of freedom. Says so much.

All the political parties in Kashmir have done that, later swallowed the free Kashmir stuff and started ruling state, enjoy central funds. While keeping a leash on separatists.
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