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Webby please Change the background!?

A1Kaid Is a Super Moderator? :woot:

Yeaaah yoooo I just got that new upgrade to my account...Hahah:lol:

Oh yeah about the images, I think the Navy transport helos in the snow look very nice...
Yeaaah yoooo I just got that new upgrade to my account...Hahah:lol:

Oh yeah about the images, I think the Navy transport helos in the snow look very nice...

In the snow? Lol. That's actually distorted pixels! And webby you didn't like the Al-zarar one?
Awesome job webby - new images look AWSOME!

Thank you the rest of ya'll, who kept on webby's case about this and annoyed him enough to make the change, and of course the hard work you put in to find suitable images. :D

If you find better or 'awsom-er' images, post them here and ask webby again!
Cobra deserves a spot on the top! How can we forget our Attack Work horse?

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Does the image look good and suitable for the forum, of course after editing the size and cutting out the word print.

Photo of Pakistan's JF-17 obviously, clean silver dark grey paint, and from a nice angle you see "JF-17" on the tail of the jet..looks good to me.
Tell me which one you like Berzerk and other members...


I can always edit/tailor these later...
First one looks good! Second one is Photoshopped. But I'm sure there's better pictures of JF-17 Out there.

Like the one with Pakistan-China theme. The from 23rd March!
Too gaudy IMO. Though my mind can be changed once I see an image.

I like the grey paint schemes ...

Yeah but there's one where you can see the belly and it's all green! It looks beautiful!

We have four options to choose from for the Cobra! What's your pick?

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