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Weaving carpet strategy against Israel in Syria


Aug 23, 2016
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The Iranians Are Lulling Israel's Leaders to Sleep

Iran aims to entrench its deployment of missiles around us and is avoiding creating tension before the job is done. Meanwhile, Israel's army and citizens are totally unprepared for this looming existential threat .

For about a decade, Iran has sought to deploy an enormous number of rockets and missiles in its satellites around Israel (including Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas and Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip, the Houthis in Yemen, and Shi’ite militias in Yemen, Syria and Iraq).

Today, there are more than 200,000 (!) rockets and missiles, large and small, aimed at Israel’s major population centers and strategic targets, and at vital defense and civilian infrastructure (energy systems, natural resources, electricity, fuel, natural gas, water, transportation, communication, public health and safety institutions).

The hazard posed by these missiles has turned Israel into the world’s most threatened country. Yet over the decade in which this terrifying deployment took shape around us, Israel’s political and security leadership fell into a deep sleep. It did not prepare either the Israel Defense Forces or the country in general for the threat emerging before our very eyes – neither in terms of offensive capabilities, nor in terms of the ability to prepare and protect the home front to absorb thousands of missile strikes every day.
During those years, and to this very day, the leadership preferred to deal with what it calls the "campaign between the wars." This campaign takes the form at times of air strikes on targets in Syria, which are intended to prevent Iran’s entrenchment there and to keep missiles – as well the components that convert them into precision weaponry – from being transferred from Syria to Hezbollah in Lebanon.

But for all their importance, these air strikes are a drop in the ocean. They aren’t capable of releasing the Iranians’ stranglehold on Syria or preventing Hezbollah from continuing its precision guided missile project.

These attacks give the public the feeling that we’re in control of the situation, but we aren’t. The components for turning missiles into precision weaponry still make their way from Iran to Hezbollah, by land, by sea or by direct flights.


I have the feeling that history is repeating itself. The air strikes in Syria remind me of the aerial battle that took place in 1973 one month before the Yom Kippur War, along the border between Israel and Syria, near the latter's border with Lebanon. In this battle, Israel downed 12 Syrian MiG fighters while losing only a single plane. The people cheered our aerial victory and felt that we had an army that no power could overcome.

One month after that battle, the war broke out. In it, we paid an extremely heavy price for our arrogance and smugness. I feel as if we’re in the same situation today. Our air strikes in Syria, whose effect is, as said, like a drop in the ocean, are diverting the attention of our political and security leadership from the main issue: massive preparation of both the IDF and the home front for the existential threat that’s burgeoning around us.

For many years, the IDF has occupied itself mainly with the so-called campaign between the wars rather than preparing for the next war. This plays into the Iranians’ hands: They usually don’t strike back hard (if at all) when we target their people or the infrastructure they’re building in Syria. Their goal is to put us to sleep so they can quietly finish the work of entrenching their deployment of missiles all around us. Consequently, they avoid creating tension or an explosion before they have finished the job. They’re waiting until they think the time is ripe, and they have great patience.

The announcement by Naftali Bennett, when he was defense minister, to the effect that the Iranians are leaving Syria, is clear evidence of the efficacy of the Iranians' tactic of putting our leaders to sleep; they anticipate precisely those sorts of declarations. The Iranians have total control today in Syria. The Syrian regime has become a puppet on a string that's controlled by the Iranians.

Syria and Iraq have become a golden bridge connecting Iran to Hezbollah in Lebanon. Just recently Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah declared that the project of turning the missiles into precision weaponry has been completed. Even if he is exaggerating, there is no question that his words must be taken very seriously – before the launching of thousands of missiles each day at strategic, security and civilian targets, and population centers, sets Israel back decades and delivers a mortal blow to its population and its economy.

As far as the Iranians are concerned, a powerful strike against Israel is definitely sufficient, and would lead to the desired results. As they see it, their attempt to acquire nuclear capabilityis meant to create a balance of terror between Iran and Israel. They believe that the launching of masses of conventional missiles at Israel from their array of satellites would result in damage to Israel that is as serious as that of an atom bomb – only without nuclear fallout. The massive onslaught of missiles would not be seen by the world as an act that deviates from the red lines of international law, which forbid the use of nuclear weaponry.

The Iranians’ effort to reach nuclear capability is meant to signal to Israel: “You’ve been warned. If you use a nuclear weapon against Iran, you’ll be hit by one of ours.” In this equation, Israel has a very serious problem because it has no solution for 3,000 missiles of various sizes that would attack it daily – hundreds of them precision missiles, each carrying hundreds of kilograms of explosives.

If missiles were to land every day on population centers in the Tel Aviv metropolitan area, in Haifa Bay, Be’er Sheva and Jerusalem, and if they were to hit strategic, security and civilian targets (such as power stations, water facilities, airports, and IDF ground forces and air bases) – they would inflict extremely heavy losses and inestimable damage.

As the Iranians see it, the balance of nuclear terror that would be created between them and Israel would prevent Israel from using nuclear weapons (which it reportedly possesses, according to foreign sources), and would give the Iranians and their satellites a tremendous advantage over Israel. Such a balance could exist if Iran had purchased some atom bombs from North Korea – or were to do so in the future – even before completing the development of a nuclear bomb of its own.

This situation obligates Israel's political and military decision makers to come to grips with what's going on, and to discuss and draw up plans that can immediately be implemented regarding the country's and the IDF’s modes of action in response to this existential threat.

Their decisions would include establishment of a council with powers anchored in law, whose role would be to formulate a national security concept, and to consider defensive and offensive solutions regarding the enemy’s missiles and ground forces. The panel in question would also propose ways of protecting the population at critical sites, and would engage in thorough preparation of what can be expected to be the main arena in the next war: the home front. The government would turn the proposed solutions into national initiatives – for example, the development of an all-powerful laser.

The decisions would also include strengthening the IDF’s abilities to defend the country’s borders and to launch offensives at sites that would improve its chances of gaining the upper hand. Billions of shekels that are now going down the drain could be earmarked for those purposes, for streamlining the military and the Defense Ministry – mainly in the realm of procurement and in terms of the ministry's and army's contracts with civilian companies (such as for the purchase of submarines and a host of other projects).

The loss of hundreds of thousands of shekels and more stems from terminating ongoing initiatives after hundreds of millions have already been invested in them, because of new commanders who "reinvent the wheel each time" – due to their belief in “out with the old, in with the new.” There are many other examples of how money is wasted but this is not the place to enumerate them.

For some reason, the state comptroller insists that broad criticism not be levelled at the Defense Ministry and the IDF when it comes to procurement, contracts and major initiatives. He is probably afraid of opening a Pandora’s Box, although by law it is his job to recommend ways of addressing deficient conduct, in order to more efficiently use the Defense Ministry and IDF budget to strengthen Israel's military capabilities.

the zionists are starting to wake up to the nightmare geopolitical reality Iran has created for them.

You will notice 2 defensive reactions by zionists to try and make themselves feel good about their shitty situation.

1. Throw the US into the middle. "our orange puppet trump will destroooooy you!!!!!" "we will destroy Iran until the last american!!!"

2. We have nukezzzzzz!!! we detroy Iran.

on the first option they want american youth to die for their artificial zionist project.

on the second option they are bypassing every realistic military option (knowing full well the zionist military cant touch IRan, and is compeletly useless when not bullying some defenseless arab women and children) and going straight to the option of last resort..

Thinking that tiny zionists can start popping nukes all over the place, and not get anahilated to the last man in return, or maintain any sort of civilized standing in the world.
2. We have nukezzzzzz!!! we detroy Iran.

their nukes are actually very dangerous... just look at what happened in Beirut. multiply that by 100 or 1000 for immediate aftermath of any nuke strike, and imagine all the radioactive fallout afterwards. 10 nukes would end Iran as we know it. 70... now Israel does not need that many... in order to punish Iran, just nuke major urban areas...

If I was an Israeli commander and i was in charge of nukes, I would certainly attack Iran just before my state is destroyed.

soooo all these existential threats are empty barks as far as I'm concerned. we in iran do not like to live in a waste land after all...
their nukes are actually very dangerous... just look at what happened in Beirut. multiply that by 100 or 1000 for immediate aftermath of any nuke strike, and imagine all the radioactive fallout afterwards. 10 nukes would end Iran as we know it. 70... now Israel does not need that many... in order to punish Iran, just nuke major urban areas...

If I was an Israeli commander and i was in charge of nukes, I would certainly attack Iran just before my state is destroyed.

soooo all these existential threats are empty barks as far as I'm concerned. we in iran do not like to live in a waste land after all...

i would be willing to bet my life, and my mothers life on top on the fact that Iran/IRGC have enough nuclear/explosive materials to completely erase the zionist entity off the face of the map. There is no scenario where israel pops nukes at Iran and lives to talk about it .

Secondly the biggest issue for Israel is neither of their supposed "allies" want to see nukes getting popped either.

Nukes are the ultimate strategic equalizer. Its meant to deter and enemy invasion/nuke strike. If they start getting popped as everyday weapons of war. that means every country and their grandma will be seeking nukes now.

the world will become a lawless, extremely dangerous jungle, where western conventional military superiority would be erased over night.

this scenario Hurts the US and west far more then anybody else. Thats why the US would never EVER approve of a zionist nuclear first strike unless the zionists ate nukes themselves first...

it is just not a realistic scenario in the real world.
i would be willing to bet my life, and my mothers life on top on the fact that Iran/IRGC have enough nuclear/explosive materials to completely erase the zionist entity off the face of the map. There is no scenario where israel pops nukes at Iran and lives to talk about it .

we can easily end israel if we want to. but at what cost?
as you mentioned, their nukes are the ultimate deterrence that is stopping us from destroying them. until we can stop any and all ballistic and cruise missiles with our AD network, we should not even try to attack them. why?
put yourself in the man/woman who is calling the shots in israel. what would you do if you are seeing TelAviv and other centers of population in flames? remember, we in Iran are threatening them with total annihilation. this is a real possibility in their minds.
I know that I would certainly push the red button. and a single warhead hitting a city in iran is enough for a disaster...

now all that said, I personally don't like to live in a wasteland. so you can see why I wrote all those things above.
we can easily end israel if we want to. but at what cost?
as you mentioned, their nukes are the ultimate deterrence that is stopping us from destroying them. until we can stop any and all ballistic and cruise missiles with our AD network, we should not even try to attack them. why?
put yourself in the man/woman who is calling the shots in israel. what would you do if you are seeing TelAviv and other centers of population in flames? remember, we in Iran are threatening them with total annihilation. this is a real possibility in their minds.
I know that I would certainly push the red button. and a single warhead hitting a city in iran is enough for a disaster...

now all that said, I personally don't like to live in a wasteland. so you can see why I wrote all those things above.

Now this sounds an awful lot like the usual anti-Iran propaganda spread by hostile foreign media, exiled anti-IR opposition and their fifth-columnist liberal relays inside Iran (such as university professor Zibakalam and the like).

Iran never "threatened" the zionist entity with "total annihilation" in the sense of a massive first strike using ballistic and cruise missiles, unlike what was suggested here. Just like former president Ahmadinejad never stated "Israel must be wiped off the map" - his words were actually mistranslated in contravention of every journalistic standard and the disinformation was propagated even by mainstream western media. It's time to cease rehashing disinformation issued by Iran's sworn enemies.

Having said this, the opposite notion that Iran has foregone Resistance against the apartheid regime like some try to push, is equally baseless.

Time and again, Iranian authorities have elaborated on their stance with regards to the illegitimate zionist regime. Therefore, there's little to no excuse for ignoring their actual policy statements and relying on anti-Iran disinformation instead.

Iranian leaders clearly anounced that while not recognizing the Tel Aviv regime, they want its demise to come about through a democratic referendum about the nature of the political system in Palestine (exclusivist ethnic-confessional Jewish state or multi-confessional state etc) in which every native Palestinian including the millions of refugees and their descendants droven out of Palestine during the zionist-conducted ethnic cleansing of 1948 known as the Nakba, including local Jewish and Christian Palestinians will be allowed to take part.

The means Iranian leaders advocate and employ to that effect is Resistance, i. e. not direct classical war triggered by massive first strikes but continued support for the Palestinian liberation struggle and for Palestinian freedom fighters and activists on all levels namely diplomatic, military, cultural, discursive, logistic, intelligence-related, economic, and so on.

Similar to how the apartheid regime was brought down in South Africa and to how the USSR was led to collapse. In both cases, adversaries did not resort to direct military confrontation to cause downfall of regimes, instead they engaged said regimes on various other fronts, resulting ultimately in a change of regime and state structures in those countries. No major war effort was needed.

This is what former president Ahmadinejad meant when he claimed that "the zionist regime occupying Palestine is going to vanish from the pages of time just like the Soviet Union and apartheid South Africa" before it. His words left no room for misinterpretation yet were dishonestly twisted to suggest Iran intends to end the occupation regime's existence using a nuclear first strike, whereas what Ahmadinejad meant was that the regime is destined to collapse and that Iran's contribution to this will be her unflinching support for Palestinian activists as well as for other groups resisting zionist occupation of their lands, such as the Hezbollah of Lebanon.

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Khamenei, Iran's highest state authority, even authored an entire book not long ago in which he expands at length upon this general principle.

Another thing Iranian authorities have promised is that they are going to respond to Isra"el"i or US military aggression against Iran with devastating counter-attacks on the zionist apartheid entity. This can't be misconstrued as "Iran threatening Isra"el" with total annihilation" either, because these declarations only deal with hypothetical retaliation scenarios, they do not suggest Iran will be the one to initiate all out war. Thus the anouncement perfectly respects international norms, for international law permits state actors to respond to direct military aggression or invasion (unless authorized by a UN Security Council resolution under chapter VII of the UN Charter, in which case it's no longer considered military aggression).

The examples of the Soviet Union and South Africa show that not recognizing a particular state and/or working toward its substitution by some other form of a state, is not something new in international politics and western so-called "democracies" have and are pursuing this goal with respect to various state entities accross the planet.

In addition to the USSR and South Africa, more recent cases include the Serbian Republic of Bosnia which was never recognized by the US nor by the EU and whose elimination was not opposed by the latter. Same goes for the Donyetsk People's Republic or the Luhansk People's Republic that emerged in territories formerly part of Ukraine; western regimes have actively supported Kiev in its efforts to erase these two republics from the geopolitical map.

So yet again, the type of position Iran adopts vis a vis Isra"el" is neither something unheard of nor is it something exclusive to Iran. The difference being however that whereas Iran's roadmap for regime change and alteration of the kind of state ruling over Palestine does not call for a major war with substantial loss of human lives, western and zionist policies are entirely designed from the outset to provoke endless civil strife and major destruction not just of human life, environment (see the use of DU tank shells by the US military in Iraq), infrastructure and economy but also of the very social fabric of targeted nations for generations to come.

Thus when zionist officials claim Iran is seeking to destroy their illegitimate apartheid regime with a major military first strike and a nuclear one in case Tehran developed such weapons, when they draw false parallels with WW2 and the Third Reich, they are knowingly and deliberately mischaracterizing Iran's definition of anti-zionist Resistance, in hopes of generating international consensus against the Iranian nuclear program, of legitimizing sanctions, economic warfare, acts of terrorism against the Iranian people, as well as to allow Isra"el" lobbies in the US, Europe and beyond to promote a dangerous so-called "regime change" agenda against Iran. Not only that, but the zionist regime is in fact projecting its own mischievous intentions on Iran.

It's indeed plain wrong to suggest Tel Aviv isn't pursuing the actual destruction of Iran, official rhetoric notwithstanding. Isra"el" is not just seeking to replace the Iranian political system, it is not only trying to break the Iranian central state up and to balkanize Iran, it also seeks the destruction of Iran's social fabric, environment and national infrastructures along with a huge civilian toll.

As exemplified by the Bernard Lewis and Oded Yinon plans, the obliteration of Iran and its dismemberment into several ethno-states has been on the agenda of zionist thinkers and former officials for quite some time.

What is more, western policy in recent years has included direct or indirect military aggression against Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Sudan in conformity with Tel Aviv's objectives, offering perfect real-time illustrations before our eyes of what the zio-American agenda is actually made of, beneath the many layers of misleading cover-up euphemisms such as "regime change for democracy and human rights" or "fight against terrorism".

And by all serious accounts (including US lieutenant colonel Ralph Peters's map of a balkanized West Asia and US general Wesley Clark's mention of seven countries the US regime intends to wage war on), Iran figures high on their death list.
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Turkish center published a map of Iranian forces (with Lebanese + Iraqi AlNojaba ) in Syria ... I am not sure if it's 100% correct but look at the density of forces near Golan heights
the zionists are starting to wake up to the nightmare geopolitical reality Iran has created for them.

You will notice 2 defensive reactions by zionists to try and make themselves feel good about their shitty situation.

1. Throw the US into the middle. "our orange puppet trump will destroooooy you!!!!!" "we will destroy Iran until the last american!!!"

2. We have nukezzzzzz!!! we detroy Iran.

on the first option they want american youth to die for their artificial zionist project.

on the second option they are bypassing every realistic military option (knowing full well the zionist military cant touch IRan, and is compeletly useless when not bullying some defenseless arab women and children) and going straight to the option of last resort..

Thinking that tiny zionists can start popping nukes all over the place, and not get anahilated to the last man in return, or maintain any sort of civilized standing in the world.

Very good points.

As a Pakistani, I have longed for closer Iran-Pakistan ties and even transfer of nuclear tech to Iran. Unfortunately, our leadership has been deeply entrenched with KSA for decades and Iran was too close to India for our liking. Things may finally be changing. A NATO-like defense pact between Turkey (if it improves its attitude), Iran, Pakistan, China and Russia would shake the world.

Regarding the second point in your post, what is Iran's strategy against Israeli nukes? Israel, as the genocidal state that it is, will be inclined to use them if it feels existentially threatened. I hope you guys have a plan!
Now this sounds an awful lot like the usual anti-Iran propaganda spread by hostile foreign media, exiled anti-IR opposition and their fifth-columnist liberal relays inside Iran (such as university professor Zibakalam and the like).

Iran never "threatened" the zionist entity with "total annihilation" in the sense of a massive first strike using ballistic and cruise missiles, unlike what is being suggested here. Just like former president Ahmadinejad never stated "Israel must be wiped off the map", his words were mistranslated in contravention of every journaistic standard while the disinformation was propagated even by mainstream western media. I believe it's time to stop repeating this disinformation issued by Iran's existential enemies.

Having said that, the notion that Iran has foregone Resistance against the apartheid regime like some users (Falcon29 and so on) are trying to push is equally baseless.

So let's be very clear and precise about this: time and again, Iranian authorities have elaborated on their stance with regards to the illegitimate zionist regime therefore there is no excuse for ignoring their actual policy statements and relying on anti-Iranian disinformation instead.

Iranian leaders have clearly anounced that while not recognizing the Tel Aviv regime, they want its demise to come about through a democratic referendum about the nature of the political system in Palestine (exclusivist Jewish ethnic-confessional state or multi-confessional state etc) in which every native Palestinian including the millions of refugees and their descendants droven out of Palestine during the zionist-conducted ethnic cleansing of 1948 known as the Nakba, as well as local Jewish and Christian Palestinians will be allowed to participate.

The means Iranian leaders advocate to employ and in effect are employing to reach that goal is Resistance, i. e. not direct classic war let alone massive first strikes but continued support for the Palestinian liberation struggle and for Palestinian freedom fighters and activists on all levels namely diplomatic, military, cultural, discursive, logistic, intelligence-related, economic, and so on!

Exactly like the apartheid regime was eliminated in south Africa. Exactly like the USSR was led to collapse. In both cases, their adversaries did not resort to direct military confrontation to cause their downfall, instead they engaged them on multiple other levels, ultimately resulting in a change of regime and state structures in those countries. No major war effort was needed to reach that objective.

This is what former president Ahmadinejad meant when he claimed quite precisely that "the zionist regime occupying Palestine is going to vanish from the pages of time just like the Soviet Union and apartheid south Africa" before it. His words left no room whatsoever for misinterpretation yet were dishonestly twisted to suggest Iran intends to bring about the occupation regime's end through complete physical annihilation using a nuclear first strike, whereas what he meant was that the regime is destined to collapse, while Iran's contribution to this will be its unflinching support for Palestinian activists and for other groups targeted by the regime or resisting zionist occupation of their lands (such as Hezbollah in Lebanon).

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Khamenei, Iran's highest authority, even authored an entire book not long ago in which he expands at length upon this position.

A second thing Iranian authorities have promised is that they will respond to Isra"el"i or US military aggression against Iran with devastating counter-attacks on the zionist apartheid regime. This declaration cannot be misconstrued as "Iran threatening Isra"el" with total annihilation" either, because it deals with retaliation only and does not sugget Iran will be the one to initiate an all out direct war. Thus the anouncement perfectly respects international law, for the latter allows state actors to respond to any direct military aggression or invasion (unless authorized by a UN Security Council resolution under chapter VII of the UN Charta, in which case it is no longer considered military aggression).

The examples of the Soviet Union and South Africa show that not recognizing a particular state and/or working toward its substitution by some other form of state is not something new in international politics and that western so-called "democracies" have and are pursuing this goal with respect to various state entities accross the planet.

In addition to the USSR and South Africa, more recent cases include the Serbian Republic of Bosnia which was never recognized by the US nor by the EU and whose elimination was not opposed by the latter. The same goes for the Donyetsk People's Republic or the Luhansk People's Republic in territories formerly part of Ukraine; western regimes are actively supporting Kiev in its efforts to erase the two republics from the geopolitical map.

So yet again, the type of position Iran adopts vis a vis Isra"el" is neither something unheard of nor is it exclusive to Iran. The difference being however that whereas Iran's roadmap for regime change and alteration of the kind of state ruling over Palestine does not call for a major war nor for substantial loss of human lives, western and zionist policies are wholly designed to cause endless civil strife and major destruction not just of human life, environment (see the use of DU tank shells by the US military in Iraq), infrastructure and economy but also of the very social fabric of targeted nations for many generations to come.

Thus when zionist officials claim Iran is seeking to destroy their illegitimate apartheid regime through a major military first strike and a nuclear one at that in case Tehran developed such weapons, when they draw false parallels with WW2 and the Third Reich, they are knowingly and deliberately mischaracterizing Iran's approach to anti-zionist Resistance in hopes of generating international consensus against Iran's nuclear program, to legitimize sanctions, economic warfare, acts of terrorism against the Iranian people in addition to the promotion of a "regime change" agenda by Isra"el" lobbies in the US, Europe and beyond. Not only that but the zionist regime is projecting its own mischievous intentions on Iran.

It is indeed plain wrong to suggest Tel Aviv isn't pursuing the actual destruction of Iran, their official rhetoric notwithstanding. Tel Aviv is not just seeking to replace the Iranian political system, it is not only trying to break up the Iranian central state and to balkanize Iran, it also seeks the destruction of Iran's social fabric, environment and national infrastructures along with a huge civilian toll. In effect, the obliteration of Iran and its dismemberment into several ethno-states has been on the agenda of zionist thinkers and former officials for a long time, as exemplified by the Bernard Lewis and Oded Yinon plans.

Western policy and direct or indirect aggression in recent years against Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Sudan and Somalia in conformity with Tel Aviv's objectives are perfect real-time illustrations unfolding before our eyes of what the zio-American agenda actually comprises, beneath the misleading cover of euphemisms such as "regime change for democracy and human rights" or "fight against terrorism".

And by all accounts (including Ralph Peters's map of a balkanized West Asia and general Wesley Clark's mention of seven countries the US regime intends to wage war on), Iran figures high on their death list.

I can only pray that more enlightened souls like yourself continue to contribute to this forum (and, in doing so, save it from the infantile trolls that have infested it.)
Iran is unable to destroy Israel conventionally. You greatly overestimate conventional weapons power.

And if Israel wants it can destroy Iran as a whole.
i would be willing to bet my life, and my mothers life on top on the fact that Iran/IRGC have enough nuclear/explosive materials to completely erase the zionist entity off the face of the map. There is no scenario where israel pops nukes at Iran and lives to talk about it .

Secondly the biggest issue for Israel is neither of their supposed "allies" want to see nukes getting popped either.

Nukes are the ultimate strategic equalizer. Its meant to deter and enemy invasion/nuke strike. If they start getting popped as everyday weapons of war. that means every country and their grandma will be seeking nukes now.

the world will become a lawless, extremely dangerous jungle, where western conventional military superiority would be erased over night.

this scenario Hurts the US and west far more then anybody else. Thats why the US would never EVER approve of a zionist nuclear first strike unless the zionists ate nukes themselves first...

it is just not a realistic scenario in the real world.

Iran and Turkey should get into a military alliance with Pakistan. Israel has been
selling weapons to India for a long time and now Pak should start arming the enemies of
Very good points.

As a Pakistani, I have longed for closer Iran-Pakistan ties and even transfer of nuclear tech to Iran. Unfortunately, our leadership has been deeply entrenched with KSA for decades and Iran was too close to India for our liking. Things may finally be changing. A NATO-like defense pact between Turkey (if it improves its attitude), Iran, Pakistan, China and Russia would shake the world.

Regarding the second point in your post, what is Iran's strategy against Israeli nukes? Israel, as the genocidal state that it is, will be inclined to use them if it feels existentially threatened. I hope you guys have a plan!

Keeping the bold in mind, you would recommend this even after the much rumoured Iranian plans to use BMs in coordination with India against Pakistan after Operation Swift Retort?

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