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'We will fight to the last drop of blood': embattled Kashmiris target freedom

Or should I say, Pakistan and India will fight till last Kashmiri.
I don't know what India and Pakistan will do with just land..
May sanity prevail in subcontinent.
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Or should I say, Pakistan and India will fight till last Kashmiri.
I don't know what India and Pakistan will do will do with just land..
May sanity prevail in subcontinent.
Well Indian agreed to hold elections and allow kashmiris to decide but then indian did what india does best. It lied and did an about turn. So your soldier will die
To be honest many Pakistani soldiers have died for the kashmir cause aswell.
Of course, mujahids and soldiers, no doubt. But what about policy makers sitting in islamabad and new dehli also suffered with something? That's my question.
Of course, mujahids and soldiers, no doubt. But what about policy makers sitting in islamabad and new dehli also suffered with something? That's my question.
Yes they are not affected.
Of course, mujahids and soldiers, no doubt. But what about policy makers sitting in islamabad and new dehli also suffered with something? That's my question.
It's always the poor that die
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