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'We Want Hindi': In Tamil Nadu, New Demand Speaks Language of Change


Thanks to YOUR experience with Bangladesh, our Politicians learnt that a LANGUAGE can never be FORCED on someone, instead we made states on Linguistic lines & gave there languages a recognition in the constitution.

But see the EFFECT of changing times, b'coz of Bollywood, TV & other media penetration along with job opportunities & Hindi becoming a Pan Indian MEDIA of communication just like English as an International Media. People in the south are themselves wanting to learn Hindi, no one is FORCING them.

In the 1960s it was the Politicians but now People on the ground are VOLUNTEERING.

@levina @JanjaWeed @Indischer @INDIC your comments mates?
Ah.. we were lucky in that sense. No language was forced on to us. Although state language of Kannada was a compulsory, we had the choice of choosing other languages, like Hindi & Sanskrit. & Hindi was a easy choice.. & you know I can speak that language pretty well too! :D
those who created it are still living in india. why it is being imposed on poor punjabis, sindhis, baloch and pashtuns and who have nothing to do with Urdu. ?
Their ancestors created it. They are dead. Urdu is national language. They are not complaining about all this.

Why you are not boycotting English because it is being imposed on you then?

It was developed in INDIA only....duh.....
:blah: :blah: :blah:
Bhai Urdu is not an Indian language but a Hindustani language. It was created by Muslims who have ruled you in the past.

You are talking about Pakistan not India. You can learn any language you want. Only Urdu and English are compulsory.

You should do what we did. Make Hindi compulsory to learn but allow them learn all of their local languages.

As I said, you should do what we did. Make Hindi compulsory to learn but allow them to learn their local languages. Otherwise, the problem will stay there.

It seems like Urdu is very popular in India too.


Urdu is an Indian language. Of course it is popular in India. It is the first language for most Indian Muslims.

Thanks to YOUR experience with Bangladesh, our Politicians learnt that a LANGUAGE can never be FORCED on someone, instead we made states on Linguistic lines & gave there languages a recognition in the constitution.

But see the EFFECT of changing times, b'coz of Bollywood, TV & other media penetration along with job opportunities & Hindi becoming a Pan Indian MEDIA of communication just like English as an International Media. People in the south are themselves wanting to learn Hindi, no one is FORCING them.

In the 1960s it was the Politicians but now People on the ground are VOLUNTEERING.

@levina @JanjaWeed @Indischer @INDIC your comments mates?

I think India needs one common language that unites it.And which language can be better than hindi, which is understood by roughly 60% of the population.
Frankly its not the south that worries me but its the North eastern states, though they dont resist learning hindi like tamilians did but still I see them using it much lesser than the southies.
And its a very ludicrous ruling by Tamili govt that ONLY tamil can be taught till grade 10.
Its a proven scientific fact that the brain develops with every extra language learnt.
Its high time hindi is introduced in schools of Tamilnadu.

Dont we have a similar rule in Kerala??

I think it makes sense as @Ravi Nair @Indischer & @levina already know more Hindi than their own local languages & now they're learning Urdu to come into my good-books (not that I'm gonna let them till they stop feeding me coconut dosas every time I visit them) ! :unsure:

Yes I am learning to read urdu.:agree:..I heard its similar to arabic.(Though my arabic isn't perfect but I am "trying"to learn you know)
Levina in urdu....


@Armstrong did that pic turn sidewise??? :(

Btw whats a COCONUT dosa???
Its coconut chutney and dosa. :p:
Yes I am learning to read urdu.:agree:..I heard its similar to arabic.(Though my arabic isn't perfect but I am "trying"to learn you know)
Levina in urdu....

View attachment 35234

@Armstrong did that pic turn sidewise??? :(

Btw whats a COCONUT dosa???
Its coconut chutney and dosa. :p:

That ain't Levina in Urdu ! :o:

I was made to eat a coconut dosa or some similarly distasteful dish in Singapore by your South Indian compatriots ! :angry:

You South Indians tried to kill me with such bland food - I could sue you right now ! :mad: :lol:
Rightwing beliefs - Integrate nation by falsifying AIT for OIT, Enforcing a language(Hindi) foreign to most of Indians. goes on...
That ain't Levina in Urdu ! :o:

I was made to eat a coconut dosa or some similarly distasteful dish in Singapore by your South Indian compatriots ! :angry:

You South Indians tried to kill me with such bland food - I could sue you right now ! :mad: :lol:
coconut dosa ! whats that !!

Urdu originated in the upper doab or in Western Rohilakhand in all probability between 10th to 12th century AD and it was developed from vernacular Indian dialects called Apabhransh (like khari boli, Mewati or Hariyani), a Prakrit offshoot. I find it funny when some Pakistanis obstinately refuse to believe in the Indian origin of Urdu. Speaking a language that has it's roots across the border does not make you less patriotic.When are you going to realize this simple thing?
Rightwing beliefs - Integrate nation by falsifying AIT for OIT, Enforcing a language(Hindi) foreign to most of Indians. goes on...

There is no question of enforcement if we are talking about an 'optional' language. Get that through your head
I mean whats the fuss? Everyone here have the option of selecting their own languages. It ain't compulsory till 10th.
This news is false and fake. In govt schools, there is no option, but private schools, offer a variety of languages, and Hindi is the preferred second language for those who want to take it and write in 10th Public exams.
Hamare yahan hindi panchvi kaksha se compulsory hey ..in college its optional ..apart from tamilnadu its a compulsory subject in all southern states i think ..if you learn a language then you will be having keys to open a door of new culture ..if you hesitate then its your loss
Awesome news :yahoo:
I wanna see opinion of South Indians members :pop:
I am all for hindi or sanskrit.I took hindi in 10th class instead of special english and sanskrit in 10+2 intead of french and german.I am from AP:D Btw,hindi is never a problem for hyderabad people.All of them know hindi along with telugu.
Go to UP to learn do you
UP do not have monopoly over Hindi. Hindi is mother tongue of many in Haryana, Uttarakhand, bihar, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya pradesh, Delhi, Jharkhand. Though originated in West UP. You can go to any of the above mentioned states to learn hindi.
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