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'We Want Hindi': In Tamil Nadu, New Demand Speaks Language of Change

We Know how to handle it
We need more time to reveal other such states who need to be liberated. Soon the situation will be out of control :lol:
the truth is no monopoly of hindi except in bollywood. in schools and universities language of teaching is English and all companies work done only in Hindi
What English was this?

You are saying that:
  1. There is no monopoly of Hindi except in Bollywood. (means that Hindi has its monopoly in Bollywood).
  2. All the schools and universities have adopted Hindi instead of other local languages. (means that Hindi has its monopoly school, universities and offices too).
You are taking away the rights to learn local languages from your own citizens.
We need more time to reveal other such states who need to be liberated. Soon the situation will be out of control :lol:

What English was this?

You are saying that:
  1. There is no monopoly of Hindi except in Bollywood. (means that Hindi has its monopoly in Bollywood).
  2. All the schools and universities have adopted Hindi instead of other local languages. (means that Hindi has its monopoly school, universities and offices too).
You are taking away the rights to learn local languages from your own citizens.


Bollywood means only "Hindi" films. In India every language has it's own film industry (tollywood, lollywood, kollywood etc)

Hindi is an optional language in all the states. A student can choose the language he wants to learn
We need more time to reveal other such states who need to be liberated. Soon the situation will be out of control :lol:

What English was this?

You are saying that:
  1. There is no monopoly of Hindi except in Bollywood. (means that Hindi has its monopoly in Bollywood).
  2. All the schools and universities have adopted Hindi instead of other local languages. (means that Hindi has its monopoly school, universities and offices too).
You are taking away the rights to learn local languages from your own citizens.

bollywood has universal appeal across india (may be more in north, but certainly in south too), and hindi is the medium of bollywood.

very few universities teach in hindi. language of medium in universities is predominantly english so is the work environment across india
politics.. politics... politics... nothing else! TN politicians feel that their exclusive political playground will be free for all, should there be any external influence with regard to the language & culture. This has to change!
north indian should learn one south language and south indian should learn hindi. all the controversy will end.

I completely agree. All Indians must learn at least two Official Languages.

Bollywood means only "Hindi" films. In India every language has it's own film industry (tollywood, lollywood, kollywood etc)

Hindi is an optional language in all the states. A student can choose the language he wants to learn
So you are not even united. All of you have their own languages, industries etc.

If Hindi is optional then why they are demanding to demand speak of language? Probably because they are not allowed to learn it.
bollywood has universal appeal across india (may be more in north, but certainly in south too), and hindi is the medium of bollywood.

very few universities teach in hindi. language of medium in universities is predominantly english so is the work environment across india
Then they will also have institutes who can teach them Hindi or English. Why they demand the change?
Learning other lang is not bad for profit but tamil should be the priority :)
who can disagree. imo at least one extra language should be introduced to kids other than his/her MT and English.

Politicians want to maintain the monopoly of Hindi language in every state of India. It is the time for Tamils to stand up against it and liberate themselves..

haha this coming form a nation on which an indian language Urdu was imposed !!

Tamil Going to Stay here period ;)

who is removing tamil !!

So you are not even united. All of you have their own languages, industries etc.

If Hindi is optional then why they are demanding to demand speak of language? Probably because they are not allowed to learn it.

Then they will also have institutes who can teach them Hindi or English. Why they demand the change?

they demanding to learn because they want to learn ! its not pakistan where one urdu fits all size !!
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bollywood has universal appeal across india (may be more in north, but certainly in south too), and hindi is the medium of bollywood.

very few universities teach in hindi. language of medium in universities is predominantly english so is the work environment across india

I did my B.Tech. from IIT Kharagpur. Even though the language of instruction is English, Hindi is the language of communication for all practical purposes because not all Indians are convent educated and a majority of them come from very humble background, hence natural conversation is generally carried out in Hindi even inside the class-rooms and labs.

There is a life beyond the academic block and Hindi is the only practical solution for breaking the language barrier, for making friends and for fully enjoying the campus life because the student community has representation from almost all states of India.

My classroom had two foreign students one from Singapore, another one from Germany. By the end of the final year both could understand fair bit of Hindi, the girl from Singapore became quite fluent in Hindi.
So you are not even united. All of you have their own languages, industries etc.

If Hindi is optional then why they are demanding to demand speak of language? Probably because they are not allowed to learn it.

Then they will also have institutes who can teach them Hindi or English. Why they demand the change?

some demand for broader reasons such as national unity, some for narrower reasons such as cultural hegemony
Politicians want to maintain the monopoly of Hindi language in every state of India. It is the time for Tamils to stand up against it and liberate themselves..


Thanks to YOUR experience with Bangladesh, our Politicians learnt that a LANGUAGE can never be FORCED on someone, instead we made states on Linguistic lines & gave there languages a recognition in the constitution.

But see the EFFECT of changing times, b'coz of Bollywood, TV & other media penetration along with job opportunities & Hindi becoming a Pan Indian MEDIA of communication just like English as an International Media. People in the south are themselves wanting to learn Hindi, no one is FORCING them.

In the 1960s it was the Politicians but now People on the ground are VOLUNTEERING.

@levina @JanjaWeed @Indischer @INDIC your comments mates?
haha this coming form a nation on which an indian language Urdu was imposed !!
Bhai Urdu is not an Indian language but a Hindustani language. It was created by Muslims who have ruled you in the past.

they demanding to learn because they want to learn ! its not pakistan where one urdu fits all size !!
You are talking about Pakistan not India. You can learn any language you want. Only Urdu and English are compulsory.

some demand for broader reasons such as national unity, some for narrower reasons such as cultural hegemony
You should do what we did. Make Hindi compulsory to learn but allow them learn all of their local languages.


Thanks to YOUR experience with Bangladesh, our Politicians learnt that a LANGUAGE can never be FORCED on someone, instead we made states on Linguistic lines & gave there languages a recognition in the constitution.

But see the EFFECT of changing times, b'coz of Bollywood, TV & other media penetration along with job opportunities & Hindi becoming a Pan Indian MEDIA of communication just like English as an International Media. People in the south are themselves wanting to learn Hindi, no one is FORCING them.

In the 1960s it was the Politicians but now People on the ground are VOLUNTEERING.

@levina @JanjaWeed @Indischer @INDIC your comments mates?
As I said, you should do what we did. Make Hindi compulsory to learn but allow them to learn their local languages. Otherwise, the problem will stay there.

It seems like Urdu is very popular in India too.

Bhai Urdu is not an Indian language but a Hindustani language. It was created by Muslims who have ruled you in the past.

You are talking about Pakistan not India. You can learn any language you want. Only Urdu and English are compulsory.

You should do what we did. Make Hindi compulsory to learn but allow them learn all of their local languages.

As I said, you should do what we did. Make Hindi compulsory to learn but allow them to learn their local languages. Otherwise, the problem will stay there.

It seems like Urdu is very popular in India too.


those who created it are still living in india. why it is being imposed on poor punjabis, sindhis, baloch and pashtuns and who have nothing to do with Urdu. ?
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