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We stand with Pakistan: Hillary Clinton

USA is following the policy of maintaining the great divide between India , Pakistan and China, and pro American Pakistani Establishement is to some extent backing this policy , the disputes like Kashmir continue to haunt Indo Pak ties and as usuall other will make the most of it ... !!!
To the best of my understanding, the US is no friend of Pakistan, indeed it cannot be and is actually the greatest external threat to Pakistan -- a threat that the leadership of the army thinks it can discount.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting that it's a good thing, on the contrary, it's sad and dangerous.

There are, it seems to me, two ways for Pakistan to deal with the threat emanating from the US, one is to capitulate and become US puppet, alternately if Pakistan wants to be free, it must reform it's political system such that it's politicians are no longer able to threaten the dismemberment of Pakistan based on ethnic and linguistic, religious basis. Besides her continual political weakness, the unwillingness to acknowledge reality of experience over ideology, continues to ensure that the Pakistan economy can never live up to it's true potential.

In all these problems, the US has not in the last 60 years, been a sincere friend, it can talk the talk, it CANNOT walk the walk.
Thats our problem with you, Hillary, please stand a little away from us!


Is this good enough ;)

Is this good enough ;)

You don't understand, she is really a Fairy Godmother !!!
See? She is blessing the agreement with magic words. She accidentaly stood on the Afghan side even though she says that US stands with us.
Once again, we would like to reaffirm Secretary Of State, Hillary Clinton’s warm wishes of good will and continued alliance between Pakistan and the US. We also understand that great sacrifices must be made in order to ensure that the future of our children is safe from the extremist ideology of terrorists who do not respect the laws of warfare and the international standard of human rights.

CDR Bill Speaks,
DET – U.S. Central Command
U.S. Central Command

First, I sincerely thank the US for its good wishes to the Pakistani nation.

Second, the alliance is obviously restricted to WoT as so many US officials have clearly pointed out in their comments. So the word alliance is quite misleading and acts like salt on our wounds.

The terms 'Merely An Alliance Against Terrorism' or 'Limited Partnership For A Certain Period' would have been more accurate.

We have yet to see serious support from the US. If you truly believe that Pakistan is an ally (apparently a Major non-NATO Ally), then kindly remove unnecessary restrictions on defence equipment citing concerns about use against India.

Don't you think that we would feel more secure and relaxed about our security if there was some parity between India and Pakistan's conventional strength?
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