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We should stay in Iraq and keep their oil : Donald trump


Aug 9, 2010
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DONALD TRUMP: I've never said this before. This is the first on your show. Good luck with it. Run with it. In the old days when you had wars, you win, right? You win. To the victor belonged the spoils. So when we go to Iraq, we spend $1.4 trillion so far and thousands of lives are lost, right? And not to mention all the poor guys and gals with one arm and no arm and all the facts, right?

BILL O'REILLY: Absolutely. Right.

TRUMP: And we're going to leave and 15 minutes after we leave, Iran is going to go into Iraq.

O'REILLY: And what do you do to Iran if that happens if you are president?

TRUMP: Nobody is going to have enough heart to want to go back.

O'REILLY: No, no but you are going to be president.

TRUMP: You've got to stay and keep the oil.

O'REILLY: You're going to be -- you're going to be in office, Iran comes in, tries to take the oil. What do you do?

TRUMP: Bill, Bill, you stay and you keep the oil. If Iran is going to take over the oil, we stay and we keep the oil.

O'REILLY: All right. But if they're out of there, which they will be…

TRUMP: Excuse me.

O'REILLY: …in '12 they are going to be out of there. So say you win the presidency.

TRUMP: We shouldn't be out of there. What we should do is take over…

O'REILLY: Shouldn't, wouldn't, Obama is going to pull them.

TRUMP: Bill, Bill.

O'REILLY: There's going to be about 20,000 left.

TRUMP: As sure as you are sitting there, Iran, two minutes after we leave, Iran is going to come in…

O'REILLY: We know that.

TRUMP: …and take over the oil.

O'REILLY: Well, what do you do about it?

TRUMP: You stay and protect the oil and you take the oil and you take whatever is necessary for them and you take what's necessary for us and we pay our self back $1.5 trillion or more. We take care of Britain, we take care of other countries that helped us and we don't be so stupid.

You know, we're the only country and if you look at wars over the years and I study wars, OK? My whole life is a war. You look at wars over the years. A country goes in, they conquer and they stay. We go in, we conquer and then we leave. And we hand it to people that we don't even know. Now, who are the people that are going to be running Iraq? The person that hates the United States the most will be running Iraq. So, in a nutshell, we go in, we take over the second largest oil fields and we stay.

Trump: Stay in Iraq and Take Over the Oil - OPEC - Fox Nation

What happened to Mr trump? he is only talking about the american casualties what about the hundreds of thousands of iraqi civilians that were killed? dont they matter? i mean a life is a life doesnt matter if its iraqi or american all are precious .The last time i saw Mr trump on CNN he was blasting GW bush invasion of iraq why suddenly he made this U turn....politics? i hope he does not become the president of america any time soon....the world cannot handle another bush :disagree:
the US can keep guzzling oil and making enemies and overextending itself, while we consolidate our position and invest in science and technology. once Africa and Asia quit Arab controlled (US controlled) petrol and quit the USD, the US will be reduced to a 3rd world agricultural exporter stuck on yesterday's technology.
The depth of their ignorance, and the number of half-truths their media makes every segment of the population believe, is astounding.

So - the US goes into Iraq with manufactured evidence, use their media to create mass-hysteria about WEAPONS of MASS DESTRUCTION OMG!!!#($)@#, ridicule the UN(which then president bush would take jabs at by calling it names like "Usually Nothing" and many others), coercing, manipulating, and silencing it, and invades this country. They kill MILLIONS of people, I read that it was 1.5 million natives, but I read that two years ago.

And the perspective Trump - and quiet likely alot of other US citizens take, is that the US is so generous. They conquer and leave. They should stay and get their investment back. The ground reality is that the US can't stay. No matter how powerful your army is, if the whole population is hostile, you loose out. The US is leaving because it's had it's military -ets kicked, the frat boys their army consists of has very limited discipline. They've played Call of Duty and Counterstrike and just feel that it's so kewl and manly to take headshots and kill people, the pure *joy* of that. Numerous incidents of them doing that with civilians, blackwater convoys driving up the wrong way, on a one-way road and shooting all incomming traffic, *many* many incidents like that.

Their artfully controlled dissemination of facts, half-truths, and outright lies makes the population hold delusional opinions. Good for them.
Halaku Khan of our time.

There are so many civilian killing crimes done by US army in Iraq never unfolded by media or by other sources & after all they expect run oil business with limited chance of civilian hurdles!

Not as they assume, they can't stay there long. All depends over Iraqi government with people's will.
the US can keep guzzling oil and making enemies and overextending itself, while we consolidate our position and invest in science and technology. once Africa and Asia quit Arab controlled (US controlled) petrol and quit the USD, the US will be reduced to a 3rd world agricultural exporter stuck on yesterday's technology.

Wait till the fall of Saudi Arabia, there won't be any USD anymore. The chain of events is already leading upto it i.e., Bahrain & Syria need to be downed first. W/o USD and US T-bills, it won't even remain a 3rd world country, just a matter of time, it is ordained they say...
the US can keep guzzling oil and making enemies and overextending itself, while we consolidate our position and invest in science and technology. once Africa and Asia quit Arab controlled (US controlled) petrol and quit the USD, the US will be reduced to a 3rd world agricultural exporter stuck on yesterday's technology.

Seems pretty hypocritical since China has been on a buying binge around the world buying up as much of the worlds resources as it can. The day will come though when other countries of the world will wake up to this fact. And at least the U.S. is working at becoming more energy independent. China is in fact going the opposite direction.

I see many here boast about China's solar power industry. Yet China doesn't appear to be using much of that production for domestic use. It is mainly exported to other countries. Guess who is the main customer for China's solar panels? Yep! the United States. In fact China's cheap labor makes it easier for for Americans to afford upgrading their homes with solar energy. Also did you know that it's U.S. research into Solar energy technology that China uses in it's own industry? So you could say The U.S. supplies the brains and China the labor.
Seems pretty hypocritical since China has been on a buying binge around the world buying up as much of the worlds resources as it can. The day will come though when other countries of the world will wake up to this fact. And at least the U.S. is working at becoming more energy independent. China is in fact going the opposite direction.

I see many here boast about China's solar power industry. Yet China doesn't appear to be using much of that production for domestic use. It is mainly exported to other countries. Guess who is the main customer for China's solar panels? Yep! the United States. In fact China's cheap labor makes it easier for for Americans to afford upgrading their homes with solar energy. Also did you know that it's U.S. research into Solar energy technology that China uses in it's own industry? So you could say The U.S. supplies the brains and China the labor.

Ahhhhmmmmm, have you been keeping up with the news lately? China is first in investment in clean technology. The US is THIRD, behind Germany.

You said it clearly: China buys the commodities it needs. Whereas the US burns and pillages like the barbarian hordes and then steals the oil it needs.
Ahhhhmmmmm, have you been keeping up with the news lately? China is first in investment in clean technology. The US is THIRD, behind Germany.

You said it clearly: China buys the commodities it needs. Whereas the US burns and pillages like the barbarian hordes and then steals the oil it needs.

point out exactly where the U.S. "burns and pillages like the barbarian hordes and then steals the oil it needs." what countries are you referring to?

"China is first in investment in clean technology."
Yes China is the #1 solar energy manufacturer. but as I said before they use very little of what they produce. It's mainly for the export market to Europe and the U.S.

Ohh, and don't put to much stock in what Donald Trump says. He is deliberately trying to create controversy. It puts him in the headlines.
well at least he's being honest about it.
Seems pretty hypocritical since China has been on a buying binge around the world buying up as much of the worlds resources as it can. The day will come though when other countries of the world will wake up to this fact. And at least the U.S. is working at becoming more energy independent. China is in fact going the opposite direction.

What kind of investments is the US making to encourage the above? With the US current Suburban lifestyles and car driving culture I don't really see that happening, are there any investments to say high speed rail for transportation or other improvements in the transport sector?
What kind of investments is the US making to encourage the above? With the US current Suburban lifestyles and car driving culture I don't really see that happening, are there any investments to say high speed rail for transportation or other improvements in the transport sector?

Several steps actually. Improving fuel efficiency standards, using alternative fuel (biodiesel, ethanol mix gasoline, electric, electric-hybrid), investing on solar and wind energy, investing in HSR is of course one of them. More and more people are getting aware of this and already trying to find homes closer to their work place, taking public transportation to work, carpooling etc.

The good thing is that the US has enough petroleum reserves to carry it through 2030 and there is ample time to make improvements.
Several steps actually. Improving fuel efficiency standards, using alternative fuel (biodiesel, ethanol mix gasoline, electric, electric-hybrid), investing on solar and wind energy, investing in HSR is of course one of them. More and more people are getting aware of this and already trying to find homes closer to their work place, taking public transportation to work, carpooling etc.

The good thing is that the US has enough petroleum reserves to carry it through 2030 and there is ample time to make improvements.

To be honest mate I am not 100% convinced the US can stay on the path to be energy independent. But of course this time things are a bit different now that the companies which caused the demise of the US public transportation have weakened considerably (i.e GM, Chrysler etc). I saw documentaries which showed US leading the drive on fuel efficiency during the Oil embargo years only to scrap them after the situation has eased.

But being in the US you would know more about the governments commitment energy efficiency so I would defer to your opinion.
China is leader is solar energy because out of all powerful nations, India and China will be the first to be effected by global warming
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