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We Shall Conquer Turkey - ISIS

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Syrian Lion

Feb 6, 2012
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Syrian Arab Republic
Syrian Arab Republic
The AKP monster is biting the hand that fed them
ISIL Threatens Erdoğan: We Shall Conquer Turkey and Put an End to Your Rule
The Wahhabi terrorist group known as the "Islamic State" (IS, aka ISIL or ISIS) has released a propaganda video in which the group attacks Turkey and its president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, whom ISIL refers to mockingly as the Caliph of the Muslim Brotherhood. The group threatens to conquer Turkey and put an end to Erdoğan's rule.

Turkey has been accused by several regional and Western countries of providing aid to Wahhabi terrorists, including ISIL militants, and facilitating their crossing into Syria from its territories to fight against the Syrian government. However, its recent agreement to participate in the US-led coalition against ISIL due to American pressure has apparently led to blowback.

The AKP monster is biting the hand that fed them
ISIL Threatens Erdoğan: We Shall Conquer Turkey and Put an End to Your Rule
The Wahhabi terrorist group known as the "Islamic State" (IS, aka ISIL or ISIS) has released a propaganda video in which the group attacks Turkey and its president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, whom ISIL refers to mockingly as the Caliph of the Muslim Brotherhood. The group threatens to conquer Turkey and put an end to Erdoğan's rule.
Turkey has been accused by several regional and Western countries of providing aid to Wahhabi terrorists, including ISIL militants, and facilitating their crossing into Syria from its territories to fight against the Syrian government. However, its recent agreement to participate in the US-led coalition against ISIL due to American pressure has apparently led to blowback.

Made up biassed view from our Syrian friend again.
More on the topic.

They threatened first in March
ISIL threatens to demolish the tomb | MidEast | Daily Sabah

Later in August.
VIDEO: ISIL threatens to 'liberate' Istanbul - MIDEAST

Now another threat in October. Not a big news.
Made up biassed view from our Syrian friend again.

it is the truth.... come on we all know it, it is history repeating itself... don't tell me you don't know who created AQ and supported Bin Laden, it was the west, and now the same thing in Syria, the west and their puppets supported and created a strong I$I$...
IS threatened if Turkey participates in crusader alliance.
IS threatened if Turkey participates in crusader alliance.
Stop being delusional, thats a open threat just like all the other ones before, Turkey is allready in the alliance.
You participate in killing of IS fighters or related civilians, they hit back. Naturally.
They allready killed a soldier and a police officer of us, they declared jihad on Turkey long time ago, i cant understand how you can support those savages even against your own state.
They allready killed a soldier and a police officer of us, they declared jihad on Turkey long time ago, i cant understand how you can support those savages even against your own state.

I dont want a war on Syrian and Iraqi Arabs. Point.
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