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‘We often sleep empty stomach’: BSF jawan’s video exposes the mess caused by corruption

Kid, my ***, when I am fighting for my country, u are still shitting ur pants

Kid, my ***, when I am fighting for my country, u are still shitting ur pants

Obviously u are a sissy knows nothing about disapline, sacrifice and honor

Oh yes! Only the Chinese know about those three. No one else in the world does.
Kid, my ***, when I am fighting for my country, u are still shitting ur pants

Obviously u are a sissy knows nothing about disapline, sacrifice and honor
What about chest thumping everywhere like sissies?
Now this:

BSF और CRPF के जवान के बाद लांस नायक यज्ञ प्रताप का वीडियो, कपड़े धुलवाना, कुत्ते घुमाना, बूट पॉलिश कराने का आरोप goo.gl/91s543
Big country big mess & takes big time to take measure.
But after 70 years you have 12 million stunted out of 180 million population.It's a pathetic sham..

FYI Pakistani Economy Has Suffered More Than $100 Billion Losses In The War on Terror.But Please Explain How The Supa Powa Has Managed It's Problem.You Will Then Come to Realize That "Shining India" Is A Sham
FYI Pakistani Economy Has Suffered More Than $100 Billion Losses In The War on Terror.But Please Explain How The Supa Powa Has Managed It's Problem.You Will Then Come to Realize That "Shining India" Is A Sham
Well it's your bad foreign policies & reluctant govt in both cases...
Indian Army jawans no wonder now look malnuritished, dark and weak, corruption destroys India from inside.
Indian Army jawans no wonder now look malnuritished, dark and weak, corruption destroys India from inside.
Stop bumping up old threads.
Also, dark skin has nothing to do with being poorly fed professor genius.
Dark skin is nothing bad either.
Stop bumping up old threads.
Also, dark skin has nothing to do with being poorly fed professor genius.
Dark skin is nothing bad either.

You have a problem go away. Dark skin is the issue i.e the sense is, burning in hot sun, skin burns all over body and poorly fed, ur army jawans become weak, malnourished and not battle ready. Your jawans are in capable to fight.
You have a problem go away. Dark skin is the issue i.e the sense is, burning in hot sun, skin burns all over body and poorly fed, ur army jawans become weak, malnourished and not battle ready. Your jawans are in capable to fight.

Are u really a sane person? Dark skin doesn’t signify anything but genetic mix of person that’s it in general. If a white goes dark then needs to be an medical investigation. Indians in general are not bulky muscling personalities. Depending of food habits body structure is formed hence don’t judge a person by his physical personality. In general Indian military canteens food is envied as I have personally seen. So one of incident doesn’t mean anything.
also few begs Pakistani Army for left over food.

and indians talk big every where.......such a low level indians are.
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