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We need to talk about Indians and their "fakeness" in regards to Turkey, Islam, Japan and the West

Oh Mister IQ level does not mean top positions, here in dublin I have seen many pakistani engineers and doctors while a very few indians on these positions, you will find most draft men here are indians, small business are dominated by pakistani's while in Iberia and france there many business tycoons from pakistan but the problem is the government never approaches them. We can have far better infulence than indians in west sadly the government and army is just busy fu**** at home.
If you had that great of influence in west, this thread would have never existed in the first place.

Ireland is not exactly a country that I will count on for anything anywhere. Sure its a nice country and its in Europe and has a good presence of major tech giants but thats all about it. Its usually not the first country that comes to your mind when you say "west". It has no major diplomatic clout nor any major social media or ICT companies that are relevant here.

There are about 45K Indians living in ireland, mostly working in engineering, IT, medical and finance. Unfortunately, I could not find a break-up of Ireland's foreign-born or ethnic-Indian/Pakistani income so I can not comment on that.

Small businesses are fine but none of them can amount to any influence globally. I mean how much influence can a restaurant generate?

Coming to france! I will need more data before I can comment on this.

Now there may be business tycoons of Pakistani-origin .....but.... take one Lakshmipati Mittal (A hindu Bania none the less!) and then use that as a yardstick to measure those tycoons.

As far as "I have seen more XXX than YYY" goes, its human nature. You buy a Punto, suddenly you start noticing more Punto around you. Not that you should buy Punto. But thats the way mind works. You see more of what you have or are.
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Well, the OP isn't wrong. Look at what that "satire" led to. False reoirts throughout multiple countries and thousands of people who believed them. And, that wasn't there only thing the OP quoted, he also pointed out other disinformation from India.

@RescueRanger you shouldn't be recating to this indian troll's anti-Pakistan tweet.
Yar im reacting because it only confirms my original thoughts - this thread is full of trolls.
. .
...and people who refuse to accept the simple fact that one shouldn't enter another person's house without getting properly invited beforehand.

What's wrong with Turks complaining about illegal immigration from South Asia? It's a given that Indians are going to exploit the situation but the general attitude in the Turkish society is shifting with respect to Pakistan.

This is not the fault of people who voice their concerns. Don't blame the victim.
Firstly who the duck are you? Secondly and more importantly - Who’s blaming the victim?
Here is a paper which argues against veracity of Lynn's work.

Wayback Machine
In short it finds :
1. Richard Lynn et al did "inappropriate use and interpretations of statistical instruments".
2. Richard Lynn did not have IQ for all the countries measured directly and only had data for 81 of 185 countries they study. Rest they extrapolated from things like "Racial groups" --which they did not even explain properly. I mean many people here argue that Indians and Pakistani are of different racial groups yet Lynn's work treat them as same racial group.
3. Their model is not complex enough to model realities of nations and population at large.

Hence all the websites that cite IQ by nationality tend to be incorrect because almost all of them pick their data from Richard Lynn's work.
There are both sides of counter-arguments in this category. One paper doesn't discredit the study(s). There are things like PISA scores in which India underperformed which are independent of Richard Lynn's studies. India doesn't have even a respectable record in exact hard sciences competitions or long term research like International Mathematical Olympiads. It is possible that both Pakistan and India have deficiency in inherent intelligence, this could be partly or wholly due to Flynn effect - this explains the rigid social structures, lack of social discipline and superstitious societies.

Regarding Pakistan's underachievements, it could be due to highly religious culture rather than an inadequacy in IQ compared to India.
Well, when it comes to being a migrant, Pakstani have a bigger ratio of their population. Pakistani diaspora is about 9 million, India's is just twice of that ie 18 million. I don't need to tell you that India is 6 times in population of Pakistan (and right now, 10 times in GDP, but that is a discussion for another day). But when it comes to occupying top position in west, very few Pakistanis exist.

I guess, high IQ does not even exist anywhere in Pakistanis. Right? Migrants or otherwise.
The bottom segment of Pakistani society is far more mobile. The vast majority of that 9 million Pakistani's come from the very lowest tier of society, In India your equivalent shudra, dalits etc are so crushed by social discrimination that there is zero chance of any of them ending up in London, Los Angeles or New York.

A good % of Indians in west come from upper classes or educated middle class segment of society. If India itself was representative of the Indian diaspora you guys would be ahead of Israel or Sweden.

Instead for all your bragging India is in the same league as Pakistan. Counting few hairs extra does not make much differance.

India has only 25-30% larger economy by population compared to Pakistan. This is nothing. Which is why when you cross from Pakistan into India it's not case of Delhi to Shanghai but more or less the same.

A more telling differance is China versus India. The former has 400% larger economy then India. This figure really transaltes into tangible differance.

The way Indians brag is it would have us believe instead of that poxy 25% differance your 4,000% ahead.

Some people in this thread simply refuse to accept that the responsibility lies with the illegal immigrants and not with the host nation. The harsh reaction of some Turks on the internet is nothing but a reflection of the terrible behavior of certain groups.
Agreed 100%.
Some people in this thread simply refuse to accept
The fundamental problem is the way Pakistani society has evolved over the last 70 years and particularly last 40 years since Zia's decade of 1980s.

Religion has been used to toxify people. There is this mythical image of Islam where everything is perfect. This mythical world tagged as 'Muslim' where everything is perfect. It's a mass scale pychosis.

The problem is most of those who carry this dream in their head never live up to it's exacting standards. It might not matter too much but this illusion often collides with the real world. And nothing is more evoctive then the female form.

I laughed at how Pakistani's carrying this image of uber Muslim Ertrugrul and the uber Muslim lady Halime crash land when they saw real life images of her dressed as what most ladies dress in the world today. The result was tirade of abuse against her.

This is example of collision of that delusion with reality. On the ground when this happens the results are the abuse and sexual harassment of females because in their eyes they are just trash or fallen women. Anything less than a uber Muslim lady is trash and worthy of abuse etc.
The bottom segment of Pakistani society is far more mobile. The vast majority of that 9 million Pakistani's come from the very lowest tier of society, In India your equivalent shudra, dalits etc are so crushed by social discrimination that there is zero chance of any of them ending up in London, Los Angeles or New York.
Do they matter in influencing policies of likes of Twitter/Google/Amazon/Microsoft/US? I doubt.

I do not deny social mobility and I appreciate the fact that its these folks who have actually kept Pakistani Rupee above water with their outsized contribution in terms of remittances to the point that this remittance is bigger than Pakistan's exports at times (2020, exports : 25 billion, remittance : 29.4 billion) . Thats all good and fine, but none of them could entice Google to open a massive development centre in Pakistan or influence pro-Pakistan policies on twitter for instance. Thats what Indian diaspora does.

A good % of Indians in west come from upper classes or educated middle class segment of society. If India itself was representative of the Indian diaspora you guys would be ahead of Israel or Sweden.

Instead for all your bragging India is in the same league as Pakistan. Counting few hairs extra does not make much differance.
Except its not just few more hair, its a whole headful of hair. It does not matter to the point relevant to this thread that if every single person in India is skeleton and skin poor, it will still apply that diaspora of India has more favourable influence. I grant you that in India every Indian is so poor that they eat once in 3 months and most die of hunger. I grant you that unlike Pakistan 98% of children who are born in India die before 1st week. It will NOT still change the fact relevant to this thread : Contribution of Indian diaspora to influence of western new-age media.

India has only 25-30% larger economy by population compared to Pakistan. This is nothing. Which is why when you cross from Pakistan into India it's not case of Delhi to Shanghai but more or less the same.
More like 36-38% ahead of Pakistan on a nominal per-capita scale.

Remember, Pakistan was the next Asian Tiger and India had Hindu Rate of Growth. By that measure it should have been where Korea and Taiwan are today. Or atleast where Vietnam is. With its size, geography, demographics and foreign relations in 60s or 70s. India was always a MASSIVE cesspool which could only have few islands of properity due to its sheer size. It was never supposed to defeat Pakistan on a per-capita basis in this timeframe because of its sheer size. Look at China and Taiwan. On a per-capita Taiwan has always been ahead and achieved it in much smaller time. Simply put, its easy to steer smaller countries in right direction.
A more telling differance is China versus India. The former has 400% larger economy then India. This figure really transaltes into tangible differance.
India can NEVER compete with Chinese economy. Period. India will always be one fourth of Chinese economy AT BEST and more like one tenth of Chinese economy. It has nothing to do with ANY thing like IQ or race or genetics or education or anything like that.

Why? NO ONE can make Indians do what Chinese government made Chinese do to achieve this economy and how it manages Chinese society. Simple case, look at farm laws. If Chinese had introduced farm laws, it would have never attracted the attention it got, it would have never been reported anywhere and protesters would have been dealt swiftly. Democracy comes at a price, often too high. A Pakistani by now should know it, right?

The way Indians brag is it would have us believe instead of that poxy 25% differance your 4,000% ahead.
What an Indian brags is that a fast race car of small size (Pakistan economy of 60s and 70s) is getting beaten by a slow moving poorly maintained dump truck (India economy of past present and future) is something to brag about.

This was simply not possible. This should never have been possible. This was worse than impossible.

Oh, btw, difference is more like 36-38%. India China ratio in GDP per capita is more like 684% (13000 / 1900).
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The bottom segment of Pakistani society is far more mobile. The vast majority of that 9 million Pakistani's come from the very lowest tier of society, In India your equivalent shudra, dalits etc are so crushed by social discrimination that there is zero chance of any of them ending up in London, Los Angeles or New York.

A good % of Indians in west come from upper classes or educated middle class segment of society. If India itself was representative of the Indian diaspora you guys would be ahead of Israel or Sweden.

Instead for all your bragging India is in the same league as Pakistan. Counting few hairs extra does not make much differance.

India has only 25-30% larger economy by population compared to Pakistan. This is nothing. Which is why when you cross from Pakistan into India it's not case of Delhi to Shanghai but more or less the same.

A more telling differance is China versus India. The former has 400% larger economy then India. This figure really transaltes into tangible differance.

The way Indians brag is it would have us believe instead of that poxy 25% differance your 4,000% ahead.

Agreed 100%.
Our real economy is much larger than what we see on paper. For example our underground economy is actually larger than our current GDP. This is what the pajeets dont know. They always like to quote "10 times larger gdp". Our real gdp nominal should be in the 500-600 billion USD range. Which means that GDP per capita is almost the same.
I'm Turkish and I've just decided to join the forum.

Some people in this thread simply refuse to accept that the responsibility lies with the illegal immigrants and not with the host nation. The harsh reaction of some Turks on the internet is nothing but a reflection of the terrible behavior of certain groups.
What part of Turkey are you from?

How did you find PDF? What drove you to join our humble forum?

And since we are on the subject of certain groups ? Elaborate on that for me whilst we are here 😊
. .
Our real economy is much larger than what we see on paper. For example our underground economy is actually larger than our current GDP. This is what the pajeets dont know. They always like to quote "10 times larger gdp". Our real gdp nominal should be in the 500-600 billion USD range. Which means that GDP per capita is almost the same.
Yes, I am very well aware of that. I often watch travel vlogs who tour Pakistan and then cross into India. There appears to be no visibl;e differance in living standards or development between both countries - arguably if anything Pakistan appears better off and cleaner.

The hidden economy is not surprising given the corruption problem we have in Pakistan. But you think 'pajeets' will accept this? No because it goes against their narrative.
There are both sides of counter-arguments in this category. One paper doesn't discredit the study(s). There are things like PISA scores in which India underperformed which are independent of Richard Lynn's studies. India doesn't have even a respectable record in exact hard sciences competitions or long term research like International Mathematical Olympiads. It is possible that both Pakistan and India have deficiency in inherent intelligence, this could be partly or wholly due to Flynn effect - this explains the rigid social structures, lack of social discipline and superstitious societies.

Regarding Pakistan's underachievements, it could be due to highly religious culture rather than an inadequacy in IQ compared to India.
Average Pakistani IQ is higher than average Indian IQ. Not that it matters anyway....
Average Pakistani IQ is higher than average Indian IQ. Not that it matters anyway....

Indians have higher IQ than Pakistanis, idiot!

Highest earning ethnic group in USA
#1 Indian

Also, look at the share of employees by ethnicity in Microsoft: https://query.prod.cms.rt.microsoft.com/cms/api/am/binary/RE4aqv1
It has 52% Ethnic whites and 33% Asians. Now Asians can be any type of asian including Japanese, Chinese etc etc etc. Assuming Asian Indians make up of 17% of workforce and rest asians (Chinese, Japanese, Pakistani etc) make up other 16%, how come Asian Indians are able to swarm the company with 17% numbers?

Highest paid ethnic group in UK
#2 Indian

For the record, 1.17 million people in UK identify themselves as ethnic Pakistani and 1.4 as ethnic Indians.

I am sure Pakistani should be equally capable to "swarm the place" given their population in UK. So why dont Pakistani improve their income by "swarming the place". They do have the numbers.

Also, I am yet to see a single reference or source or fact from Pakistanis here. And then they claim that Indians have lower IQ than them or making you people a fool.

Household income may make sense. Most indians/Pakistanis here make around the same- IT/Engineers/Doctors/Store Owners/Taxi drivers. Evens out.

Difference with Indians/Bangladeshis I have noticed is that both Husband/Wives work. Nowadays same for younger Pakistani couples as well (younger than 40). The older generation though most families the mother/wife way stay at home. Whereby Indians ive noticed even older generation women worked.

Just an observation :)

But once again wealth means very little... many indians are involved in white collar scams, divorces, alcholism, wife beating, wife swapping, nasty hygienes and the list goes on. Generally have a very bad reputation here in the US even though they are mostly educated, which is unheard of in other ethnic groups.

Morally indians are amongst the worse of ethnic groups. A few thousand dollars more wont be able to buy you class beta.

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