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‘We hoped for peace but war is declared against us from Pakistani territory’: President Ghani


Jan 20, 2013
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Picture of the news conference -- full court press -- the guy on the right is the NDS chief who refused to sign the MOU, Rahmatullah Nabil (oh and he was educated at UET Peshawar -- lol) the guy who is second from the left is the Afghan NSA Hanif Atmar (he lost one of his legs fighting as a commando against the Mujahideen in the 1980s -- but considered levelheaded).

Article here, excerpts below:


In the wake of alarmingly deteriorating security situation across the country, President Ashraf Ghani addressed a hurriedly convened press conference in Kabul on Monday afternoon.

Flanked by many senior officials of the national unity government and security agencies, President Ghani looked visibly troubled over what he called “significant developments” over the past few days.

Under fire from the civil society for adopting soft approach towards Pakistan, President Ghani sought to answer many questions regarding relations between Kabul and Islamabad and the ongoing peace process.


“Our enemies had been waiting for a power vacuum so they could take advantage of and see the government collapse. However, none of the gloomy predictions turned to reality,” President Ghani said, recalling how some doomsayers had warned that the government will not sustain beyond few days.


“The enemy who was fighting to gain some territory and to claim a victory has now had its backbone broken. It is so desperate now that it has turned to cowardly attacks against innocent people just to weaken people’s morale,” President Ghani affirmed.


“Just as the incident in Peshawar and the killing of hundreds of innocent children in a school became a turning point in Pakistan, the recent incidents in Kabul and other provinces are no less and we call it a turning point for Afghanistan,” President Ghani said.

The government of Afghanistan, he emphasized, made “all sincere efforts for peace” but the efforts have not been reciprocated in letter and spirit.

“The decisions that Pakistani government will be making in the next few weeks will be significant to affect bilateral relations for the next decades,” President Ghani said.

“The security of our people and the national interests of Afghanistan lay the basis of our relationship with Pakistan. We can no longer tolerate to see our people bleeding in a war exported and imposed on us from outside,” he hastened to add.

Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, during his telephonic conversation with President Ghani on Monday, pledged to direct his government “to chart out an action plan against terrorism” and discuss its implementation during a visit by an Afghan delegation on coming Thursday, he said.

“We hoped for peace, but war is declared against us from Pakistani territory; this in fact puts into display clear hostility against a neighboring country,” President Ghani said.

“I ask the government and people of Pakistan to imagine that a terrorist attack just like the one in Kabul’s Shah Shahid area took place in Islamabad and the groups behind it had sanctuaries in Afghanistan and ran offices and training centers in our big cities, what would have been your reaction? Will you have looked at us as friends or enemies,” he said.


He concluded by saying that the relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan are“based on our national interests”, of which security and safety of Afghans is paramount.

“If our people continue to be killed, relations lose meaning and I hope it will not happen,” President Ghani warned.
“I ask the government and people of Pakistan to imagine that a terrorist attack just like the one in Kabul’s Shah Shahid area took place in Islamabad and the groups behind it had sanctuaries in Afghanistan and ran offices and training centers in our big cities, what would have been your reaction? Will you have looked at us as friends or enemies,” he said.
Isn't the leadership of anti-Pakistan groups already living peacefully in Afghanistan?
Or did no one inform Mr. Ghani on this?
Pakistan should understand that she cannot battle three fronts. Iran, Afghanistan and India. Pakistan should allow international forces or Indian Army to launch operations against these militants. They should first allow IA to destroy the terrorists camps inside Azad Kashmir. Once they are destroyed then pakistan will not have any front at Indian side and htey can move some of their forces towards western borders and concentrate better.
Fighting war at three sides will create civil problems and ultimately will be devastating for Pakistan
Edit: Can an afghan member answer these questions. Regards

i don't get what he wants from us. If he wants to get rid of them, why is he not going after them.
Does he want us to go into Afghanistan and get rid of the Taliban?
Is he asking for us to hand over the leadership of the Taliban(who control more than half the Af - Pak border on the Afghanistan side)?. If this is the case then the world should know the exact amount of area controlled by ANA. A press conference should be arranged where it should be highlighted with a map to show exactly how much area do the ANA control and how much area do they not. I think people will then be able to make a clear judgment. right now its just a blame game with no concrete information.
Because if the ANA have no control over those border areas, does it mean that the people are against the ANA and support the Taliban?..or are the Afghan Taliban keeping them hostage like we saw in our tribal areas?
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Pakistan should understand that she cannot battle three fronts. Iran, Afghanistan and India. Pakistan should allow international forces or Indian Army to launch operations against these militants. They should first allow IA to destroy the terrorists camps inside ***. Once they are destroyed then pakistan will not have any front at Indian side and htey can move some of their forces towards western borders and concentrate better.
Fighting war at three sides will create civil problems and ultimately will be devastating for Pakistan

Dream on bro, no Indian boot will ever step foot inside Azad Kashmir .

Tho ur right on 1 thing, we need to move more troops to the Afghan border .
Isn't the leadership of anti-Pakistan groups already living peacefully in Afghanistan?
Or did no one inform Mr. Ghani on this?
We need a joint task force..

Well on second thoughts, there is a high probability, that task force will turn against each other.
The murderer of our children is sitting safely and unchecked in Afghanistan Ghani saab is asking us how would we feel if Afghanistan provided safe havens to those who killed our people? Who is he fooling or has he also started to drink the Raw kool-aid?
Dream on bro, no Indian boot will ever step foot inside Azad Kashmir .

Tho ur right on 1 thing, we need to move more troops to the Afghan border .
Think how difficult it would be for PA to manage three fronts and then on top of it ISIS..Just image the shithole these terrorist going to create. You need more armies to counter them.

The murderer of our children is sitting safely and unchecked in Afghanistan Ghani saab is asking us how would we feel if Afghanistan provided safe havens to those who killed our people? Who is he fooling or has he also started to drink the Raw kool-aid?
He is not fooling anyone. It your intelligence agencies who are fooling rest of your country men by propagating their own vested agenda. More over its ISI own's assets which are hitting them back.
He is one asshole to ditch his nation and supporting Pakistan just because UK told him to do so . Afghans hate Pakistan for sure. Why and for what he believed in Pakistan ? Will he answer ? Well huge sum of money and power once he is thrown out
Statement showing a man torn between 2 camps and unable to decide which one to join and which one to leave.

Think how difficult it would be for PA to manage three fronts and then on top of it ISIS..Just image the shithole these terrorist going to create. You need more armies to counter them.

He is not fooling anyone. It your intelligence agencies who are fooling rest of your country men by propagating their own vested agenda. More over its ISI own's assets which are hitting them back.
Pakistan has been contemplating this scenario for over a decade now and has got a strategy for it.You need not worry about it.Rest assured we got it covered.Recent increase in armed forces induction is a clear proof of that.
This troublesome Afghan situation will turn whole region into turmoil once again, Pakistan and Afghanistan both must form join task force to eliminate all terrorists camp and there supporters, UK/USA have what plans up there sleeve no one knows
Obviously it is Pakistan's fault that Afghan government and military system are collapsing. Like always. And it is Pakistan's fault that 4000 soldiers are leaving Afghan army every month. Evil Pakistan bribed them all to leave ANA.
I don't understand on one hand the new leader is described as an ISI stooge, who is calling for peace. The Taliban is splitting into different factions, some of these want continued war and they have control over large swathes of land. They have the ability to plan, prepare and execute attacks of this magnitude within Afghanistan.

The ANA is in its infancy and it will take time to for them to clean up their own country, like Pakistan did in South and North Waziristan and other agencies.

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