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“We Have Just Opened the Gates of Hell”, Jordan Interior Minister

Jordan also needs to cut off relations with Turkey as they were also responsible for the horrendous way the pilot was murdered.

Geo Strategic suicide. Don't think so!
This should be the attitude of muslim majority countries most of them are confused on whose war is this
it is because, raiding Iraq would be considered as raiding US and Iran combined.
There is no point in sitting back at receiving end.. time to ignore presence of Iran revolution Guards among the ranks of ISIS and they having US weapons and vehicles.

Jordan has open the gates of hell with american assistance. They aren't taking the lead DoD: F-22s escorted Jordanian fighters for airstrikes in Syria
American assistance is with Iran and ISIS.





Why drones or USAF, failed hit this carvan?
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It was explained that these sorties are part of the coalition but were done by the JAF alone. 20% of ISIL assets were destroyed in the last three days. I know it's embarrassing for you (Iranian stooges) since you had been crying out loud for help from the ISIL who were without help going to play tennis and football with your heads in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Iran.

I'm a stooge? I also support Russia and China or any other independent country? yet your king was in america during crucial negations and here's another recent pic of him Israel bolsters ties to Jordan as ISIS looms - CNN.com just like his father. Iraq just recovered from an invasion and still is rife with corruption and you're comparing it to jordan ! Puppet defender clutching any straws it can get.
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Jordan is guetting the cheap thing of the deal that the West can give to a sell out..A lot of free publicity because they are using their F-16..if they were using something else..they will get zilch!..Any way the raid conducted with american air force protection, for the aficianado, it means they are taking them to the battle, paint the target for them, in case where they miss, the US does it for them...and then , the most important things bring them home...If you see again the video that came with the article, it shows clearly that there is two air planes painting the target and the bomb blast looks US to me, Since I don't thing that Jordan, as Egypt has guided munitions because of their proximity to Israel..
I'm a stooge? I also support Russia and China or any other independent country? yet your king was in america during crucial negations and here's another recent pic of him Israel bolsters ties to Jordan as ISIS looms - CNN.com just like his father. Iraq just recovered from an invasion and still is rife with corruption and you're comparing it to jordan ! Puppet defender clutching any straws it can get.
You're an Iranian stooge, that's a fact. And Jordanian response to the martyrdom of Muath embarrassed you stooges so much. That's an another fact. This is not nuclear science to come up with, it's crystal clear in your posts.

Why would Iran revolution guards, present in Iran allow US to supply arms to ISIS !!!!


We need to learn many things from Jordan. For one. How to respond to the killing of our citizens. Daily on average at least 10 people die in Pakistan during a week. Does anyone care about them. Has any minister submitted his resignation for failing to curb the constant violence being conducted in our country in the name of Islam? Let alone has anyone stepped forward to claim responsibility for these security lapses and failures which have costed thousands of lives, Malala attack, militancy remained and no one resigned, FIA building attack, militants struck back and no one resigned Marriot attack, same thing. Karachi airport attack, same thing.

On the other hand look at Jordan. A single-only one. Pilot killed by the murderous ISIS and they have pledged to use whatever forces they have to wage a long war against ISIS. I believe we should seriously eliminate terrorists, particularly commanders without mercy. And for gods sake someone take responsibility for our failures in the war on terror. How long will this continue?

Our response should be so severe the Taliban piss in their pants. We must punish them severely.
We need to learn many things from Jordan. For one. How to respond to the killing of our citizens. Daily on average at least 10 people die in Pakistan during a week. Does anyone care about them. Has any minister submitted his resignation for failing to curb the constant violence being conducted in our country in the name of Islam? Let alone has anyone stepped forward to claim responsibility for these security lapses and failures which have costed thousands of lives, Malala attack, militancy remained and no one resigned, FIA building attack, militants struck back and no one resigned Marriot attack, same thing. Karachi airport attack, same thing.

On the other hand look at Jordan. A single-only one. Pilot killed by the murderous ISIS and they have pledged to use whatever forces they have to wage a long war against ISIS. I believe we should seriously eliminate terrorists, particularly commanders without mercy. And for gods sake someone take responsibility for our failures in the war on terror. How long will this continue?

we are victim of democracy and Jordan is ruled by a person who is well trained soldier.
If Pakistan makes it a rule that only good soldiers are allowed to hold seats in parliament, than all our problems will be solved.
we are victim of democracy and Jordan is ruled by a person who is well trained soldier.
If Pakistan makes it a rule that only good soldiers are allowed to hold seats in parliament, than all our problems will be solved.

Pakistan is in the dumps due to people like you and simpleton mentality. Our problems will be solved by honest politicians. Half breed King abdullah father is a traitor and he's just like him.
Pakistan is in the dumps due to people like you and simpleton mentality. Our problems will be solved by honest politicians. Half breed King abdullah father is a traitor and he's just like him.

There is so much misinformation in Pakistan due to people like you, who are mental slaves of Iran.
Your baseless and senseless acquisitions, only hints at your ill intentions, and expose your agenda fully.
Breed my foot, Jordan is a friendly state of Pakistan, and i have only respect for their brave leader, and his bold decision.
Now the patrons of ISIS have hot potatoes in their mouth, and you are crying for that!
If you and your tribe had anything against Jordanian leader, you should have discussed it in past, now is not the time and i'm in no mood to go into history of Jordan.
What we see today, is IRGC, US army and ISIS in same country! All of them sharing resources, weapons and strategic goals.
Do not underplay such an evil alliance and explain us this ****!
You're an Iranian stooge, that's a fact. And Jordanian response to the martyrdom of Muath embarrassed you stooges so much. That's an another fact. This is not nuclear science to come up with, it's crystal clear in your posts.

you're upset and rambling nonsense. How did this embarrass me, give me further explanation of your point. The only reason I posted because I'm glad that USA assisted Jordan, supports what many been saying all along. Keep you're fingers cross that your buddy reverses it decision to sell you drones :usflag:. Furthermore, I can't have you calling me names and getting away, giving the impression that your response was valid and apt when it was nonsense. I will support Iran crushing zionist and american arab puppets like you always. I can talk freely about any government and you don't know me. I'll say something bad about the Iranian government like I oppose most if not all of their domestic policies such as press censorship and how the system is run which are illogical, if you say something about your king or the saudi King. Lets see who's the stooge.

Also, I raised two points about your king which suggests he's helpless without america, which you ignored and that is crystal clear !

As I said on another thread you were pro ISIS in syria, with your uploads to the point I asked whether you'd support ISIS in Jordan.
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you're upset and rambling nonsense. How did this embarrass me, give me further explanation of your point. The only reason I posted because I'm glad that USA assisted Jordan, supports what many been saying all along. Keep you're fingers cross that your buddy reverses it decision to sell you drones :usflag:. Furthermore, I can't have you calling me names and getting away, giving the impression that your response was valid and apt when it was nonsense. I will support Iran crushing zionist and american arab puppets like you always. I can talk freely about any government and you don't know me. I'll say something bad about the Iranian government like I oppose most if not all of their domestic policies such as press censorship and how the system is run which are illogical, if you say something about your king or the saudi King. Lets see who's the stooge.

Also, I raised two points about your king which suggests he's helpless without america, which you ignored and that is crystal clear !

As I said on another thread you were pro ISIS in syria, with your uploads to the point I asked whether you'd support ISIS in Jordan.
The only reason I posted because I'm glad that USA assisted Jordan
I will support Iran crushing zionist and american arab puppets like you always.

This doesn't make sense. You contradicted yourself here. That being said, whilst I do agree that Arab regimes have hardly made an effort to be independent and largely followed US policy in region, let's not get too carried off.

Some of Iran's allies, like the government installed by US in Iraq set up sites like Abu Gharib in which US and Iraqi personnel jointly tortured and rape male/female inmates. That doesn't reflect the anti-puppet doctrine I think we would all agree.

In Yemen, there is little opposition to Houthi actions besides some political statements. Drone strikes however are ongoing against suspected AQ targets. Some even occurred during Houthi offensives against AQ. It's unlikely Houthis would have anti puppet/US strategy if they seek to rule Yemen. On contrary, they most likely have contact. And it's in houthis interests to not fully defeat AQ. Since houthis can use that as playing card. That fate of AQ in Yemen lies in our hands. And US may prefer that as it requires less of their effort/money.

Now reverse situation, it AQ took over Sanaa and other portions of northern Yemen. No doubt attack would be imminent. That should tell you if Houthis are anti US as they claim. No, rather they're rational towards US as they can't succeed without its approval. However they're rushing on the ground to get power.

I don't know who taught you politics, but its better for you to refrain from blind bias. So should Arab members here.
Pakistan is in the dumps due to people like you and simpleton mentality. Our problems will be solved by honest politicians. Half breed King abdullah father is a traitor and he's just like him.

And where exactly must we look for these 'honest politicians'?

P.S. are not those 2 words contradictory, honest & politician?
And where exactly must we look for these 'honest politicians'?

P.S. are not those 2 words contradictory, honest & politician?

Wasn't Quaid e Azam honest politician ?
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