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We could have inflicted heavy damage on Pakistan during aerial raid if we had 'tech asymmetry': IAF

For a reason Pak has elected a professional "dental surgeon" as her President....

Have you ever noticed how methodical and cheerful the dentists look while they work on your teeth causing excruciating pain????
think the dental surgeon "forgot" to give this patient name india any local anesthesia! :lol:
It was not IAF or Modi's fault. It was the technology. Will someone ask IAF idiots that your military budget is somewhere around $50 billion and Pakistan has around $9 billion. So how the hell Pakistan became a more advance force? Ever since I joint PDF I have been told India will be super power and they are bigger economy and they have more money and the IAF is world class airforce. Just answer me this, Can money buy courgae in hearts of Men?
Pathetic gangu air force is still grappling with the reality check and humiliation they received on 27th February during Pakistani air strikes. We would have done this.... we would have done that.....you know only if we had asymmetrical technological advantage over Pakistani air force.
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