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Pakistan Builds Checkpoints, Plans Fence on Afghan Border.

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Sep 15, 2015
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United Kingdom
Pakistan is now going to build more checkpoints on the border next to Afghanistan, and then build a fully fledged fence!

Pakistan Builds Checkpoints, Plans Fence on Afghan Border

Pakistan plans to fence its long, porous border with Afghanistan after construction of checkpoints at all established crossings is completed, a top government adviser said Tuesday.

Tariq Fatemi, a close aide to the prime minister on foreign policy, said in Islamabad that “border management mechanisms” were being implemented not to close the frontier but to facilitate "an orderly and documented" cross-border movement, and to ensure safety and security of the two countries.

“For this purpose, we are establishing proper, well-organized and professionally manned check posts," Fatemi said. "We also intend eventually to have the Pakistan-Afghanistan border fenced. We believe that good fences make good neighbors. It is the absence of a well-defined border that is at the root of many of our problems.”

Durand Line
Pakistan has been constructing checkpoints at several locations on the 2,600-kilometer border, known as the Durand Line. Activity at the main Torkham crossing this month triggered deadly clashes between border forces of the two countries. The fighting left several soldiers dead and dozens more wounded on both sides.

The latest and previous border tensions have all stemmed from Afghanistan’s historic opposition to the 1893 demarcation by former British rulers of the Indian subcontinent. Pakistan, however, maintains it inherited the frontier after gaining independence from Britain in 1947 and believes the Durand Line is an international border.

Hussain-Ghani meeting

Top Pakistani and Afghan officials have held meetings at various levels to try to prevent future border skirmishes and resolve mutual differences. Fatemi said the situation had gotten better, particularly after last week’s meeting between Pakistan President Mamnoon Hussain and his Afghan counterpart, Ashraf Ghani, on the sidelines of a regional conference in Uzbekistan.

“I am very confident that the decisions taken by them will bring about mechanisms and arrangements that should restore a degree of normalcy and the possibility of further progress towards an understanding between the two countries,” said the Pakistani adviser.

Fatemi again rejected allegations that while Pakistan's military is cracking down on anti-state Islamist militants, commonly referred to as Pakistani Taliban, it continues to secretly support the Afghan Taliban and provides shelter to insurgent leaders on Pakistani soil.

“We are convinced that there is no such thing as a good Taliban or a bad Taliban. They will all be treated with the same yardstick," he said. "We do also recognize that irrespective of what may or may not have been done in the past, Pakistan shall no longer involve itself in the domestic affairs of Afghanistan.”

Pakistani officials insist the border restrictions are critical because they will also help address mutual allegations of supporting militant groups in other countries.

He said that Pakistan is also urging the international community to assist in the repatriation of nearly 3 million Afghan refugees living in the country, reiterating Islamabad’s concerns that militant and terrorist groups are using the refugee camps as sanctuaries.

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This is excellent news. Better late than never. The Afghans have come to the realization that opposing or fighting Pakistan's border management project is a futile exercise. Pakistan needs to press relentlessly and build all necessary checkpoints, fences and gates to ensure Pakistan's security. The border management infrastructure will ensure the future of our upcoming generations. Difficult terrain needs to be monitored by use of long endurance drones and other high-tech solutions.

The border management project needs to be pursued simultaneously with repatriating millions of Afghans back to their homeland Afghanistan.
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Building a fence for such a long border like this will be a challenge. It is something U.S. wanted to do with Mexico, even with its budget it has not been able to. May be Pakistan can do it with its cheap labor? Put Afghan refugees to work, so they can also earn their bread.
Is your massive, muti million dollar fence project going to be any useful?

You think Afghan Taliban will turn back dejected and cursing the fence because now Pakistan is impenetrable?

Indians would def. disagree, even after their "Laser wall".

Unless they are tracked and their dens destroyed in Afghan, they will keep coming and running back like rats. A few hot pursuits alone will do more damage than useless fences and mine fields and ditches.
If we had started doing this in the eighties by the nineties it would have been compleated. But Our elders had a attitude 'Oh its ok no need to worry' unfortunately today we are paying for their carefree attitude.
Is your massive, muti million dollar fence project going to be any useful?

You think Afghan Taliban will turn back dejected and cursing the fence because now Pakistan is impenetrable?

Indians would def. disagree, even after their "Laser wall".

Unless they are tracked and their dens destroyed in Afghan, they will keep coming and running back like rats. A few hot pursuits alone will do more damage than useless fences and mine fields and ditches.

Countries irrespective of their good or bad relations need border control mechanisms in place to curb illegal cross border movement and to ensure territorial integrity. Pakistan and Afghanistan have never had a properly managed border area. This is about to change and Pakistan has initiated the first step.

Yes, a fence is a very useful tool in catching Afghan terrorists crossing the Pakistani border. More importantly, a properly managed border also sends a clear message to the false Afghan claims regarding Pakistani territory. This border management project is also meant to psychologically dent Afghan refusal of the Durand Line border. In other words, the fence serves both a political and a security purpose. We fully understand why the Afghans are so upset at this border. Afghan anger and displeasure is our gauge of success. Apart from that, the border mechanism ensures better and improved management. Otherwise, no country would have a fence or gate installed. You can also be rest assured that the more difficult terrain will be monitored through various technological means. This border area is going to be heavily militarized and any misadventure will be dealt with an iron fist.

Pakistan will not rest after building the border management infrastructure. This is just the beginning in a series of measures that will ensure that Afghans cannot cross into Pakistan. Afghanistan is a major concern and we have to address it as our lives depend on it. Afghanistan is also a major source of narcotics and weapons import into Pakistan. The fence is of vital importance to Pakistan.
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Countries irrespective of their good or bad relations need border control mechanisms in place to curb illegal cross border movement and to ensure territorial integrity. Pakistan and Afghanistan have never had a properly managed border area. This is about to change and Pakistan has initiated the first step.

Yes, a fence is a very useful tool in catching Afghan terrorists crossing the Pakistani border. More importantly, a properly managed border also sends a clear message to the false Afghan claims regarding Pakistani territory. This border management project is also meant to psychologically dent Afghan refusal of the Durand Line border. In other words, the fence serves both a political and a security purpose. We fully understand why the Afghans are so upset at this border. Afghan anger and displeasure is our gauge of success. Apart from that, the border mechanism ensures better and improved management. Otherwise, no country would have a fence or gate installed. You can also be rest assured that the more difficult terrain will be monitored through various technological means. This border area is going to be heavily militarized and any misadventure will be dealt with an iron fist.

Pakistan will not rest after building the border management infrastructure. This is just the beginning in a series of measures that will ensure that Afghans cannot cross into Pakistan. Afghanistan is a major concern and we have to address it as our lives depend on it. Afghanistan is also a major source of narcotics and weapons import into Pakistan. The fence is of vital importance to Pakistan.

Sure but you cant have 24/7 surveillance on over 1000+ km or so fence. Not to mention people climbing over it or cutting it thru wire cutters or other tools.

As far as psychological dent goes, its a long shot. Remember we dont have a foreign office. This inept govt. doesnt have the courage to face india over its captured spy, how its going to dent someone esp savages stepping over its own land.
Sure but you cant have 24/7 surveillance on over 1000+ km or so fence. Not to mention people climbing over it or cutting it thru wire cutters or other tools.

As far as psychological dent goes, its a long shot. Remember we dont have a foreign office. This inept govt. doesnt have the courage to face india over its captured spy, how its going to dent someone esp savages stepping over its own land.

I don't see any problem as far as 24/7 surveillance is concerned. In this day and age we can use technology to good use. As mentioned, drones can be used for extremely difficult terrain and they don't have to be expensive at all. We can also mine huge chunks of the border at volatile areas. Building manned posts at critical areas etc. Pakistan has to do its part by fencing the border. We cannot leave the border at its mercy anymore. We have done that for too long and the results are disastrous.

As for people climbing over or cutting through our fence, if the Afghans want to play that game we can also do the same on their side. If they are hurting our cause, we will hurt theirs. It will be an eye for an eye.

It isn't the Pakistani government which is responsible for the border management project. It is the Pakistani army. From building to managing it. No problem there.
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