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Pakistan Builds Checkpoints, Plans Fence on Afghan Border.

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I don't oppose your idea of strikes inside Afghanistan. In fact, I fully encourage strikes against anti-Pakistan elements inside Afghanistan. However, a properly functioning border is also a must. We cannot cower and sit idle fully knowing that the border is a source of instability for Pakistan.

First, Pakistan isn't the US. The comparison doesn't add up. Secondly, the US can easily monitor the border with Mexico, but its failure to do so is more political than lack of ability. The US is undecided and more relaxed regarding the border with Mexico under the Obama administration. Just wait till Trump is elected. He will demonstrate how an effective border is managed.

I acknowledge that monitoring the entire border region flawlessly is virtually impossible. However, leaving the border unmanaged and unmonitored is also not a solution. We must be smart and innovative about managing this difficult porous border. We can use technology wherever possible. We can make life more difficult for Afghan terrorists trying to enter and kill innocent Pakistanis. It is the responsibility of the state to ensure safety of its people. At least the army has taken the first step which is highly praiseworthy. No doubt, even small steps for managing the border can curb terror attacks against Pakistan. We must make every effort.

Like I said, no matter what happens, Pakistan has to take control of its territory and border region. The border has always been like the Wild West. Not only do Afghan miscreants gain easy access to our territory, but the uncontrolled border region is also used to smuggle tons of Afghan narcotics. These drugs have destroyed the lives of millions of Pakistanis. Also, illicit goods and weapons are smuggled into Pakistan which are a major security concern.

I can be very short about the Pak Afghan border. It is the mother of all problems for Pakistan. Something needs to be done. Luckily the Pak army has finally realized that border management is the only appropriate solution for improving peace and stability inside Pakistan. Afghan kneejerk reaction is a testimony of this fact. We should leave this project to the Pak army. It is in very good hands.

Comparison was given so you can understand the difficulty of this undertaking. Don't talk about trump, he says things to score brownie points among the uneducated and hateful people. Fear mongering is a very effective method of political advancement. Have you seen how many times on how many issues he has opposed and then support and vice versa. Either ways forget trump.

What I just want to know is that how do you plan to cover the costs of this monitoring. This is like impulse buying with no after thought. We are already stretched thin, Army is already involved in an operation costing millions every week, building security measures for Gawadar port, on guard at eastern border, and always called in for any natural disaster. We do not have the technology nor the funding to see more than 1 week of this in-vain project that will be scrapped a few days later of start because of the said reasons.

Our leaders just don't have the motivation to do this. Just today kanjar sharif announced 6 months stay on refugee deportation. But our wise Pak qoum is to innocent to realize the game thats being played with their lives, yet vote for the same ultra corrupt people.

Fitting, I'd say.
Comparison was given so you can understand the difficulty of this undertaking. Don't talk about trump, he says things to score brownie points among the uneducated and hateful people. Fear mongering is a very effective method of political advancement. Have you seen how many times on how many issues he has opposed and then support and vice versa. Either ways forget trump.

What I just want to know is that how do you plan to cover the costs of this monitoring. This is like impulse buying with no after thought. We are already stretched thin, Army is already involved in an operation costing millions every week, building security measures for Gawadar port, on guard at eastern border, and always called in for any natural disaster. We do not have the technology nor the funding to see more than 1 week of this in-vain project that will be scrapped a few days later of start because of the said reasons.

Our leaders just don't have the motivation to do this. Just today kanjar sharif announced 6 months stay on refugee deportation. But our wise Pak qoum is to innocent to realize the game thats being played with their lives, yet vote for the same ultra corrupt people.

Fitting, I'd say.

Don't ignore Trump's promise to build the wall. He means business because the wall has been his main election selling point. He cannot just backtrack.

The Pakistani army isn't crazy by undertaking this mega project. It means business and it has a full understanding of the scale and resources required to complete the border management project. Pakistan has a thriving drone industry. Pakistani army operates drones. We have the will and the tech to make this a success. I have full faith in the Pakistani army. The Pakistani army has already successfully demonstrated that the border management project is on the right course and a huge success.

Our leaders don't matter. As long as the Pak army continues to undertake this venture we can be rest assured.
Don't ignore Trump's promise to build the wall. He means business because the wall has been his main election selling point. He cannot just backtrack.

The Pakistani army isn't crazy by undertaking this mega project. It means business and it has a full understanding of the scale and resources required to complete the border management project. Pakistan has a thriving drone industry. Pakistani army operates drones. We have the will and the tech to make this a success. I have full faith in the Pakistani army. The Pakistani army has already successfully demonstrated that the border management project is on the right course and a huge success.

Our leaders don't matter. As long as the Pak army continues to undertake this venture we can be rest assured.

Yeah leaders dont matter, they are just running the show. Army cant go against their orders unless there is a coup. I have just told you that NS delayed refugee deportation, what consequences do you think this will have on the country and what will army do about this, nothing.

Pakistan drone tech is not thriving, it has only just begun. US drone tech is thriving.

But I am glad that between the sentences you do admit that Army will think about the resources needed for future, which is what I have been suggesting since post one.

Its nice that you are passionate about army and all but come in terms to ground reality.
Best Decision taken by Pakistan Government and although I am a Pukhtun and many would think I would be against this. but I know the fact that the Extremist Afghans have been coming into our land and giving the Pukhtun's a bad name in Pakistan and Pakistan a bad name in the international forum. I hope that the fence is quickly built and the miscreants are driven back to there side.
Pakistan has pushed to build a fence along the Durand Line to cut off militant attackers crossing from Afghanistan. Pakistan can't just shut these Afghanis once and nicely forever.
Pakistan Builds Checkpoints, Plans Fence on Afghan Border

About fu*cking time!! This needed to be done back in 2002. Pakistan wouldn't have had to listen to the "do more" mantra as the entire border would've been sealed. In fact, it could've saved thousands of Pakistani lives, innocent people who got killed at the hand of terrorists, both Taliban and Indian/Afghan sponsored. And if this got done back in 2004-2005, you'd have received or current starting to receive like 18-36 more -16's!!

That's why timing and strategy is so critical!! But a great step towards establishing peace. I've even said before, that ditch that was dug up, needs to be mined. The only people who'd somehow cross over the fence, or will come from a tunnel, would be terrorists and they should be welcomed to hell with mines in the ditch, straight dispatch to hell, without effecting any innocent human life.

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