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Water car: Engineer sues doctor for ‘trying to undermine’ his invention

It just keeps getting better and better, this hoax:




A petition has been moved in Lahore High Court that the technology of the water car should be employed by the government to solve the energy crisis. The petition of Pakistan Tehreek e Inqilab (whoever they are!) urges the LHC to order the government to use this technology on a mass scale.....{falls laughing!:rofl:}
The statement that an FBR produces more than it consumes can be misleading.

The fact that neutrons can be absorbed by atoms to produce isotopes is an established fact and does not violate any scientific laws. New elements and elementary particles have been produced thru atomic fission; such as isotopes of Germanium, Krypton, Selenium & Strontium etc.

I visited Dounrey Fast Breeder Reactor in the North of Scotland way back in 1965. DFR went critical in 1959 and it was then state of the art technology. DFR was cooled by a liquefied alloy of Na/K. Reactor core was covered with a U-238 blanket which absorbed fast Neutrons that converted non fissile U-238 into fissile Pu-239.

Basically, Fast breeder reactor makes use of fast Neutrons (no moderator) which are produced in greater number per fission that is why water cannot be used as coolant as it slows down the neutrons.

It is not an engine that burns fossil fuel and makes more of the same. Energy is produced by atomic fission; thru FBR, more fissile mterial is produced which can be used to generate more energy. This is exactly in line with the established scientific principles.

FBR costs a huge amount to build and needs hundered of scientist and engineers to operate. Pakistan still doesnot have the technical capability to build an FBR and if required, would need help from foreign construction firms.

On the other hand, the genius from Khairpur can produce more energy than is consumed with a kit worth Rs 40K!

A petition has been moved in Lahore High Court that the technology of the water car should be employed by the government to solve the energy crisis. The petition of Pakistan Tehreek e Inqilab (whoever they are!) urges the LHC to order the government to use this technology on a mass scale.....{falls laughing!:rofl:}

Lol .. This has crossed the line :lol:

A petition has been moved in Lahore High Court that the technology of the water car should be employed by the government to solve the energy crisis. The petition of Pakistan Tehreek e Inqilab (whoever they are!) urges the LHC to order the government to use this technology on a mass scale.....{falls laughing!}

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/econom...undermine-his-invention-22.html#ixzz2339IUSsO

y don't the college graduates and lecturers just come out and boycot this BS? end this already.
On the other hand, the genius from Khairpur can produce more energy than is consumed with a kit worth Rs 40K!

It must be his training in the Sindh Police. After all, they can make anyone confess to anything. Making water given up all it hidden energy is a simple task for him. :D
Funny how the Sindh card is frequently brought up in this case. Khurshid Shah doing his best to propagate it.
Now I am really convience that AQ khan is small time theif who just stole and sold the designs for his own benefit. Something he continued to do later on as well - selling state secrets for money.

Now AQ khan has a major habit of blowing his own trumpet , He likes to project his self as Einstein,Tesla and Von Braun all rolled into one. Nothing could be further from the truth, he was involved in only one of many processes that results in a nuclear weapon. I seem to recall him stating that "Pakistan could have NEVER have been a nuclear power without him" a very narcisstic over inflated ego created by the countless pampering of jahils around the country. His recent statements on the feasibilty of the water kit showed his ignorance.
The newest angle on the much hyped 'water kit' -

The water car scam

Prof Atta-ur-Rahman


Agha Waqar Ahmad had obviously no knowledge of the fundamental principles of science or he would have thought twice before making such a ridiculous claim.

He also failed to calculate that a car battery and a small water kit simply could not produce the huge quantity of hydrogen needed (thousands of times greater) to produce sufficient hydrogen to run a car, even if one did have an external source of energy (such as solar cells) that could constantly power that battery. So a car will just not be able to run even for a few minutes as the battery will be drained of all power very quickly.

The claim that the car engine will continue to charge the battery continuously was also nonsensical as the diminished amount of energy available due to inefficiencies in electrolysis and combustion will not be able to keep the car engine running.

When I was requested to give my views on the matter in a television programme, I knew instantly that a huge scam was under way. Since the car was obviously running, and since the water kit could not be the source of its power, it was immediately apparent to me that there must be a hidden source of fuel going into the engine. This could be a cleverly concealed pipeline of diesel, petrol, CNG or acetylene gas which was the real source of power, and that the magical “water kit” was just a piece of deceptive jugglery. The trickery could only be exposed if the engine was subjected to careful technical examination.

I was astonished that mine was the only scientific voice raised initially against this huge fraud. I had to speak out bluntly and forcefully to nip the looming financial fraud in the bud.

After my call for the car to be examined by an engineering university, and a meeting in the presidency, an appointment was made to have the vehicle thoroughly inspected by engineers at the National University of Science & Technology. However, as expected, Agha Waqar Ahmad did a disappearing act and never turned up for the appointment. The fraud had been exposed and escape was the only route available to him.

According to some, the fraudulent deception was a part of a master plan to fleece billions from the government and the private sector. It has been alleged that some very powerful people were a part of this wizardry, since the “discovery” was discussed thrice in the cabinet. The matter needs to be fully investigated, and if found guilty, Agha Waqar Ahmad should be given exemplary punishment.

The writer, Professor Atta Ur Rehman, is former federal minister for science and technology, former chairman of the Higher Education Commission. Email: ibne_sina@hotmail.com
The newest angle on the much hyped 'water kit' -

The water car scam

Prof Atta-ur-Rahman


Agha Waqar Ahmad had obviously no knowledge of the fundamental principles of science or he would have thought twice before making such a ridiculous claim.

He also failed to calculate that a car battery and a small water kit simply could not produce the huge quantity of hydrogen needed (thousands of times greater) to produce sufficient hydrogen to run a car, even if one did have an external source of energy (such as solar cells) that could constantly power that battery. So a car will just not be able to run even for a few minutes as the battery will be drained of all power very quickly.

The claim that the car engine will continue to charge the battery continuously was also nonsensical as the diminished amount of energy available due to inefficiencies in electrolysis and combustion will not be able to keep the car engine running.

When I was requested to give my views on the matter in a television programme, I knew instantly that a huge scam was under way. Since the car was obviously running, and since the water kit could not be the source of its power, it was immediately apparent to me that there must be a hidden source of fuel going into the engine. This could be a cleverly concealed pipeline of diesel, petrol, CNG or acetylene gas which was the real source of power, and that the magical “water kit” was just a piece of deceptive jugglery. The trickery could only be exposed if the engine was subjected to careful technical examination.

I was astonished that mine was the only scientific voice raised initially against this huge fraud. I had to speak out bluntly and forcefully to nip the looming financial fraud in the bud.

After my call for the car to be examined by an engineering university, and a meeting in the presidency, an appointment was made to have the vehicle thoroughly inspected by engineers at the National University of Science & Technology. However, as expected, Agha Waqar Ahmad did a disappearing act and never turned up for the appointment. The fraud had been exposed and escape was the only route available to him.

According to some, the fraudulent deception was a part of a master plan to fleece billions from the government and the private sector. It has been alleged that some very powerful people were a part of this wizardry, since the “discovery” was discussed thrice in the cabinet. The matter needs to be fully investigated, and if found guilty, Agha Waqar Ahmad should be given exemplary punishment.

The writer, Professor Atta Ur Rehman, is former federal minister for science and technology, former chairman of the Higher Education Commission. Email: ibne_sina@hotmail.com

I have too much respect for Dr. Atta ur Rehman and i am totally agreed with him its just drama to gain billion from GOVt what the heck and no doubt if some influential personalities would be part of it.
^^^^ I feel bad for This Guy, I also changed his name from agha waqar to Agha Water!
The scam apparently continues under official patronage:

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