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Water car: Engineer sues doctor for ‘trying to undermine’ his invention

The scam apparently continues under official patronage:

you are just jealous
if one can boil eggs in this boiling water system then why you you care?
I mean you dont have to boil eggs in the kettle and get told off by the other half
you are just jealous
if one can boil eggs in this boiling water system then why you you care?
I mean you dont have to boil eggs in the kettle and get told off by the other half

I do APOLOGIZE for my "jealousy"! :P
Islamabad (Numainda Jang) would indicate the newspaper: Jang, would it not?

hmmm I didn't notice that before... but still the original link is not direct to jang news website.

Thanks and lets see the reaction from the world after he demonstrates his so-called invention in Dubai
hmmm I didn't notice that before... but still the original link is not direct to jang news website.

Thanks and lets see the reaction from the world after he demonstrates his so-called invention in Dubai

Corroborating news source with working link posted, Janab Jee Sir!
Translate it to English please ..


"Islamabad (INP): The Prime Minister Raja Pervez Asharaf has directed Minister for Petroleum Dr. Asim Hussain to provide a CNG (filling) station to the "Water Kit" Engineer Agha Waqar. Private sources say that all expenses of further experiments by Agha Waqar will also be borne (by the government). After this directive by the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Petroleum has summoned Agha Waqar after Eid-ul-Fitr to provide him with an official CNG (filling) station."
OMG< this is getting too outrageous!

This is not a water car, rather alternative fuel.

Secondly, if the alternative fuel works, then just as we put the whole country on CNG without any forethought, and now have CNG in 80+ and also shortage,we are going to put the whole country on this alternative fuel?
OMG< this is getting too outrageous!

This is not a water car, rather alternative fuel.

Secondly, if the alternative fuel works, then just as we put the whole country on CNG without any forethought, and now have CNG in 80+ and also shortage,we are going to put the whole country on this alternative fuel?

This is nothing but a SCAM, pure and simple. There is no "alternative fuel" here.

"Islamabad (INP): The Prime Minister Raja Pervez Asharaf has directed Minister for Petroleum Dr. Asim Hussain to provide a CNG (filling) station to the "Water Kit" Engineer Agha Waqar. Private sources say that all expenses of further experiments by Agha Waqar will also be borne (by the government). After this directive by the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Petroleum has summoned Agha Waqar after Eid-ul-Fitr to provide him with an official CNG (filling) station."

Wow .. This is huge now ..
How could government take such extreme steps .. I sense a huge scam where both Aqua Waqar and Government are involved
This is nothing but a SCAM, pure and simple. There is no "alternative fuel" here.

Point is, that it 110% not a water car. Now scam or alternative fuel, whatever, it turning into a farce.
Chinese Farmer Invents Wind Powered Car! Sky Has The News!

It gets interesting at about 00:46:

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Pervez Hoodbhoy just wrote exposing this scam in the Tribune just this month.

You can look it up online. "The water car fraud" is the name of the article he wrote.
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