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I'm wondering intentions of the authorities/GOI behind releasing these tapes to media after 2 years just a day before mumbai high court gonna deliver verdict on kasab.What GOI want to achieve by this releasing of tapes.Wats the hidden agenda?Is GOI trying to influence judiciary by cleverly using media?and for wat reason?

Bombay High Court's verdict on Kasab's fate tomorrow
I'm wondering intentions of the authorities/GOI behind releasing these tapes to media after 2 years just a day before mumbai high court gonna deliver verdict on kasab.What GOI want to achieve by this releasing of tapes.Wats the hidden agenda?Is GOI trying to influence judiciary by cleverly using media?and for wat reason?

Bombay High Court's verdict on Kasab's fate tomorrow

lol influence judiciary over what?

He's going to get the death sentence anyways. :lol:
what ever be the agenda its not more important than closing this case and punishing him once and for all.... it can happen only in india.. when a person kills in day light and still is under the judicial process for 3 yrs....
lol influence judiciary over what?

He's going to get the death sentence anyways. :lol:
Thats what im saying that govt want to influence judiciary to give max punishment for reason best known to them.There are lot of unanswered questions about this case and GOI for some reason seems to be in hurry to finish this off ASAP.Coz everybody knows dead never speaks.
what ever be the agenda its not more important than closing this case and punishing him once and for all.... it can happen only in india.. when a person kills in day light and still is under the judicial process for 3 yrs....
This case has reached only its 2nd stage.still two more stages are there ie supreme court and presidential pardon.So wait another 2-3 decade.
Thats what im saying that govt want to influence judiciary to give max punishment for reason best known to them.There are lot of unanswered questions about this case and GOI for some reason seems to be in hurry to finish this off ASAP.Coz everybody knows dead never speaks.

Why would anyone try to influence something that's going to happen anyways?
Thats what im saying that govt want to influence judiciary to give max punishment for reason best known to them.There are lot of unanswered questions about this case and GOI for some reason seems to be in hurry to finish this off ASAP.Coz everybody knows dead never speaks.

Maybe you can be specific on what it is that is bothering you? .. The case has gone through proper legal channel, with the defendant given full and equal rights to defend himself. Why then accuse GoI of "Hurrying" things up?

Implying conspiracy theory, does not bode well for anyone.
Why would anyone try to influence something that's going to happen anyways?
u never know if high court would ve found the loopholes in the case and TADA court judgement hence something lingering on judge's mind and instead of passing death sentence it converts that into life sentence.High court might think keeping in mind the so many loopholes in this case it better to keep him alive.If some evidence in future turns up proving kasab to be innocent.so it may be better safe than sorry.And GOI is in rush to complete the process to done away with this case.
u never know if high court would ve found the loopholes in the case and TADA court judgement hence something lingering on judge's mind and instead of passing death sentence it converts that into life sentence.High court might think keeping in mind the so many loopholes in this case it better to keep him alive.If some evidence in future turns up proving kasab to be innocent.so it may be better safe than sorry.And GOI is in rush to complete the process to done away with this case.

Once you said that Indian courts are utterly biased and incompetent.

Now you're contradicting yourself.

Arguing just for the sake of it, eh?
And apparently High court didn't know about the existence of this video. I mean we're assuming that a video which made it's way to media has never been submitted to HC as a proof.

But then again, stupidity knows no bound. And anyway what do you expect from a terrorist apologist, even Pakistanis have more respect from my side for their unanimous condemnation to the scum even though the scum is of Pakistan origin.
good, so hopefully indian will stop further delaying his sentence & sanction in the interest of keeping this issue "alive"
good, so hopefully indian will stop further delaying his sentence & sanction in the interest of keeping this issue "alive"

India isn't delaying, 3 years is rather quick enough in Indian standard. There are cases which have been pending for 2,3 decades.
Maybe you can be specific on what it is that is bothering you? .. The case has gone through proper legal channel, with the defendant given full and equal rights to defend himself. Why then accuse GoI of "Hurrying" things up?

Implying conspiracy theory, does not bode well for anyone.
you've to see kasab's case in context with that of Afzal Guru's case.GOI for reason best known to it cant hang afzal guru(may be due to kashmir sensitivities) and for this issue BJP always criticize UPA govt for being soft on terror by giving Afzal guru's case.Now if UPA govt. is seen doing same with kasab case too it will give another stick of "being soft on terror" to bjp to beat the goi around which dont bode well for goi as mumbai being the 9/11 fo indian public and its want blood for blood.hence goi is in hurry to finish off this case and show it as being serious about terror.
good, so hopefully indian will stop further delaying his sentence & sanction in the interest of keeping this issue "alive"

Delaying his sentence ..he is already been awarded death sentence..but he appealed to high court.
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