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:tdown::tdown::tdown: you want peace after warmongering! yea the doves of peace have had their necks snapped.
someone please check their Baghals (armpits) for knife
:tdown::tdown::tdown: you want peace after warmongering! yea the doves of peace have had their necks snapped.

What they meant was that we prefer peace ; but if there is no option to war
we will have a war

Intentions can CHANGE overnight ; Capabilities matter
I do wish you would leave the bombast behind.
These are students. Are there no limits to your desire to make waves in public?

you dont spare baby snakes in your house only because they are babes
you dont spare baby snakes in your house only because they are babes

Excellent post. I wish more pakistanis would have the courage to say this openly rather than hide it behind their smile. Its refreshing to read a honest post in pdf. :tup:
Excellent post. I wish more pakistanis would have the courage to say this openly rather than hide it behind their smile. Its refreshing to read a honest post in pdf. :tup:

I was like most Pakistani till I joined PDF and learned about real Indians. you can goto Indian Defense and learn about your countryman too
I was like most Pakistani till I joined PDF and learned about real Indians. you can goto Indian Defense and learn about your countryman too

You are still like most pakistanis, only you have the courage to speak your mind. I live in India so I do not need to go to a online forum to learn about Indians. lol.
Top rated comment is some Indian telling them to move to Pakistan, that tells you everything you need to know.
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