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Washington does not accept Japan's claims to Diaoyu Islands

US has ever been the back stabber, esp they like to back stab asians, back stabbed pakistan, back stabbed japan, so called biggest ally, the europeans who has been their daddy since centuries is another case.. US cant try to back stab its ancestor masters
The CCP is also current regime control China, it is a common sense.
So in other words, you are telling me that Vietnamese history are very peaceful, they didn't kill a person in Compa, nothing was destroyed during the changing of dynasties and the CPV didn't fire a bullet to unite the whole country, changed nothing in the history book and never brainwashed its people. Hmmm...
And due to your logic everything written in the history book is not to be believed, including your Vietnamese history since your ancestor are also one of those minority that got wiped out, brain washed, and lost your history.

Maybe you should just believe in what you have dreamed in your dream.

Besides, Chinese people are still using Chinese language. Original documents are stored and understandable . If people doubt what were written in the modern history book (in Vernacular), they can still search for another history book in classical, old version. Even the CCP can do nothing to change the history completely.

As for Vietnamese history, I don't think that you are really reading what your ancestors were writing. Since you understand none of your classical Vietnamese language, it could be a piee of cake for your Party to fool you people and you can't even find out the truth.

So, if someone say that Chinese history is not believable, then I will consider Vietnamese history, pardon my language, as nothing but rubbish.

Someone like Minjitta who dare say that China has been altering its history through out its 5000 years of civilization has some been so brainwashed that nobody can possibly take him serious. I suppose he is the one who knows what is the real history then. Not only does this sound like a talk of a brainwashed child because it adds no value to the discussion of this thread it is also way off topic too.

LOL! A run-away patient from mental hospital? :lol:

A second ago he said Chinese history is fake, now he believes the Chinese history. :rofl:

Severe bipolar-disorder in display!

Here is evident how chinese using history for the dispute, itwas not so long time when China acepted that Senkaku belong to Japan.
You can go to see doctor in mental hospital.:enjoy:

Coming attractions
Posted by ampontan on Friday, September 24, 2010

Coming attractions « AMPONTAN

In 1920, the Japanese rescued 31 Chinese fishermen who were shipwrecked on one of the smaller islets. The Chinese consul in Nagasaki wrote a letter of gratitude to the Japanese thanking them for their help. In the body of the letter, he referred to them by the Japanese term Senkaku islets (尖閣列島) instead of the Chinese name, Daiyutai (釣魚島). In other words, the Chinese considered them Japanese territory in 1920.


8 January 1953: Renmin Ribao (People’s Daily) published an article titled “The Ryukyu Islanders’ Struggle against American Occupation” (i.e., Okinawa). The article mentioned the Senkakus, used that name, and stated they were part of the Ryukyus.

1953: Renmin Ribao says Senkakus part of Japan
The People's Daily/Renmin Ribao is a daily newspaper in the People's Republic of China. The paper is an organ of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC),


The View from Taiwan: 1953: Renmin Ribao says Senkakus part of Japan

October 1965: The Research Institute for Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense published a series of world maps. It showed the islets as part of Japanese territory and used the Japanese name Senkakus.


January 1970: The Taiwan government published a geography textbook for junior high school students that called the islands the Senkakus and treated them as Japanese territory.


Here is evident how chinese using history for the dispute, itwas not so long time when China acepted that Senkaku belong to Japan.
You can go to see doctor in mental hospital.:enjoy:.


The CCP is also current regime control China, it is a common sense.
So in other words, you are telling me that Vietnamese history are very peaceful, they didn't kill a person in Compa, nothing was destroyed during the changing of dynasties and the CPV didn't fire a bullet to unite the whole country, changed nothing in the history book and never brainwashed its people. Hmmm...
And due to your logic everything written in the history book is not to be believed, including your Vietnamese history since your ancestor are also one of those minority that got wiped out, brain washed, and lost your history.

Maybe you should just believe in what you have dreamed in your dream.

First of all you needed to understand why Vietnam have war with Cambodia

Cambodia was under control of kremeroug back by China to attack Vietnamese in Cambodia before 1975, South Vietnam government can't do anything because it in Cambodia territory.
In 1979 Cambodia back by China suddenly attack Vietnam. Vietnam tried many time to settle peacefully with Cambodia. Cambodia execute ethic cleansing policy toward it own people Cambodian then went over there head and attack Vietnam,. Vietnam got no other choice but to retaliate Cambodia action. We know the result of that war, if Vietnam didn't wipe out the Kermer then Cambodian would be wiped out with ethic cleansing Policy order from China.

About our ancestor some have been wipeout, only Giao Chi survive from the Hans, which is now call Vietnam. Now do you really know who's your ancestor is?
Which dynasty your ancestor belong to? Do you have your own country? Are you just settle for China? If so then no needed for you to ask yourself who am I, or who is my ancestor?
Btw as for Vietnam war between North and South it all about unification, it have to happen sooner or later. Now Vietnam is 1 country, control buy Vietnamese. I encourage all Vietnamese need to think about unity between current Vietnamese government and the ex south Vietnamese to move the country forward. The communist party is just a label, a license plate, it can change within by it owner which is the government and it people.
Did Japan or China ask for the self styled Sherrifs opinion on the subject ?

If japan is an ally , why go against it publicly ?

Did you even read the article? The article title is very misleading. We've taken a neutral stance on the ultimate sovereignty of the islands, but we will defend against any use of force to take them away (or so our SECDEF says). Conversely, if they change hands without bloodshed or use of military force we will accept that.

As for asking our opinions, they are both trying to influence US public opinion, so I guess they are.

Japan, China embark on 'propaganda war' / Government changes tactics on Senkaku Islands, begins appeals to international community : National : DAILY YOMIURI ONLINE (The Daily Yomiuri)
Here is evident how chinese using history for the dispute, itwas not so long time when China acepted that Senkaku belong to Japan.
You can go to see doctor in mental hospital.:enjoy:

That's why I said "look at he ancient history book", read my post clearly next time and stop quoting me with your "freaking evidence "
First of all you needed to understand why Vietnam have war with Cambodia

Cambodia was under control of kremeroug back by China to attack Vietnamese in Cambodia before 1975, South Vietnam government can't do anything because it in Cambodia territory.
In 1979 Cambodia back by China suddenly attack Vietnam. Vietnam tried many time to settle peacefully with Cambodia. Cambodia execute ethic cleansing policy toward it own people Cambodian then went over there head and attack Vietnam,. Vietnam got no other choice but to retaliate Cambodia action. We know the result of that war, if Vietnam didn't wipe out the Kermer then Cambodian would be wiped out with ethic cleansing Policy order from China.

About our ancestor some have been wipeout, only Giao Chi survive from the Hans, which is now call Vietnam. Now do you really know who's your ancestor is?
Which dynasty your ancestor belong to? Do you have your own country? Are you just settle for China? If so then no needed for you to ask yourself who am I, or who is my ancestor?

I meant Campadesa, not Cambodia, and I'm not really interested in reviewing your history, especially which is written by peaceful Vietnamese.
As for your "questions":
My family have our own genealogy, we know exactly who our ancestors are.
Which dynasty your ancestor belong to? So you are saying that my whole ancestors completely disappeared in several Chinese dynasties, and suddenly appeared in those dynasties they like to be? Hmmhmm.
Do you have your own country? We have, had our own country, which is called CHINA.
Are you just settle for China? What?
If so then no needed for you to ask yourself who am I, or who is my ancestor?
Can somebody help me to explain this?

I suggest you to go for a sleep before asking these "questions".
That's why I said "look at he ancient history book", read my post clearly next time and stop quoting me with your "freaking evidence "

Second time on PDF I say: You ar low IQ Chinese. You didn't understand my post.
Read again what did you trolled about history of us, was written in China. The "ancient history book" from China is fully with lies, edited and modified. Look at the my post above: 1953, 1965, 1970 Chinese accepted that Islets Sankaku belong to Japan, today China claim it base on some vague notes in your ancient book or history. What kind of history you can say here ? Is this History of liars ?

If you are living in Macau, Your ancestors ware Cantonese, no Han in ethnicity, "Nan Man" as Han people in Zhung Yuan said in ancient history book.
Second time on PDF I say: You ar low IQ Chinese. You didn't understand my post.
Read again what did you trolled about history of us, was written in China. The "ancient history book" from China is fully with lies, edited and modified. Look at the my post above: 1953, 1965, 1970 Chinese accepted Sankaku belong to Japan, today China claim it. What kind of history you can say here ? Is this History of liars ?

When you said the same rude thing in the first time, I slapped on your face because you misunderstand my word, tell nonsense (Chinese can't read newspaper blah blah blah) and being rude.

Now the same history goes on since someone really likes to slap himself.

First of all I am not really talking about what is right and what is wrong, I was not even into this "Island Issue". Why, because I don't know the freaking true. All I have been doing is only comparing, comparing. Go check my posts again, is there any my words related to the freaking island until you jump up with your freaking "evidence"? Now who is the troll, who is really low IQ.

PS: I believe that everyone can understand my standpoint after I mentioned that "look at he ancient history book", except for this rude little guy.
I remember back in early 70s when China was poor as dirt, not one Chinese that I known dare come to China defense, or even recognize China as their motherland. In 2006 when my co-worker come from Singapore for training, I ask her are you Chinese, she reply with shameful with madness " no I am Sigaporean". Now that China is the 2nd biggest economy in the world every Chinese claim they are Chinese. My question is why were these aboard Chinese not come to China defense when their country was poor as dirt? Now all the sudden all aboard Chinese jump on a bandwagon.
I remember back in early 70s when China was poor as dirt, not one Chinese that I known dare come to China defense, or even recognize China as their motherland. In 2006 when my co-worker come from Singapore for training, I ask her are you Chinese, she reply with shameful with madness " no I am Sigaporean". Now that China is the 2nd biggest economy in the world every Chinese claim they are Chinese. My question is why were these aboard Chinese not come to China defense when their country was poor as dirt? Now all the sudden all aboard Chinese jump on a bandwagon.

Some oversea Chinese admit themselves as Chinese, some do not. None a thing is related to China is poor or rich.

And not all Singapore = Chinese, common sense my friend, common sense.
When you said the same rude thing in the first time, I slapped on your face because you misunderstand my word, tell nonsense (Chinese can't read newspaper blah blah blah) and being rude.

Now the same history goes on since someone really likes to slap himself.

First of all I am not really talking about what is right and what is wrong, I was not even into this "Island Issue". Why, because I don't know the freaking true. All I have been doing is only comparing, comparing. Go check my posts again, is there any my words related to the freaking island until you jump up with your freaking "evidence"? Now who is the troll, who is really low IQ.

PS: I believe that everyone can understand my standpoint after I mentioned that "look at he ancient history book", except for this rude little guy.

This thread is the debate about history evidence of Islands Dioyu or other name Sencaku, it belong to Japan, kid. You can slap on your parent's face.
There are no freaking evidents, It's true evidence, with comparing such evidents showed that: chinese slapped themselves on their face when recently they stated that belong to Japan, now China is lying that Japan stolen from them.:meeting:
This thread is the debate about history evidence of Islands Dioyu or other name Sencaku, it belong to Japan, kid. You can slap on your parent's face.
There are no freaking evidents, It's true evidence, with comparing such evidents showed that: chinese slapped themselves on their face when recently they stated that belong to Japan, now China is lying that Japan stolen from them.:meeting:

And MY posts are nothing related to the island, you are still slapping your face, just as the first time you being "high IQ" and rude. (I wonder how could you remind people that you have been that stupid and came up a "second time" to show people that you are really stupid)
Freaking is a adj. with no relation of true or false, it is my hobby when I'm with some silly guy like you.

Also as I have mentioned in the old post: [I believe that everyone can understand my standpoint after I mentioned that "look at he ancient history book", except for this rude little guy]
It should be "look at the ancient history book", which also mean "compare with the ancient history book"
and I would like to add a adj. [stupid] before [rude].
OK I will make my standpoint more clear, in my opinion, I don't suggest PRC to "take back" the island although it was China who is the first one spotted and named it. But the fact is, China lost the island from Japan because of war and "give it up" during the peaceful time.
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