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Was the story of Spy Ravindra Kaushik real or fib?

Jan 16, 2013
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Was the story of Spy Ravindra Kaushik real or fib?

One way to know is if someone from the generations of those days remembers reading about him in newspapers or magazines of yesteryears. Or if an authentic copy of the newspaper/magazines of first half of 1980s can be obtained.

So can any PDF member authenticate this story?

P.S.: To know the facts, someone from Pakistan side should give clue which would indicate the story's plausibility or even confirmation because I have stopped trusting Indian media.
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Was the story of Spy Ravindra Kaushik real or fib?

One way to know is if someone from the generations of those days remembers reading about him in newspapers or magazines of yesteryears. Or if an authentic copy of the newspaper/magazines of first half of 1980s can be obtained.

So can any PDF member authentic this story?

P.S.: To know the facts, someone from Pakistan side should give clue which would indicate the story's plausibility or even confirmation because I have stopped trusting Indian media.

No one can authenticate at least not here.
I wish I get the answer soon. So that if it is negative I can get over this little disappointment and move on and if it is positive, I can take pride.
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