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Warship Discussions

good news, the true intention of taiwan is to response to the island dispute.more cooperation between mainland and taiwan will be seen in the east and south China sea.the positions of us to safeguard the territorial integrity are the same
$240 million for the pair, or $120 per unit. That is almost double the amount the Pakistan paid for the hot transfer of McInerney... Makes you wonder what (else/more) is included in the price!
Top Ten Warships
Naval warfare and Naval supremacy has decided the fate of nations, and the power that rules the waves, rules the world.
In order to rules those wave, you need the best ships possible. These are the best of the best, they are the top ten warships of all time.


10. Hood Class - Battle Cruiser; Great Britain

Known as the 'Mighty Hood', it was considered the greatest warship ever built, and throughout the 1920's and 30's went on world tours boasting its power and size.

But that boast would soon be shattered when World War II began. Hitler's navy had some of the most modern and sophisticated battleships. The Hood met her match in May of 1941 when she came up against the German Battleship Bismarck, and Heavy Battlecruiser Prinz Eugen.

It only took five salvos from Bismarck to pierce the Hood's deck armor. Within eight minutes the Hood sank and out of crew of 1418, only three men survived.


9. Deutschland Class - Pocket Battleship

The British dubbed Germany's Deutschland class the 'pocket battleship' because it was so small, fast and deadly.

The secret of the pocket battleships' speed and power was the innovative design of making the ship lighter.

By using diesel engines, instead of steam turbines, and an electrically welded hull, the Deutschland class was able to cruise over 12,500 miles, equal to half way around the world. It sent shivers of fear throughout the allied navies.


8. Essex Class - Aircraft Carrier

On March 17 1945, during an air strike against the Japanese Island of Honshu, one Essex class aircraft carrier - the USS Franklin came under attack.

As wave after wave of suicide pilots came in, the Franklin fought for its life. For over 12 hours the ship was a blazing furnace. 724 members of her crew were killed. But the Franklin was so well designed and built that she didn't sink.

In total, 24 Essex class were built - more than any other class of large carrier - and when peace came, the Essex carriers remained in service for another 30 years. No other class of aircraft carrier has served so long or so effectively


7. Bismarck Class - Battleship

Launched in February 1939, and known as Hitler's favorite ship, the German naval brass were itching to get the Bismarck into the fight. On May 19, 1941, they got their wish. The Bismarck went on her first war patrol in the north Atlantic.

Six days later, on May 25th, Bismarck sighted the British Navy's Battleship HMS Hood. Five salvos from the Bismarck's superior guns sent the Hood to the bottom of the ocean.

The Royal Navy wanted revenge for the Hood, and the order went out, 'Sink the Bismarck!'

For over three days the British fleet hunted and chased the Bismarck. Finally, on the morning of May 27th, with its steering smashed from torpedo bombers, the pride of the German Navy was cornered.

For over three hours the Bismarck slugged it out with the British fleet and at 10:39 a.m. she was sunk with over 2000 men lost.


6. North Carolina Class

On June 1, 1940, the first of the new North Carolina class battleships, the USS Washington, was launched. She and her sister ship, the USS North Carolina, were the first of the new generation American battleships that called for better torpedo and deck armor, longer endurance and gas protection.

Over the next three years there was hardly an action that the North Carolina class were not involved in


5. Fletcher Class - Destroyer; United States

When one Fletcher class destroyer, the USS Johnston, was commissioned, her Captain made a speech to his crew that typified the destroyer man's creed.

"This is going to be a fighting ship. I intend to go in harms way, and anyone who doesn't want to go along had better get off right now."

By early 1943, the first five Fletcher class destroyers had arrived in the Pacific, their task was to target and smash the Japanese supply convoys.

Already the role of the Destroyer was changing. Once looked on as a defense for the capital ships, the new Fletchers were now being thrown into the furnace of battle.

4. Ticonderoga Class - Missile Cruiser; United States

Initially developed as a Cold War warrior in the 1970's as an answer to the Soviet arms race, the Ticonderoga class' first role was seen as a guided missile destroyer. But it was felt by the Navy brass that something bigger was needed, so Ticonderogas were upgraded to fast cruisers in 1980.

Known as the instigators of the completely 'computer controlled' ships, the Ticonderogas are at the center of today's digital battlefield and have seen service off the coast of Lebanon, Kuwait and Korea, acting in either a peace keeping or offensive roles.


3. Queen Elizabeth Class - Battleship; Great Britain

Launched in 1913, The Queen Elizabeth battleship was the first of a new design of fast battleships that were powered by oil rather than coal.

By early 1916, she was joined by her four sister ships - Barham, Malaya, Valiant and Warspite. Armed with eight 16-inch main guns, and sixteen 6-inch secondary, the Queen Elizabeth class were the most powerful British class warships in World War 1 .

2. Nimitz Class - Aircraft Carrier; United States

With the demise of the Soviet Union in 1991, the threat of the cold war vanished and the Nimitz class carrier's role changed to one of peacekeeper throughout the world.

And its this ability to go anywhere in the world at a moments notice, and at a speed of 30 knots, that makes the Nimitz class invaluable to the US Navy. But what makes the Nimitz class unique is its two nuclear reactors that enables them to roam the world indefinitely.


1. Iowa Class - Fast Battleship; United States

Like a cat, the the Iowa class fast battleship seems to have many, many lives. Mothballed at the end of World War II, the Iowas were soon recalled for action in the Korean War .

Again mothballed, they were once more called for the Vietnam War . Almost 50 years after the first Iowa was launched, they were made ready for the cold war.

In 1991, the Iowas answered the call again - when they went into action during operation Desert Storm.
I'm also surprised to see the lack of a modern US carrier, the nuclear power plant aboard allows for extreme long range and carrying anywhere upto 90 frontline strike fighters/helicopters would be enough to destroy targets on land sea and air.
IOWA class number 1 is joke.Its hardly seen action.Its nimitz or essex class.Or the first dreadnought class of ww1.
DDG-51 ARLEIGH BURKE - multitasking world's most powerful defense (Aegis)
The impact of the Aegis system is very strong. Be seen as the model of the future destroyer class



Power Plant
4 - LM2500 GE Marine Gas Turbines (100,000 shp)
3 Allison 2500 KW Gas Turbine Generators
2 Shafts with CRP (Controllable Reversible Pitch) Propellers
2 Rudders

505 feet overall
466 feet (142 meters)waterline

509.5-513.0 feet overall

Beam Max 66 Feet
waterline 59 feet (18 meters)

Navigational Draft 31 feet

8,300 tons full load

9,192-9,217 tons full load

Speed 31 knots (36 mph, 57 kph)


Two multi-purpose SH-60


Two MK 41 Vertical Launching Systems (90 Cells)
[Standard missile and Tomahawk ASM/LAM]
Two MK 15 MOD 12 20mm Close-in-Weapons Systems (Phalanx Mounts)

Two MK 41 Vertical Launching Systems (96 Cells)
[Standard missile and Tomahawk ASM/LAM] (NATO) Evolved Sea Sparrow

Quad Canisters
One MK 45 MOD 1 5"/54 caliber Gun Mount (lightweight gun)
Two MK 32 MOD 14 Triple Torpedo Tubes (six MK 50/46 Torpedoes)


AN/SPY-1D 3-D Radar
AN/SPS-67(V)3 Radar
AN/SPS-64(V)9 Radar
AN/SQS-53C(V) Sonar

AN/SPY-1D 3-D Radar
AN/SPS-67(V)3 Radar
AN/SPS-64(V)9 Radar
AN/SQS-53C(V) Sonar


AN/SLQ-25A NIXIE Torpedo Countermeasures
MK 36 MOD 6 Decoy Launching System (6 Launchers)


MK116 MOD 7 Underwater Fire Control System
AN/SWG- I A (V) Harpoon Launcher Control System
AN/SWG-3A TOMAHAWK Weapon Control System


LF through HF Receive,10 kHz - 30 MHz
R-1051 H/URR; twelve receivers
R-2368 H/URR; three receivers
HF Transmit; 2-30 MHz / AN/URT-23D; nine transmitters
VHF Transmit and Receive, 30-162 MHz
AN/GRR-211; two transceivers for non-secure voice
ANNRC-46A; two FM transceivers for secure voice
AN/URC-80 (V)6; one transceiver for bridge-to-bridge communications
UHF Transmit and Receive, 220-400 MHz
AN/URC-93 (V)1; two transceiver for Link 4A
AN/WSC-3 (V)7,11; fourteen transceivers
AN/WSC-3 (V)11, have-quick transceiver
SATCOM Transmit and/or Receive
AN/SSR-1A; one receiver for fleet broadcast
ANNWSC-3A (V)3; five transceivers for digital voice
Infra-Red, Transmit and Receive
AN/SAR-7A; two IR Viewers
Land Line Terminations, Transmit and/or Receive
AN/SAT-2B, one IR Transmitter
Single Channel DC Secure TTY
Telephone Special Communications Channel
AN/USQ-83 (V) and AN/USQ-125 (V); Link 11
AN/SSW-1 D; Link 4A
AN/ARR-75 Sonobouy antenna

Navigational Equipment

AN/WSN-5 Inertial Navigation System



MK 4 MOD 2 Underwater Log

MK 6 MOD 4D Digital Dead Reckoning Tracer


AN/SPS-64 (V) 9 I Band Radar

Navy Standard No. 3 Magnetic Compass

Chronometer Size 85

Flux Compass


CONREP fore and aft
VERTREP fore and aft

Boat Handling and Stowage

Two MK 6 rigid inflatable boats (RHIB), 18 person capacity with slewing arm davit
Fifteen (15) twenty-five person encapsulated lifeboats

Stability Design for ship stability includes the following consideration: Intact Stability

100 knot beam wind in all loading conditions Damage Stability
15% length of hit criterion


23 officers, 300 enlisted
(including helicopter detachment of 4 officers and 14 enlisted)

32 Officers, 348 enlisted


Fight I

- 21 cell Mk-41 VLS For SM-2, Tomahawk
- 69 cell Mk-41 VLS Aft SM-2, Tomahawk
- 8 Harpoon ASM
- 2 X 20mm Phalanx CIWS
- 1 X 127mm MK-45 DP Gun
- 6 X Mk-46 LW Torpedoes

Fight IIA

1 × 29 cell, 1 × 61 cell Mk 41 vertical launch systems with 90 × RIM-156 SM-2, BGM-109 Tomahawk or RUM-139 VL-Asroc missiles
1 × Mark 45 5/54 in (127/54 mm)
2 × 25 mm chain gun
4 × .50 caliber (12.7 mm) guns
2 × 20 mm Phalanx CIWS
2 × Mk 32 triple torpedo tubes

The answer of the British - Type 45
Equipped PAAMS system, is the answer to the U.S. Aegis



Displacement: 5,800 tonnes light; 7,350 tonnes deep load; 8000 tonnes design max
Dimensions: length 152.4 m overall, 143.5m lbp; beam 21.2 m; draught 5.7 m (500.0 x 69.6 x 18.7 feet). Air draught 39m; depth (1 deck) 12.6 m
Speed: 29 knots max dash (over 31 knots on trials); 27 knots max sustained; cruise 18 knots
Endurance: 7000nm at 18 knots
Engines: Integrated Electric Propulsion (IEP); 2 x WR21 Rolls Royce-Northrop Grumman ICR gas turbines generator sets (WR-21 turbines down-rated to 21.5 MW each, Alstom supplied alternators at 21MW); 2 Alstom 15-phase electric induction motors (rated at 20MW each at 150 rpm); max total output 40MW (53,648 shp); 2 shafts; 2 x Wartsila 12V200 diesel Hitzinger alternator sets (rated at 2.2MW each) for low speed propulsion and ship service requirements.
Complement: 190 crew (20 officers, 170 ratings), berthing for 235 including up to 60 Royal Marines.

SAM: PAAMS - Typical mix of: 32 Aster 30; active doppler radar seeker; 3 km to 80 km (1.6 to 45 n miles) at 4.0 Mach; warhead 15 kg (84C); and 16 Aster 15; active doppler radar seeker; 1.7 km to 15 km (1 to 8 n miles) at 15,000 m (49,000 feet) altitude at 4.0 Mach; warhead ? kg (84C); 6 x 8 cell DCN Sylver A50 Vertical Launch System
SSM: Fitted for but not with 8 ( 2 x 4 launchers) McDonnell Douglas Harpoon; active radar homing; up to 130 km (70 n miles)
Guns: 1 Vickers 4.5 in (114 mm)/55 Mk 8 Mod 1; 25 rds/min to 27 km (15 n miles) anti-surface; 6 km (3.3 n miles) anti-aircraft; 800 rounds; weight of shell 21 kg.
2 Raytheon 20mm Phalanx Block 1B Mk15 CIWS;
2 DES/MSI DS 30B 30 mm/75; REMSIG variant, 650 rds/min to 10 km (5.4 n miles) anti-surface; 3 km (1.6 n miles) anti-aircraft; weight of shell 0.36 kg
Torpedoes: None [Provision for fitting 4 Cray Marine 324 mm fixed (2 twin) tubes. Marconi Stingray; active/passive homing to 11 km (5.9 n miles) at 45 kt; warhead 35 kg (shaped charge); depth to 750 m (2,460 ft). Automatic reload in 9 minutes.]
Countermeasures: Thales integrated intercept and jammer suite
Decoys: 4 8-tube decoy RL; 4 DLJ(2) floating decoy launchers (offboard decoy rounds - Mk251 IR Active Decoy Round (ADR), Mk214 Seduction Chaff, Mk216 Distraction Chaff.
Type 2070; J-SSTD (SLQ-25A(V)) active and passive towed torpedo decoy.
Combat data systems: BAE Insyte CMS-1; Links 11, 14 and JTIDS 16; Lockheed Martin CEC [uncertain, was until May 2005 planned for fit from 2012].
Astrium SCOT 3 SATCOM.
Weapons control: GWS 60 (for SSM). GWS ? (for SAM).
Radars: Long Range Air/Surface Search & IFF: Alenia Marconi Systems S1850M Smartello; D-band
Surveillance & PAAMS Fire Control: BAE Systems Sampson MFR; E/F band
Navigation: Raytheon Pathfinder Mk2
IFF: 1010/1011.
Sonar: Ultra-EDO Type 2100 medium-frequency system; bow-mounted; active search and attack.
Helicopter: 1 Westland Lynx HMA.8 or AgustaWestland Future Lynx (flight deck and hanger sized for Merlin HM.1)
Horizon Class Italian-French collaboration


Dimensions: overall length of 152.87 meters and between perpendiculars 141.7 m
maximum width 20.3 m and to the line of floating 17.9 m
building height of 11.8 m and the tree from the construction 43.2 m
projection of propellers under the line of construction 1.60 m and bulb 2.4 m
dive at the bulb 7.5 m and dive isocarenica corresponding 5.10 m

Displacement: 5,290.4 empty; 7,050 tons full load

Propulsion: CODOG (COmbined Diesel Or Gas), 2 reducers Locked train DCN, 2 gas turbines AVIO-GE LM 2500 from 20,5 MW each and 2 diesel motors 12 cilinders S.E.M.T. Pielstick 12 PA6 STC from 4,32 MW each, 2 propeller Fincantieri with 5 blades at variable step with a diameter of 4.8 m, 2 rudders.
There are 2 engine rooms, that foward and aft, arranged in two watertight and soundproof compartments with 2 funnels and each has a turbine and diesel, which handle such that the propellers are so connected to each salt both engines.
The platform is fully managed by an integrated automation system (PMS Platform Management System by DCN) for the conduct of the engine (MCAS), electrical equipment (EPCAMS), auxiliary (ASCS) and security service (DSAC) with of conduct by Dash, the SCC / COP or two posts located in ZCP (Zone Control Post)

Speed: 29 knots, 18 with diesel only

Range: 7000 nautical miles at 18 knots, 3500 miles at 24 knots

Electrical system: 4 generators diesel Isotta Fraschini VL 1716 T2 ME from 1.6 MW

Crew: 189 including 24 officers, 53 Sottufficiali 33 Sergenti and 79 military troops
+ 41 including 13 for the helicopter, maximum 20 for Command Complex and 8 for the San Marco Regiment Team
It is necessary to half staff than previous destroyer classes.

Air component:
1 EH-101 or NH-90 for ASW or ASuW, plattform of 530 m2 (26,5 x 20), 1 hangar da 180 m2 (12 x 15)
Schema amatoriale classe Andrea Doria

Armament/combat system: vertical launcherSylver A50 for 48 missile Aster 15 e 30 as preparation for further 16, 3 naval guns OTO Melara 76mm/62 super rapid , 2 naval guns Oto-Melara Oerlikon KBA 25mm/80 , preparation for missile system surface to surface type TESEO Mk2 (4x2 missile) , electronic warfare system EWS including 2 launcher AMS Oto-Melara SCLAR-H DLS antimissile and system euroslat SLAT anti-torpedoes, system for 2 singles tubes Eurotorp B515/3 for MU-90 torpedo ;
The anti-missile system is based on Principal Anti-Air Missile System (PAAMS) and the combat system and control DCN / Alenia CMS; The combat system includes 22 software modules, 20 workstation, 10 computers and 1 million lines of code. All this should make it possible to manage the arms, datalinks and tactical analysis of information submitted by a dozen of sensors, as well as the integration of data from other ships or aircraft, whether Italian or allies. We need only 20 to 25 people to manage the system. There is a secondary central, with 3 console, able to take over in case of damage or destruction of the main system.
has links data Link 16, Link 11 and SATCOM

Radar/sensor/sonar: Selex S.I. 2-D multifunctional EMPAR , 3-D long-range radar LRR Thales S-1850 M , IR detection system (IRAS) Sagem Vampir MB , 2 systems pointing multi-sensor (radar and elettro-optical) MSTIS NA 25X (RTN-30X) , IFF system, radar for helicopters landing, radar discovery surface RASS

Sonar: medium frequency sonar Thompson / Thales Marconi Sonar UMS 4110 CL

System: 1 System for Comand and Control EUROSYSNAV; 1 Integrated navigation system ; system IFF, 1 Selex-SI SIR-R/S, system meteo-oceanografic, system for electronics war Sigen ESM/ECM

Comunication: Communication system integrated Nicco Full (FICS), which includes systems SHF / UHF SICRAL, Multi HF, VHF, military UHF, VHF ICAO, VHF IMM, Inmarsat, METOC, and GMDSS system multitattico datalink

Udaloy class
The appearance of the Burke class destroyer Russian made ​​aware of the huge gap between Russia and the U.S. warship.While waiting for a new destroyer class equivalent AB DDG, this is a temporary Aegis of Russia


Designation: Project 1155 Fregat I Project 1155.1 Fregat II

Udaloy-I Udaloy-II
Designer: Severnoye Design Bureau

Displacement (tons):

6,200-6,700 tons standard
8,200-8,900 tons full load
6,200-6,700 tons standard
8,200-8,404 tons full load

Speed (kts):

29 knots

30-34 knots

Dimensions (m):

163.0 meters long
19.0-19.7 meters beam
7.87.9 meters draft

163.0-164.0 meters long
19.3 meters beam
6.2-8.0 meters draft


combined gas and gas (COGAG) configuration
2 M62 cruise gas turbines, 15,000 shp
2 M8KF boost gas turbines, 45,000 shp
2 props






8 URK-5 Rastrub (SS-N-14 )
8 x 8 Kinzhal (SA-N-9) Total: 64
2 SA Kortik (SA-N-11)
1 dual 100mm/70cal DP
4 30 mm AA

2 x 4 Moscit (SS-N-22)
8 x 8 Kinzhal VLS (SA-N-9) Total: 64
2 SA Kortik (SA-N-11)
1 x 2 AK-130 DP (130 mm)
4 x 6 AK-630 gattl. AA 6x30 mm


8 21 inch torpedo tubes

2 x 4/533 mm Total: 30


2 RBU-6000 ASW RL

2 x 10 RBU-Udav ASW RL


2 Helicopter KA-25

2 Helicopter KA-32


Udaloy I

MR-760MA Fregat-MA/Top Plate 3-D air search Radar
MR-320M Topaz-V/Strut Pair air/surf search Radar
Polinom Sonar suite with Orion/Horse Jaw bow mounted LF
Platina/Horse Tail LF VDS Sonar
Lesorub-5 combat system,
2 Drakon/Eye Bowl SSM targeting
2 MR-360 Podkat/Cross Sword SAM control
Start-2/Bell Shroud intercept
Bell Squat jammer
Bell Crown intercept
2 PK-2 decoy RL
10 PK-10 decoy RL in later ships

Udaloy II

MR-700 Fregat-A/Top Plate 3-D air search Radar
MR-320M Topaz-V/Strut Pair air/surf. search Radar
Zvezda-2 Sonar suite with MGK-345 Bronza/Ox Yoke bow mounted LF
Ox Tail LF VDS Sonar
2 MR-360 Podkat/Cross Sword SA-N-9 SAM control
2 3P37/Hot Flash SA-N-11 SAM control
Garpun-BAL SSM targeting
Start-series EW suite with Wine Glass intercept
Bell Shroud intercept
Bell Squat jammer
2 PK-2 decoy RL
10 PK-10 decoy RL

TYPE 52C LUZHOU - China Aegis
China tries to learn what the world's most elite.And Type 052C (052D future) is their answer, They call that is made ​​in china

Designation: DDG
Length: 505 ft (154m)
Beam: 56 ft (17m)
Draft: 20 ft (6m)
Displace (Full Load): 7,500 tons
Propulsion: 2 DA80/DN80, CODOG, two shafts
Speed: 33 knots
Range: est. 5,000 nautical miles (20 knots)
Crew: 280
Helicopter(s): 1 KA-28 ASW
- Unknown PARS
- 517H1, Sea Soul, TR-47C, OT-3 EO
- Unknown sonar
- 36 cell VLS HQ-9 fore
- 12 cell VLS HQ-9 aft
- 8 X YJ-1X SSM
- 1 X 100mm DP Gun
- 2 X Type 730 30mm CIWS
- 4 X 18 MRLS
- 6 X YU-7 Torpedoes

P-15 KOLKATA - India Aegis
I've read somewhere, that Indian underestimate the Type 052C, suggesting that it can not Not be appropriate enemies for P-15 & P-17. However, they are still building and improving them


Length: 535 ft (163m)
Beam: 57 ft (17.5m)
Draft: 17 ft (5m)
Displace (Full Load): 6,800 tons
Propulsion: COGAG: Zorya 2 × M36E gas turbine plants
- 4 × DT-59 reversible gas turbines
- 2 × RG-54 gearboxes
- 2 × Bergen/GRSE KVM-diesel engines, 9,900 hp/ea
- 4 × 1mWe Wärtsilä WCM-1000 generator sets driving - Cummins KTA50G3 engines and Kirloskar 1MV AC generators
- Two shafts
Speed: 30+ knots
Range: 8,000 nautical miles (18 knots - est)
Crew: 250 (est.)
- IAI EL/M-2238 L-band STAR surveillance radar
- BEL HUMSA-NG sonar
- BEL RAWL-02 /Thales LW-08 D-band air search radar
- BEL Nagin active towed array sonar
- BEL Electronic (EMCCA Mk4) combat management system
- 1 x 130 mm gun
4 x 4 Brahmos 2 Supersonic Cruise Missiles
2 x 32 cell Barak 8 SAM
4 x 8 CIWS Barak 1 SAM
2 x 30mm CIWS AK-630
2 x 3 ASW torpedo launchers
2 x RBU-6000 ASW Rockets
Ships in class: 3 built, 4 more planned
- 1 commisisoned Sep 2012
- 1 to commission Jun 2013
- 1 to commission Mar 2014
- 2 x Sea King or HAL Dhruv helicopters
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