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War started to reclaim Pakistan

No offence,but you're on the brink of riots and civil war. Who's more likely to get balkanized?

Oh wait,you're not even Pakistani.

I dont know why with him, having 1.4 billion people is rather a disadvantage for any country. China is on the exception since the people there are homogenous and having one united state will avoid war among them that had previously happened for 500 years.

To be powerful country, it needs only about 100-350 million people with vast land and sea territory. We can see USA, Russia, France, and German population at that level.

Balkanized India is unlikely to happen though, accept China invaded North East India like China did several decades ago. Balkanized India will create 3-5 strong Hindu nations with much better effective government that will be more harm to Pakistan than what India currently is.
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War has started to reclaim Pakistan

I dont know why you become so hopeless after IK is put on jail. IK is the one that wants to hang Nawaz Sharif and Musharaf, both have strong followers in Pakistan politics. Now as he has crossed the line, the opposite power also does the same as reaction.

He has passed the red line and doesnt think as strategic thinking leader in my view. His mouth has also damaged Pakistan political harmony among civilian powers. He talks lie about Indian administered Kasmir experiencing genocide from India which is very dangerous in my opinion. His action going out from parliament and saying the vote of no convident is illegal is rather emotional and will not help Pakistan democracy.

Pakistan will embrace new and better promising future if PTI new leader is better in using his mouth and prefer to create unity among civilian power. Getting better relationship with the military is also now essential.

I dont see party leaders in Indonesia say explicitly that other party is corrupt bla bla bla. The argument is always saying they have better plan, better policy, and has strong anti corruption stance. It is for making the political arena conducive and political parties will compete with better policy, better result when they are in power than saying bluntly other leaders are corrupt and should be jailed.
What was your question?
Pakistan may or may not be destroyed in case of war, but Indian economy will sure be destroyed.
Pray, elaborate how? Anything I am not aware of?

The record of last 70 years is as follows:

Pakistan has fought several wars - conventional and insurgencies. Pakistan has lost some and barely survived others. In the meantime India has only gone from strength to strength.
I dont know why you become so hopeless after IK is put on jail. IK is the one that wants to hang Nawaz Sharif and Musharaf, both have strong followers in Pakistan politics. Now as he has crossed the line, the opposite power also does the same as reaction.

He has passed the red line and doesnt think as strategic thinking leader in my view. His mouth has also damaged Pakistan political harmony among civilian powers. He talks lie about Indian administered Kasmir experiencing genocide from India which is very dangerous in my opinion. His action going out from parliament and saying the vote of no convident is illegal is rather emotional and will not help Pakistan democracy.

Pakistan will embrace new and better promising future if PTI new leader is better in using his mouth and prefer to create unity among civilian power. Getting better relationship with the military is also now essential.

I dont see party leaders in Indonesia say explicitly that other party is corrupt bla bla bla. The argument is always saying they have better plan, better policy, and has strong anti corruption stance. It is for making the political arena conducive and political parties will compete with better policy, better result when they are in power than saying bluntly other leaders are corrupt and should be jailed.
The revolutionary leaders come in all levels of expertise.

He is a product of his class and generation and especially his environment.

Indonesia has already gone through its reform period. Now the metric of judging a party is its ability to improve efficiency and performance in governance.

The only four things we need IK to accomplish, IMHO, are

1. lead through reform that with set up the country for a stable sustainable economy (cut wasteful spending, increase taxes on unproductive assets beyond certain levels such as property taxes, investment in our population so we can grow out of the mess, land reform, etc.) that leaves room for growth and never needs to go back to the IMF.

2. Legal reforms to strengthen civilian supremacy within checks and balances via strong civilian institutions. No other politician is prepared to challenge the hold “they” have on the country. They includes the business elites; those responsible for elite capture stifling all political and economic progress.

3. Forge a stable and enduring understanding with the Afghans that benefit them and us, and allows our access to Central Asia, that can endure any future rough patches. IK is well placed to get this deal done, but will need advisors to shape this vision and protect Pakistani interests, not giving away too much by being too hasty.

4. Finally, a meritocratic party he leaves as his legacy, to continue evolving, is what the nation needs to ensure there is a party that will keep fighting beyond any one person or family.

In a country that has grown accustomed to shortcuts being seen as a sign of one’s brilliance, we need to change the culture.

Those are the four main elements I would hope he completes within the remainder of his life. His has to set the vision, try to mend fences where possible, and hand off the party to a new generation to carry the baton forward.
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The revolutionary leaders come in all levels of expertise. He is a product of his class and generation and especially his environment. Indonesia has already gone through its reform period. Now it’s efficiency and performance in governance.

The only four things we need IK to accomplish, IMHO, are

1. lead through reform that with set up the country for a stable sustainable economy (cut wasteful spending, increase taxes on unproductive assets beyond certain levels such as property taxes, investment in our population so we can grow out of the mess, land reform, etc.)

2. Legal reforms to strengthen civilian supremacy within checks and balances via strong institutions.

3. we need a stable and enduring understanding with the Afghans that benefit them and us, and allows our access to Central Asia through any future rough patches, IK is well placed to get this deal done, but will need advisors to shape this vision and protect Pakistani interests, not giving away too much by being too hasty.

4. Finally, a meritocratic party he leaves as his legacy, to continue evolving, is what the nation needs to ensure there is a party that will keep fighting beyond any one person or family.

In a country that has grown accustomed to shortcuts being seen as a sign of one’s brilliance, we need to change the culture.

Those are the four main elements I would hope he completes within the remainder of his life. His has to set the vision, try to mend fences where possible, and hand off the party to a new generation to carry the baton forward.

IK has exposed Pakistan military wrong doing to the general public. This is what I think the positive effect that will last quite long in Pakistan politics that could bring some good changes in the future. Despite he is saying it after he is desposed from power, nevertheless it is good think as before Military has always been highly supported despite their continous intervention on politics and gov institutions. With stronger civilian power that could happen in the future, there is high likely for Pakistan to limit its military overreach on civilian institution gradually.

Corruption cannot be thrown away overnight, it needs strong democracy system that can reward and punish any administration. Western government have shown that can happen, even my country can be another example of what democracy can do in positive way in some extend.

The main point of what I want to say is that, political system has to be made conducive in order for the system to be able to show good results. Conducive political system will also make the fighting happen only in the parliament, not on the street. Thus it will give political stability and good environment for businessess and investors to do business and invest in Pakistan.
I dont see party leaders in Indonesia say explicitly that other party is corrupt bla bla bla. The argument is always saying they have better plan, better policy, and has strong anti corruption stance. It is for making the political arena conducive and political parties will compete with better policy, better result when they are in power than saying bluntly other leaders are corrupt and should be jailed.

Since PTI's foundation, Imran's focus was getting rid of corruption and in that mode, he labelled EVERY other politician 'corrupt'. He made tall claims like bringing tens of billions of Dollars back to Pakistan from the foreign bank accounts of the corrupt politicians. And his message really resonated with many Pakistanis, including me. But I believe Imran's anti-corruption narrative had as much to do with tackling corruption as to do with removing any potential rival from politics. It doesn't take much to realize that Imran's single focus was on absolute power. He didn't accept that Pakistan is a complex country in which other parties too have a large vote bank. In his lust for absolute power, he didn't even groom five immediate successors, as you can see right now. And this after a so-called '27 year political struggle'??

Back to topic: As expected, no mass demonstration. People have their lives to take care of. And why would parents send their kids to danger when Imran's are sitting in their comfy home in England??
War has started to reclaim Pakistan
Is it available on Xbox?

Since PTI's foundation, Imran's focus was getting rid of corruption and in that mode, he labelled EVERY other politician 'corrupt'. He made tall claims like bringing tens of billions of Dollars back to Pakistan from the foreign bank accounts of the corrupt politicians. And his message really resonated with many Pakistanis, including me. But I believe Imran's anti-corruption narrative had as much to do with tackling corruption as to do with removing any potential rival from politics. It doesn't take much to realize that Imran's single focus was on absolute power. He didn't accept that Pakistan is a complex country in which other parties too have a large vote bank. In his lust for absolute power, he didn't even groom five immediate successors, as you can see right now. And this after a so-called '27 year political struggle'??

Back to topic: As expected, no mass demonstration. People have their lives to take care of. And why would parents send their kids to danger when Imran's are sitting in their comfy home in England??
As expected no mass demonstration apart from April now people hate him because he burnt down the corps commanders house, people love corps commander houses so no demonstration!

By this logic everyone hated mujeeb ur rehman and Fatima jinnah and bacha Khan

Kinda shows you your objectivity is worse then 16 years old teenager

The revolutionary leaders come in all levels of expertise.

He is a product of his class and generation and especially his environment.

Indonesia has already gone through its reform period. Now the metric of judging a party is its ability to improve efficiency and performance in governance.

The only four things we need IK to accomplish, IMHO, are

1. lead through reform that with set up the country for a stable sustainable economy (cut wasteful spending, increase taxes on unproductive assets beyond certain levels such as property taxes, investment in our population so we can grow out of the mess, land reform, etc.) that leaves room for growth and never needs to go back to the IMF.

2. Legal reforms to strengthen civilian supremacy within checks and balances via strong civilian institutions. No other politician is prepared to challenge the hold “they” have on the country. They includes the business elites; those responsible for elite capture stifling all political and economic progress.

3. Forge a stable and enduring understanding with the Afghans that benefit them and us, and allows our access to Central Asia, that can endure any future rough patches. IK is well placed to get this deal done, but will need advisors to shape this vision and protect Pakistani interests, not giving away too much by being too hasty.

4. Finally, a meritocratic party he leaves as his legacy, to continue evolving, is what the nation needs to ensure there is a party that will keep fighting beyond any one person or family.

In a country that has grown accustomed to shortcuts being seen as a sign of one’s brilliance, we need to change the culture.

Those are the four main elements I would hope he completes within the remainder of his life. His has to set the vision, try to mend fences where possible, and hand off the party to a new generation to carry the baton forward.
Lol good luck 🤞😂

India has been hell bent on destroying and annexing Pakistan since the day Pakistan was born.

This will only end when India has been balkanized.

Kashmiri freedom fighters are doing a great job.

No need for Pakistan Military to get involved officially at this time.

When the time is right we will join the fight to finish off India.
But who are kashmiri freedom fighters?

I like the spirt seems like niazi spirit on 16th December
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