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War possibility has Pak air force worried

Firstly, the article is from DNA India.

Scondly, This article is hilarious. Reminds me of Indian thinking in 1948, 1965, 1999 and 2002.:lol:
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I wonder where did Amir Mir shoot himself when he made Zardari commander in cheif of armed forces!

At least he disclosed that mig-21 is india's most dispensable plane :oops:

Indians never forget to mention the price tag of JF-17 when ever they had to mention it! I wonder in which way does it helps them?

One thing is clear that PAF will remain the most crucial element in war situation and so remain the matter of highest concern for indian defence planers and analysts. ;)
PAF is critical if the tagets are in Kashmir. I would worry more about their Navy. They were able to blockade Karachi in 1999 remember? Not to mention the Navy has an Airwing also.
May be you are true. But your own radicals will destroy Pakistan that is 100% true.

:rofl: our radicals want to fight side by side with the pak army thats how much we hate u :rofl:
as far as they go trying to destroy our country thats never gonna happen lmao :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

as jinnah once said pakistan is here to stay forever!!! :pakistan:
War possibility has Pak air force worried

Amir Mir

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) has warned the nation’s civilian leadership that in case of an armed conflict with India, PAF could lose its skies within a week.

In a secret report, the air force has told president Asif Ali Zardari, who is also commander-in-chief of the armed forces, that PAF’s entire war strategy rests on a strike at the heart of India’s western air command - as was the case in 1965. Which means, disabling a great number of Indian aircraft before they take off to establish supremacy in the air.

The report points out the bitter fact that PAF only has about three dozen truly world-class fighter planes — F-16 Fighting Falcons — and of them, only a handful are the latest block-52 fighters. The remaining are ageing aircraft acquired 20-25 years ago.

These are not even a match for Su-30s and are outnumbered by MiG-29s.

After F-16s, the PAF report points out, Pakistan has Mirage-IIIs and Mirage-Vs. The fact, however, remains the earliest of these were received over 37 years ago. Pakistan also relies heavily on F-7Ps, the Chinese version of the Soviet MiG-21s, which currently is India’s most dispensable plane.

JF-17s, rumoured to have a production cost of $17 million per unit, are still years from becoming PAF’s mainstay. There are other planes, including a solitary surviving squadron of MiG-19, or F-6, as it is called, its A-5 variant ground attack aircraft, FT-5 (a variant of MiG-17), the jet trainer K-8 and the Super Mushak, but these would be of little consequence in a full-blown conflict.

Pitting against these planes is a wide range of aircraft, including but not limited to, Su-30s, Mirage-2000s, MiG-29s, MiG-27s, MiG-23s and MiG-21s, which make the Indian Air Force a formidable nemesis.

Buddy, u r right if u talk of high tech aircrafts only that is to say the high tech planes available with Pak are F-16 and JF-17 only but similarly high tech aircrafts available with India are SU-30 and Mig-29 so both countries become at parity with each other
Hahahaha , pretty funny article.

Actually Pakistan air force is worried about the Indian air force, what would become of the IAF when we are through with them.

We done care about quantity, as long as we have one of the best quality in the world.
Hahahaha , pretty funny article.

Actually Pakistan air force is worried about the Indian air force, what would become of the IAF when we are through with them.

We done care about quantity, as long as we have one of the best quality in the world.

:rofl::rofl::rofl:I TOTALLY AGREE WITH THAT:agree:
a big joke again from India

65,71,99,02 India always learned the hard way lets finish this off once in far all.

Pakistan ZINDABAD :pakistan:
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Peace is wat is wanted peace is wat we both need but seems like the indians want a piece then u shall have a hard slap in your face and a kick in the A$$ hahahaha
dna india is a gappu tabloid trash media source. I think they are the ones who reported India is working on captured UFO tech.
Buddy, u r right if u talk of high tech aircrafts only that is to say the high tech planes available with Pak are F-16 and JF-17 only but similarly high tech aircrafts available with India are SU-30 and Mig-29 so both countries become at parity with each other

JF-17 is not combat ready it is still in testing phase, so you don't have neither numerical nor qualitative superiority.
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