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War possibility has Pak air force worried


Dec 20, 2008
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War possibility has Pak air force worried

Amir Mir

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) has warned the nation’s civilian leadership that in case of an armed conflict with India, PAF could lose its skies within a week.

In a secret report, the air force has told president Asif Ali Zardari, who is also commander-in-chief of the armed forces, that PAF’s entire war strategy rests on a strike at the heart of India’s western air command - as was the case in 1965. Which means, disabling a great number of Indian aircraft before they take off to establish supremacy in the air.

The report points out the bitter fact that PAF only has about three dozen truly world-class fighter planes — F-16 Fighting Falcons — and of them, only a handful are the latest block-52 fighters. The remaining are ageing aircraft acquired 20-25 years ago.

These are not even a match for Su-30s and are outnumbered by MiG-29s.

After F-16s, the PAF report points out, Pakistan has Mirage-IIIs and Mirage-Vs. The fact, however, remains the earliest of these were received over 37 years ago. Pakistan also relies heavily on F-7Ps, the Chinese version of the Soviet MiG-21s, which currently is India’s most dispensable plane.

JF-17s, rumoured to have a production cost of $17 million per unit, are still years from becoming PAF’s mainstay. There are other planes, including a solitary surviving squadron of MiG-19, or F-6, as it is called, its A-5 variant ground attack aircraft, FT-5 (a variant of MiG-17), the jet trainer K-8 and the Super Mushak, but these would be of little consequence in a full-blown conflict.

Pitting against these planes is a wide range of aircraft, including but not limited to, Su-30s, Mirage-2000s, MiG-29s, MiG-27s, MiG-23s and MiG-21s, which make the Indian Air Force a formidable nemesis.
the writers comment is not shared by many of the members in these forum.
but many wiser members here would give the news in the article a serious consideration.
yes i agree paf pilots are better trained and their capabilities are well recognized even by iaf but fighting skills in modern era also depends on the ammunition and in that case india is much superior in that content.
not all planes are in operational mode at the same time, that also needs to be considered.
i very thought provoking article but "predicting especially the future is really hard "
its such a secret damn how you know ? we will lose skies in about 1 day are you happy buddy.India media is like bollywood geez ; and about 3 dozen F-16s make me laugh harder than anything h/o i am sending this artical to my cousin who is a mechnical Engineer in PAF

EDIT - Author is Amir Mir geez anyone will write anything to get a bit of $.
Linkin Park aren't you forgetting something....you've to be in our airspace with ur superior craps...what was transferred under the table to Pakistan by China you've no Idea and knowledge about it..so welcome to Pakistan's Air Space i hope to see the sky flashing with falling debris of MIGS, SUs, M2s, jags and so on so fourth.
I guess you Leap before thinking...why do you under-estimate your enemy so much? why are you ppl in self denial? When PAF and Pak Army already told our skies will be secure than aren't you excepting that something is there? Again i will await the sweet falling of debris off the sky in my land of the warriors:P.
what was transferred under the table to Pakistan by China you've no Idea and knowledge about it-luftwaffe

thts a very import point raised and india should think twice before any strikes
but the same might also apply in pakistans case , maybe pakistan also does not know about many such secretive weapons or numbers that india possess.
just speculating...
what was transferred under the table to Pakistan by China you've no Idea and knowledge about it-luftwaffe

thts a very import point raised and india should think twice before any strikes
but the same might also apply in pakistans case , maybe pakistan also does not know about many such secretive weapons or numbers that india possess.
just speculating...

hey man the way i look at it Russia is not a friend of India ; it just supply them some goods with the exchange of $ while China and Pakistan signed on a Security Defence deal.

Pakistan ZINDABAD :pakistan:
well said moscow Agreed. My Statement is still in its place We are not running mouths on diplomatic level its Indians who are doing it. This statement was just to keep Indians at bay other wise "falling debris India should remember it"
We do not forget its them who keep forgetting.
"On 6th September, 1965, during an aerial combat over enemy territory, Squadron Leader Mohammad Mahmood Alam flying as pilot of an F-86 Sabre Jet, shot down two enemy Hunter aircraft and damaged three others. For the exceptional flying skill and valor displayed by Squadron Leader Mohammad Mahmood Alam in operations, he was awarded Sitara-i-Juraat. On 7th September, 1965, in a number of interception missions flown by Squadron Leader Mohammad Mahmood Alam against enemy aircraft attacking Pakistan Air Force Station, Sargodha, Squadron Leader Alam destroyed five more enemy Hunter aircraft in less than a minute, which remains a record until today. Overall, he had nine kills and two damages to his credit. For the exceptional flying skill and valour shown by him in pressing home his attacks in aerial combats with the enemy, Squadron Leader Mohammad Mahmood Alam is awarded a bar to his Sitara-i-Juraat."

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In a secret report, the air force has told president Asif Ali Zardari, .

How come Mr Amir Mir (is he brother of Hamid Mir??) of DNA (very original name BTW) got hold of a secret report that was presented by Chief of Air Staff to President of Pakistan? …When a news starts with ‘an unnamed official’, ‘a secret report’, ‘ a confidential document’ or ‘ at an undisclosed location’ etc etc , it actually means that its going to be followed by more bullShit…:whistle:

and of them, only a handful are the latest block-52 fighters

Here Mr Amir Mir shoots himself in left foot , :lol: and ….

The remaining are ageing aircraft acquired 20-25 years ago.

…here he shoots in the right….:)

There are other planes, including a solitary surviving squadron of MiG-19, or F-6, as it is called,

Here the writer manages to shoot himself in his arse and so goes with it the credibility of both him and the article in a single shot…
hey man the way i look at it Russia is not a friend of India ; it just supply them some goods with the exchange of $ while China and Pakistan signed on a Security Defence deal.

Pakistan ZINDABAD :pakistan:

sir i beg to differ with you on this if russia wanted only dollars it would not have supported india on the world stage. be it the UN ,G8,or any other platform russia has always stood by india .russia need not do this because anyways russia knew if they offered high level technology to india they will always buy it .russia offers its highest technology to india but this previlage is not offered to many countries in the world.i doubt any other country would lease a nuclear submarine to another country but russia is doing it despite international pressure.

As for me personally i am completely neutral only interested in strategy, technologies and discussions but never war.

Sherdil -

The 3 dozen F-16 number is about right. These were sent out in the 80's, before the Pressler Ammendment. I doubt if all 36 are in fact flying. Some have had the MLU to Block 52, but not all. You could probably verify this with your friend in the PAF. The rest are A/B versions.

Hard facts - The Indians probably have you outgunned. This does not mean it will be a walkover for them. You have less Airspace for them to be in...it will be ugly either way.

I'll put the rest of the immature posts down as chest thumping..it's actually funny reading the posts.

As far as the "under the table" - I hope it was a large table to slide several airplanes under. When China sent additional F-7s during Kargil, they came by ship before the Karachi blockade.

I notice eveyone keeps going back to 1965 - 43 years ago. Yes, PAF had India outgunned then. What about since then??
pakistan has the best air force in the whole world y the hell would we need to wrry?
if the indian government differs then just DARE to attack us :pakistan:
Sherdil -

The 3 dozen F-16 number is about right. These were sent out in the 80's, before the Pressler Ammendment. I doubt if all 36 are in fact flying. Some have had the MLU to Block 52, but not all. You could probably verify this with your friend in the PAF. The rest are A/B versions.

Hard facts - The Indians probably have you outgunned. This does not mean it will be a walkover for them. You have less Airspace for them to be in...it will be ugly either way.

I'll put the rest of the immature posts down as chest thumping..it's actually funny reading the posts.

As far as the "under the table" - I hope it was a large table to slide several airplanes under. When China sent additional F-7s during Kargil, they came by ship before the Karachi blockade.

I notice eveyone keeps going back to 1965 - 43 years ago. Yes, PAF had India outgunned then. What about since then??

hey i know the # of F-16s very well so i would not like to comment on anything :)

Pakistan ZINDABAD :pakistan:
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