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War lords & Central Asia


Jan 13, 2010
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Russian Federation

Almata. Кyrtag – Amir Arynov.

There is such sensation that at Islamic movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) got second life. The past year has forced Central Asia to reflect again on the threats proceeding from insurgents IMU, especially after ethnic collisions in the south of Kyrgyzstan and a series of terrorist attacks in Tajikistan.
The Renaissance for short term of this organisation after long time continuous, apparently, losses and failures – wearisome fights in Pakistan and Afghanistan, demoralisation of insurgents, a train of splits inside IMU, – looks, at least, fantastically. Considering latest developments of summer-autumn of 2010 in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan where it has been got mixed up IMU, it is possible to tell that statements of some experts in 2009 and earlier about actual disorder of the given organisation do not represent the facts. At least, they have been exaggerated, since at IMU nevertheless forces and resources have sufficed not only to return to borders of Central Asia from Pakistan, but also to renew the blasting work in region. On the other hand, it could occur obviously with support of very influential forces.
What has happened? That who has induced also has pushed IMU in many years to return to the initial political aims?

The analysis of the events connected with activity IMU, shows that visible cardinal changes have begun in 2009, and the destruction in August of that year is necessary for considering Tahir Juldashev more as result of plot and revolution, rather than struggle against terrorism.

In spite of the fact that T.Juldashev was source of its creation, he changed priorities of IMU in his time, departed from main objectives – overthrows of modes in Central Asia and creations of the Islamic state. By 2009 IMU led by T.Juldashevym began to resemble narcocartel and group of mercenaries which were at war for another's interests, for example, the same Talibs and al Kaide. This circumstance has strongly affected moods of separate field commanders and militants of IMU not to advantage of the leader. Thus discontent to T.Juldashevu expressed, most likely, not only its colleagues, but also the third forces – sponsors and ideologists of movement. Finally T.Juldashev was lost as a result of air strike of the American armies. Under some information attack has been made by Americans on plot of Pakistan intelligence, who informed place of presence T.Juldasheva's by someone from its inner circle. Suspicions fall on the present leader there is Adil Usmana.
However it is not necessary to be limited to that T.Juldasheva's death could become only result of military operations of armies of the USA and the NATO on destruction of terrorists or plot against it from outside other field commanders IMU. There is a version that T.Juldashev, as well as other influential members go co-operated (probably and now co-operate) with the American and Pakistan intelligence services. At some instant T.Juldashev has simply not suitable for USA and Pakistan since any more did not justify their expectation.

According to the Russian expert Ruslana Saidova in the autumn of 2005 the American and British investigations, ostensibly, collected groups IMU in provinces of Kunduz for attack organisation on southern areas of Kyrgyzstan. However the given action has not taken place, T.Juldashev has returned the people in Southern Waziristan of Pakistan. After that events in rows of IMU there was a split. Field commanders IMU Nadzhimiddin Janov ("Jahja") and Mansur Sohail ("Abu-Huzejf") have broken away with the groups from T.Juldasheva and have created in Northern Waziristane «the Union of Islamic Jihad» (UIJ). Washington and Islamabad have counted on UIJ. Since then T.Juldasheva's militants with CIA sanction began to destroy and squeeze out methodically from Southern Waziristana by hands of armed formations under control of the Pakistan intelligence. In particular, the most strongest attack on IMU, according to other Russian expert Simeon Bagdasarova, has put one of field commanders of the Pakistan Talibs of Maulan Fajzulla around a valley Swat, taking a number of military operations against IMU, thus having accused T.Juldasheva of communications with CIA.

It is possible to assume that at some instant interests of the USA, Pakistan and already the new leader IMU A.Usmana have coincided, and T.Juldasheva's destruction became result of their cooperation. At least, A.Usmana's present possible communication with the American and Pakistan special services proves to be true three circumstances.

First, after T.Juldasheva's death IMU and UIJ which is considered that it is created under CIA control, and under other data of military investigation Defense Intelligence Agency, DIA the USA, began to operate again in common. An indicative example are the data sounded in the summer of 2010 KNSSC (Kyrgyz National Security State Committee) of Kyrgyzstan which has declared that during June events in the south of Kyrgyzstan insurgents of both organisations actively operated.

Secondly, published in October, 2009 the Afghani government the information that the Pakistan intelligence deployed on the north of Afghanistan militants of IMU, speaks only about one: Islamabad co-ordinates their actions. It is impossible to tell that Americans about it did not know. Moreover, it became obviously from the sanction of Washington since under other circumstances response of the USA long would not keep waiting for itself.
Thirdly, Washington indirectly promotes functioning support of IMU. How it occurs? Activity IMU is financed by Islamic funds from Turkey, Saudi Arabia, other Arabian countries and Pakistan, including money arrived and from the state structures of the specified countries. It was declared in 2009 by the former head of counterespionage there is a certain Osman Turk in one of the interviews, being already in the Uzbek prison. All these states are allies of the USA. Ask a question why allies finance the terrorist organisation from which the American army struggles, and Washington does not react in any way to it? Moreover, in August, 2010 in Internet space there was an information that the next fund, financing IMU, has appeared in territory of one more ally of the USA – South Korea. The name of this fund «Baitul mall».

So, we have a data set, specifying in possible communication IMU and UIJ with the American and Pakistan special services. If to consider that actions of insurgents are to some extent co-ordinated the USA and Pakistan their occurrence in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan has occurred not only on whim of leaders IMU, but also at will of those who behind them stand. Here it is necessary to consider that IMU and UIJ, as well as many other Islamic terrorist organisations, are a part of one big system Jihadism as which ideologists act whether eminent Arabian sheikhs-seminary students, whether special services, and can, it in general the joint global project where the first violin play the USA.
In any case growth of threat for Central Asia proceeding from IMU, it is available. And the chronology of the events, led to that militants of movement have got on territory of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, looks approximately as follows.

Under statements of the Afghani government approximately since May, 2009 the secret transfer of militants from Pakistan in northern provinces of Afghanistan by helicopters which could belong to the Pakistan army has begun. A great bulk of militants - natives of republics of the Central Asia who could belong only IMU.

After destruction in August, 2009 of the leader of IMU T.Juldasheva the power transfer to force which aspire to return of movement to the Central Asia. A recent appeal of the new leader IMU A.Usman to jihad against modes in Central Asia, after events in Kyrgyzstan, anything other, as the announcement of new strategy of the organisation.

From the end of 2009 and throughout all 2010 the military-political situation in northern provinces of Afghanistan, first of all, in Kunduze and Badakhshan sharply becomes aggravated. Coalition armies of the NATO together with the Afghani safety force regularly perform operations on destruction of insurgents. It promotes acceleration of process of penetration IMU to adjacent Tajikistan with Afghanistan and Kyrgyzstan. Actually there is a purposeful expression of terrorists to Central Asia where the favourable circumstances for their fastening in region already have been at that point in time prepared.

April and June events of 2010 in Kyrgyzstan also are those favourable circumstances. They have allowed initiators of operation on return IMU to Central Asia to solve two problems which promote strengthening of positions of terrorists in region. The first problem is an easing of the state, as power institute, shaking of sociopolitical stability. The second – increase in a stream of volunteers in the numbers. For example, after the Osh ethnic pogroms some hundreds citizens of Kyrgyzstan have left to Afghanistan for the purpose of the introduction into numbers IMU, what has declared itself the Kirghiz president Roza Otunbaeva.

Special action in Rashtsky area of Tajikistan on destruction of insurgents after a series of terrorist attacks in August-September, 2010 about which there is not enough trustworthy information, testifies that IMU with support of local terrorist groupings already have got into republic. Without any doubts, and that insurgents of movement also are and in Kyrgyzstan. Acts of terrorism, revealing of caches of the weapon and an ammunition, firing with militants for this country already became a reality. Also be assured, the situation in these two republics during the current year will not improve.


Just think, who can be the main conductor of all of it?
I'm wondering if you can help me, a student.

I've tried but simply cannot come up with a unique claim or hypotheses (one that hasn't already been discussed in dept) about the IMU. Something interesting to research. Do you have any or a few ideas to help me on my way?

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