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War is the only Option Left with China:Lt Gen H S Panag

a likely result of war with China is that India getting another 'hot' border to the east. kind of like Vietnam in the 1980s. China would also prep up Nepal so it's possible India's entire northern border will become heavily contested in the coming decade

a nightmare for a developing country that is. Imagine foreign investors come to India and wish to set up business in the cow belt... would probably reconsider if they can pretty much hear the distant artillery fire.
Finally! We can expend our nuclear warheads before they expire!

Yeah you have been ranting this for some years now on this forum lmao.....

Yet your govt thinks different.

BTW, if you bring it up with them, do they put you in isolated ward or simply meat pie you?
Is your life so boring that you make so many threads about war? Do some adventure sport, jump from a tall place, chase after women then you’ll get enough excitement
Let's see if these single child boys of Chinese army can take the heat of the war thousand miles away from their Han lands. India will fight to the end. We as a country of 1.3 billion neither lack men or resources to defend our border.

The Christian and Muslim world would watch the war from the distance with glee, but since the foolhardy Chinese have chosen to force the war on us,then so be it.

@vi-va @Beast @Feng Leng @beijingwalker @Chinese-Dragon
What do you want the Christian and Muslim world to do? Get involved in a fight for a piece of inhospitable, no-man's land? Just like Siachen, this is another waste. Talk it out, give and take and move on to other things. This should have been the case for all of the disputes in South Asia.
Yeah you have been ranting this for some years now on this forum lmao.....

Yet your govt thinks different.

BTW, if you bring it up with them, do they put you in isolated ward or simply meat pie you?
I don't understand, why war when not an inch was lost? The reaction baffles me. One hand Modi is telling Indians of victory and one skinny Sikh killing 13 with his bare hands and then we hear this news.
Its now here and now there
Today foreign minister kind of sided with china when they said usa should accept multi polar world. No alliance etc.
War should happen because india must take back what we claim. But politically its all hunkydory.

Damn, you are still active and kicking!
It's long time for you on PDF, you sound like a slowed down middle age man, not a fast and furious youngman when you joined!

How's life in Dehi!
You will get this in return specially built for you.

Just hear the sound it makes and it is saying to death China.

@vi-va @Beast
@beijingwalker @Chinese-Dragon
Honestly if nuclear war were to erupt between China and India, I don't actually think there would be mutually assured destruction. India may destroy a couple Chinese cities, but Chinese nukes would completely wipe India out. So Chinese casualties would probably be in the tens of millions, while Indian ones probably over a billion.

Note I'm only comparing the overall capabilities of the Chinese and Indian nuclear arsenals. Not trying to advocate nuclear war. These are very cruel weapons that should never be used.
Even North Korea has more powerful nukes and ICBM than India. India's most powerful nuke yield only at 60KT. India ICBM can only carry a single nuclear warhead.

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