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War is coming in mid april .......intl report Pak Gov

Russia probably won't jump in , its all a matter of interest , if russia sees its interest then it'll partake (by selling weapons to both sides and making money of course ), otherwise we are probably alone in this, i am saying this because we have seen so far what arab countries do when we are in trouble , they just fulfill their own interests but Turkey on the other hand can help us

Exactly and when India is paying cash hungry russia for S400 and jets, then Russia will probably stay neutral. Uncle Sam wants a check on China, and India is their SHO here. I don't think US protested much about S400 deal between India and Russia like they did for Turkey.
And why would Russia sabotage their weapons deal with India over Pakistan.
oh how convenient is this spectre of war, almost like a santa claus for both countries; bringing election brownie points for modi, concealment of ineptitude for IK and a boost to the military industrial complex of both countries. pakistan zinda baad. jai hind. ho ho ho
If foreign minister is saying this then probably its true cuz i think he did'nt get this information from his bodyguards , ISI is totally in on this one ...
Sounds like clever fake news. India was able to do what it did under cover of a false flag operation. What is their reason going to be now? International community was silent earlier because they bought Indian narrative now they have had their face dragged through mud and no one believes them + They have no justifiable reason to attack Pakistan.

This seems like a clever ploy by government to maybe pass some harsh policies while same time controlling international narrative of India being aggressor. I wouldn't lose any sleep.
Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi has revealed that India is planning another military attack against Pakistan in coming weeks, raising the spector of renewed hostilities between the two nuclear armed neighbours.

“We have reliable intelligence that between 16th and 20th April, India may carry out an attack against Pakistan,” disclosed the foreign minister at a news conference in his hometown Multan on Sunday.

Elaborating further, he said that India could stage a “Pulwama style” attack in Occupied Kashmir to use it as justification for its military adventure against Pakistan.

FM Qureshi said that he had consulted with Prime Minister Imran Khan and decided to make public the development in order to expose the Indian designs.

Pulwama attack and finger-pointing at Pakistan

The purpose of such sinister plan is to put diplomatic pressure on Pakistan, he added.

Pakistan is taking the intelligence of possible Indian aggression seriously as it has already reached out to the key world capitals on the development.

Two days ago, Foreign Secretary Tehmina Janjua invited the ambassadors of five permanent members of the UN Security Council to share Islamabad’s concerns.

It is believed that the recent telephonic conversation between FM Qureshi and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was initiated after the intelligence reports of renewed escalation in Indo-Pak tensions.

Pakistan and India were almost on the brink of war when in late February both countries launched tit for tat air strikes.

On February 26, Indian fighter jets crossed the Pakistani airspace for the first time since 1971 war. Pakistan scrambled its jets and forced Indian warplanes to drop their payload in the open in Balakot.

Indian government then claimed that it targeted the alleged terrorist camps of banned Jaish-e-Muhammad, which New Delhi said was behind the Pulwama attack.

Pakistan contested the Indian claim and very next day retaliated with air strikes but dropped the missile in open spaces just to convey the message that Indian military aggression would not go unpublished.

The Pakistani retaliation led to a dogfight between the two countries leaving two Indian warplanes downed and one of its pilots was

India at the time claimed that it also shot down the Pakistan F16 fighter jet, though provided no verifiable evidence.

The Indian claim was resoundingly debunked by a recent report in a Foreign Policy, which quoted senior US Defence officials as saying that “no Pakistani F16 jet was missing”.

The expose came just days before Indian parliamentary polls, something that may dent Indian Prime Minister Modi’s credibility.

“That’s why we fear that India may orchestrate another Pulwama type attack and use it as justification for another military action against Pakistan,” said a senior foreign office official while requesting anonymity.

May be a small scale war might take place soon.
But keep in mind that until end of month of May, Some parts in Kashmir region are closed. India will never attack till that time, because if India will do that, Pakistan will be in Valley in no time, and all Indian troops will be POW.

In my opinion, from Mid of June to mid of October, this is the right window, where India can start a war. That window will end in end of November again, when the routes will be closed again.

But keep in mind, India will not do full scale invasion, rather ammunition will be used, and forces will gradually move, inch by inch.

This year I don't think it may happen(But Allah knows better).
This year, after success of BJP, and amendment of Indian constitution, Indian might do that next year, in same months.

All Pakistan do is to restart NCC, and prepare a force of at least 1000000 guys, who are ready to fight Chaddi RSS army in one year.
If foreign minister is saying this then probably its true cuz i think he did'nt get this information from his bodyguards , ISI is totally in on this one ...
LoL ok buddy. prepare for your ghazwa/yudh then
yes there is a chance that this is a false flag by PTI govt but then Indians must give a reaction through their official channel. only feeds to the rumor
Re: bold part:
Apparently they did and are asking Pakistan to share actionable intelligence about terror attack in Kashmir via diplomatic or DG MO channels.
Their election is commencing so they are beefing up their border for election month
Re: bold part:
Apparently they did and are asking Pakistan to share actionable intelligence about terror attack in Kashmir via diplomatic or DG MO channels.
give a reaction to the accusation of FM Shah Mehmood Querashi's claim
The battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton...

Consider here French to be Indians...
Actually it was won on an industrial and ecnomical level before the last blow at waterloo was dealt, Napoleon was squeezed before he was defeated. Without the squeeze, there is no defeating a man like Napoleon on the battlefield. His biggest failiure was his incapacity to create a strong sustainable state in France. Britain on the other hand was........
India just want to keep Pakistan under pressure to make Pakistan economically exhausted.
Actually it was won on an industrial and ecnomical level before the last blow at waterloo was dealt, Napoleon was squeezed before he was defeated. Without the squeeze, there is no defeating a man like Napoleon on the battlefield. His biggest failiure was his incapacity to create a strong sustainable state in France. Britain on the other hand was........

Right...in the subsequent post I talked about it.

Pakistan has a weaker economy but a lean and mean PA and PAF overall efficient and professional, India has a stronger economy but an overburdened, inefficient(comparatively) Air Force and Army...Navy seems to be better.


Napoleon Bonaparte said this 'Soldiers can't march on the empty stomachs' ironically Pakistan soldiers are better fed, better cared for and better remunerated( don't we make a hue and cry about huge army budget).

And Ironically Napoleon B. lost the war at Waterloo against the British Coalition.

Think W. Churchill also said that 'Are the judiciary working during the war, people replied in the affirmative, said everything is destroyed but judiciary is working, Churchill thundered 'We'll win the war' and he did.

Pakistan military industrial complex is huge and independent of the country's economy...

From the horse mouth.

Best chance to attack india would be during election , Pakistan should think with progressive , confident mind

Releasing prisoners and giving them Gulab Jaman or tea is not enough
Here is another point that no one talks about, they want to puch Pakistan to a point from where Pakistan can push the nuclear button. The purpose is to reveal pakistans well hidden nuclear assets so that they can plan an attack in the future... What Pakistan should do is not to use strategic weapons apart from conventional weapons. Unless it becomes absolutely necessary to carry out nuclear ⚛ full scale attack. At this point Pakistan should think one more time before going nuclear and try the real WMDs of Pakistan and that is the jihadis here we have to make sure that the governments jihad policies should be changed and jihad should be declared necessary or farz on India. And release the jihadis to carry out the rest of the game... This is the time when every one will grab a gun including my self ... And in no way India can afford a governments backed up jihad plane it'll disintegrate india like USSR

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