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War has begun in Karabakh.

No,it's important for Putin to have a pro-Russian government in Armenia. And that's not what they have.

Azerbaijan wouldn't have become part of NATO in the first place. Check Georgia in 2008.

Putin and Pashinyan were at odds. Putin simply didn't intervene to help NKR and the Armenians. That's all he had to do.
The rest was Pashinyan's own agenda and incompetence.

If Armenia was not pro-Russia, it would have left CSTO a long back like Azerbaijan did.

Putin and Russia are weak and do not have capacity and capability to fight another war with NATO in NK/Armenia.

Putin decided to sacrifice Armenia & NK to survive in Ukraine.

Turkiye will intervene in Azerbaijan with or without NATO.

In case of Georgia, Turkiye could not care much as Georgians are neither Turks nor Muslims.

It was up to NATO to intervene but Geogians did not want to fight for NATO like Ukranians are doing.
If Armenia was not pro-Russia, it would have left CSTO a long back like Azerbaijan did.
You really are one of those "special" ones,aren't you. Armenia has been under Pashinyan for 3 years. It would have been stupid for them to leave CSTO when the situation is so volatile with the Azeris on their doorstep and Putin already angry. And with no guarantee of protection from NATO. Besides,Turkey would have vetoed their NATO entrance.

Putin decided to sacrifice Armenia & NK to survive in Ukraine.
Putin decided to give a lesson to Armenians who kicked the pro-Russian government and changed the status quo,just like Ukrainians did in 2014.
You really are one of those "special" ones,aren't you. Armenia has been under Pashinyan for 3 years. It would have been stupid for them to leave CSTO when the situation is so volatile with the Azeris on their doorstep and Putin already angry. And with no guarantee of protection from NATO. Besides,Turkey would have vetoed their NATO entrance.

Putin decided to give a lesson to Armenians who kicked the pro-Russian government and changed the status quo,just like Ukrainians did in 2014.

The crux of the issue is Putin & Russia are weak.

Armenia got burnt by betting on CSTO.

They should have left CSTO back in the 1990 like other former soviet republics and joined NATO.
The crux of the issue is Putin & Russia are weak.

Armenia got burnt by betting on CSTO.

They should have left CSTO back in the 1990 like other former soviet republics and joined NATO.
They didn't know back then. They were closer to the Russians culturally and politically at the time.
They didn't know back then. They were closer to the Russians culturally and politically at the time.

No one is going to help if you cannot help yourself.

NATO and EU need Oil & Gas from Azerbaijan. So they could care less if Armenia & NK goes down the tubes.

Anyway Armenia is a fake country.

This is the best time for Turkiye and Azerbaijan to annex Aremenia now that NK has fallen.
Which Armenians? The ones in Armenia proper who protest against Pashinyan or the ones in NK who have to leave?

Armenia should also be annexed now the NK has fallen.

Turkiye and Azerbaijan should go for the kill as both Russia and NATO are preoocupied in Ukraine.

This is a golden opportunity.
Armenia should also be annexed now the NK has fallen.

Turkiye and Azerbaijan should go for the kill as both Russia and NATo are preoocupied in Ukraine.

This is a golden opportunity.
I asked you a question. What are you mumbling about deliriously?
How can you have a non Turkish Christian country between two Turkish Muslim countries.

Armenians should emmigrate to Russia or Europe. That is where they belong.
What kind of a logic is that?

Armenians have been living in that part of the world since ancient times,it's Turks who came from central Asia to this area.
What kind of a logic is that?

EU are racist.

Poland is saying no to Muslim immigrants & Refugees but took in Ukranian Christian refugees.

So EU should accept Armenian Christian refugees like they are doing with the Ukranian refugees.

I asked you a question. What are you mumbling about deliriously?

Don't worry Greece will meet the same fate as Armenia.

NATO will not come to your rescue when Turkiye hits you.
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