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WAR CRIMES TRIAL- Witness alleges state abduction (to India)

The whole "war crime trail" farce has been started by Indian prescription any way. In order to protect awami fagots India would go to any length. We are literally an Indian province now, a defacto one where our people gets slaughtered by Indian propped up fagotic scum regime. Bali was abducted in front of the ICT which no one can deny but the chilling fact is that now he is in Indian jail. Many people thought that he might have been killed by awami loons but RAW fagots are involved in this with the awami fagotic partners.

Good, raw guys are not as incompetent as I thought them to be.

I think this all is done by RAW with help of some dalals....:coffee:

No joke please. What makes U think that a big country like india won't meddle in BD in that too for protecting a regime that bend over backwards to full fill every single Indian lollypop dream.
one question for conspiracy theory believers...why a correctional home??why not some secret safe house??If he got abducted by so called AL govt and later handover to RAW,then why RAW didn't keep him in some safehouse,where nobody ever will know about his existence???only a fool will send him in jail,under the very nose of civil administration???

anyway,truth will come out eventually..so many refugees cross everyday,many got caught.now we have to find out whats his crime and do he really wants some political asylum or not???
by the way..here is the news.........

Washington: A US-based human rights body has urged India to take all necessary steps to protect a Bangladeshi national currently lodged in an Indian jail, who is said to be a long-missing witness of the International Crimes Tribunal (ICT) in Bangladesh.

In a statement, Human Rights Watch (HRW) alleged that Shukhoranjan Bali, a prime witness in the Bangladesh War Crime trials was abducted and forced to cross the Indian border.

He was later arrested in India for illegally entering the country and has been languishing in a Kolkata jail since, the HRW said.

"The apparent abduction of a witness in a trial at the ICT is a cause for serious concern about the conduct of the prosecution, judges and government.

Among many questions that arise, is who ordered the abduction, and how senior the officials involved were," Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights Watch, said.

Bali was due to appear to give evidence as a defense witness before the ICT, a court expressly set up to try people suspected of war crimes during Bangladesh's 1971 war of Independence. He had previously been listed as a prosecution witness.

Bali, he said, was expected to counter prosecution allegations about the involvement of Delwar Hossain Sayedee in the 1971 murder of his brother.

Saydeee has since been sentenced to be hanged, in part for the murder of Bali's brother.

Human Rights Watch said Bali claims that he was abducted at the courthouse by police, held in government custody for several weeks, and then pushed across the border to India.

In April, Bali was sentenced by an Indian court to 110 days in jail for entering the country illegally.

He has already completed his term but is still in jail. In its statement, Human Rights Watch said that India should not return Bali to Bangladesh until he is interviewed by the Indian office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), which can determine if he wishes to claim asylum and whether he is a refugee.

"If he does not wish to claim asylum, or his asylum claim is rejected, India should still not return him to Bangladesh when there is a real risk to his life or of his suffering ill-treatment if he returns there," the rights body said.

"There is a real risk to Bali if he is returned to Bangladesh, as he could expose those involved in his abduction.

Bali needs access to an independent lawyer and UNHCR so that he can make an informed decision about whether it is safe for him to return to Bangladesh," Adams said.

India urged to protect Bangladesh War Crime trial witness | NDTV.com
one question for conspiracy theory believers...why a correctional home??why not some secret safe house??If he got abducted by so called AL govt and later handover to RAW,then why RAW didn't keep him in some safehouse,where nobody ever will know about his existence???only a fool will send him in jail,under the very nose of civil administration???
Safe houses are over crowded :yay:
Fact is that we dont bother to read these war crime trail and all that. In fact we came to know about these from Defence.pk. But yes, we dont want these Islamist to take over bangladesh and created another mess for us. :hitwall: Infact that is also good for bangladesh seeing present condition of our wastern neighbour...
Fact is that we dont bother to read these war crime trail and all that. In fact we came to know about these from Defence.pk. But yes, we dont want these Islamist to take over bangladesh and created another mess for us. :hitwall: Infact that is also good for bangladesh seeing present condition of our wastern neighbour...

JI employess million people in BD, so they can command their employees to do these strikes and all, nothing called awakening or some revolution happening there.

The reasons for this strkes are not justified either.
Looks like a ploy to get asylum in India! Seriously, if govt. agencies want somebody to vanish, they will melt into thin air and not end up in neighbouring country's prison with 110 day imprisonment. If BD police indeed conspired, they would plant something incriminating, arms, contraband etc on him so that he could never see daylight again... except BD police are incompetent or callous...
Long Story Short these is how we are going to lose Bangladesh Same way we lost Nepal,sri lanka by meddling in other people business.
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