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Wakeup Lahore - A MUST WATCH


Sorry I make a typing error in the title of the post. Can you please correct it?

"Wake Up Lahore - A MUST WATCH"
Why is the show's name "Wake up Lahore" shouldn't it be "Wake up Pakistan". Lahore is just one city in Pakistan.

Zaid Hamid should also talk with university students in Peshawar, Quetta, and Karachi.
Why is the show's name "Wake up Lahore" shouldn't it be "Wake up Pakistan". Lahore is just one city in Pakistan.

Zaid Hamid should also talk with university students in Peshawar, Quetta, and Karachi.

I was invited to this lecture and I sat through the entire thing. This was the beginning of a series where a team would travel to every city of Pakistan, promoting their message. Maria B organized this one and Zaid Hamid and Ali Azmat were the key guests.

Before criticizing anyone, do a bit of background check. All the necessary information is out there for you to explore.
I have heard similar things number of times, I have questions if anyone can help me understand. These stories that Zaid talks about, related to very old times, example victory over Persian etc. How many of these stories have origin in Pakistan or is he claiming every Muslim victories.
I have heard similar things number of times, I have questions if anyone can help me understand. These stories that Zaid talks about, related to very old times, example victory over Persian etc. How many of these stories have origin in Pakistan or is he claiming every Muslim victories.

you should understand that we muslim think of ourselves as one body. The references he gives is a proof in history that when muslims are united, they can overcome any obstacle and succeed. I know this is tough for nonmuslims to understand the concept of Ummah.
you should understand that we muslim think of ourselves as one body. The references he gives is a proof in history that when muslims are united, they can overcome any obstacle and succeed. I know this is tough for nonmuslims to understand the concept of Ummah.

Thx for your answer. I just wanted to know this. So you mean to say if Iran attacks and wins over Israel tomorrow, then in future it is correct for Pakistani to say we defeted Israel.
Thx for your answer. I just wanted to know this. So you mean to say if Iran attacks and wins over Israel tomorrow, then in future it is correct for Pakistani to say we defeted Israel.

you know why Pakistan Nuclear bomb was called Islamic bomb by all muslim countries? because they consider it part of Muslim world the Ummah. Although it is Pakistan property, the muslim world still feel proud that a muslim country has a nuclear bomb, from Bangladesh to Malaysia to Turkey. All muslims felt proud when Pakistan detonated Nuclear bomb.

Today, No Politician think in terms of United interest of Muslims. They only care about themselves from Pakistan president to Egypt, Jordan, Saudi arabia. Thats why when, Iraq, Afghanistan was attacked, Muslim protested but the Politicians didnt care. That is the reason Muslim world is so behind because of this thinking.

Zaid Hamid is telling us that when Muslims are united togther then that is the only time when you can succeed in your objectives. This is what Prophet Muhammed said to Muslims.

I hope you get what i am trying to say.
Thx for your answer, one more question came to my mind. What if Afganistan attacks Pakistan and wins. Will Pakistan then say we won. Is it not that many Muslims countries had war with each other.
Guys let me share an event with you...in may 1998...my brother in law was in US...he wasnt into politics or current affairs...but he went for friday prayers...and there the egyptian imam said "today pakistan has something which is a pride for the whole muslim world"..he was refering to nuke tests.
Go and read the comments of palestinian leaders, malaysian leaders...and as far as i guess one of the federal ministers of
iran also made a comment like this that we as muslims are proud of
yes indeed there were wars....even iran-iraq war....but
the problem is that we are emphasizing the fact the when
all these countries were united they excelled in everything
from science, technology, justice, political system...everything..
that should be done...even the system of pension was started by caliph hadhrat umar (R) ( DAWN - Features; March 5, 2003 ) this is what zaid hamid is talking about.
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Thx for your answer, one more question came to my mind. What if Afganistan attacks Pakistan and wins. Will Pakistan then say we won. Is it not that many Muslims countries had war with each other.

i guess, you really dont understand my point. All the countries are divided today, so that is what i am saying already. People are bringing forward their ethnicity, culture before thinking about the interest of whole ummah.

You know, who divided the Muslim world? West.

the Ottomans were defeated then Tipu Sultan and Mughal empire in India. The Umayyad Caliphate was defeated by the crusaders. All these empires were then made into countries. United we stand and divided we fall strategy of the west was successfull.

The christian europe became united and the muslim world became divided. After that the muslim world is in this state.

so there is no point of comparing today situtation with the past of muslim history.
you know why Pakistan Nuclear bomb was called Islamic bomb by all muslim countries? because they consider it part of Muslim world the Ummah. Although it is Pakistan property, the muslim world still feel proud that a muslim country has a nuclear bomb, from Bangladesh to Malaysia to Turkey. All muslims felt proud when Pakistan detonated Nuclear bomb.

Today, No Politician think in terms of United interest of Muslims. They only care about themselves from Pakistan president to Egypt, Jordan, Saudi arabia. Thats why when, Iraq, Afghanistan was attacked, Muslim protested but the Politicians didnt care. That is the reason Muslim world is so behind because of this thinking.

Zaid Hamid is telling us that when Muslims are united togther then that is the only time when you can succeed in your objectives. This is what Prophet Muhammed said to Muslims.

I hope you get what i am trying to say.

I just wanted to know are such muslim unity efforts made only from Pakistan or all other muslim countries are also keen?

If all feel the same then why was the oil rich muslim countries and other muslim countries were looking the other way when Pakistan had a financial crisis.

I understand your thoughts are nobel but wouldnt it be better if we were to unite on basis of humanity and mutual respect for all.Unity and conditionality or selective unity is a difficult concept to pull of.Once you introduce this filter of religion the subfilters like shia,sunni or turks,arabs,asians,or rich and poor all will get automatically triggered.

I would say it would be a wonderfull if we were to unite globally to remove poverty or better health care by sharing ideas and experiences then world will be a better palce to live.
i guess, you really dont understand my point. All the countries are divided today, so that is what i am saying already. People are bringing forward their ethnicity, culture before thinking about the interest of whole ummah.

You know, who divided the Muslim world? West.

the Ottomans were defeated then Tipu Sultan and Mughal empire in India. The Umayyad Caliphate was defeated by the crusaders. All these empires were then made into countries. United we stand and divided we fall strategy of the west was successfull.

The christian europe became united and the muslim world became divided. After that the muslim world is in this state.

so there is no point of comparing today situtation with the past of muslim history.

I dont have any mal-intentions, but just wanted to raise a counter-point.
Wouldn't it be wrong to say that the Christian world (the West) was ever united or they constituted one combined entity at the expense of the Muslims? I mean the Russians are Christians but never sided with the Europeans and the Americans. The Christian-Capitalist US is still having tiffs with the Christian -Socialist Cuba and Venezuela.

What I am trying to say is that religions never was a unifying phenomenon for people with different ethnicities. When Babur invaded India he fought with Ibrahim Lodhi of the Delhi sultanate. Tipu Sultan fought with both the Nizams and the British. Hitler, a devout Catholic waged war with the whole predominantly Christian western world.

I'd say ethnicity and culture are the main deciding factors.

Throughout history people of same faiths have fought with each other simply because religion fails to act as a unifying force. May be that's possible according to your and Zaid Hamid's views, but from what history and the present suggest, there will forever be factors beyond the scope of religion that will unite or divide us.
I just wanted to know are such muslim unity efforts made only from Pakistan or all other muslim countries are also keen?

If all feel the same then why was the oil rich muslim countries and other muslim countries were looking the other way when Pakistan had a financial crisis.

I understand your thoughts are nobel but wouldnt it be better if we were to unite on basis of humanity and mutual respect for all.Unity and conditionality or selective unity is a difficult concept to pull of.Once you introduce this filter of religion the subfilters like shia,sunni or turks,arabs,asians,or rich and poor all will get automatically triggered.

I would say it would be a wonderfull if we were to unite globally to remove poverty or better health care by sharing ideas and experiences then world will be a better palce to live.

Yes, the muslims do want to see us united. I can say this with certain. The Muslims who know their religion will 100% support it. However, The influence from the western world have made a great impact on that ability to happen.

Lets take for example, The western nation have instated Politicians that go against that approach. Hosni Mubarak the dictator of Egypt have firm control from the west especially Zinoists. The muslim brotherhood was destroyed under the pressue from the zionists. The Saudis government are puppets of USA. Pakistan Zardari, the less I say the better. Afghanistan Karazai, the scapegoat of Mossad, CIA and RAW.

I can go on and on…

So the question of Ummah will never rise in politics. The media is brainwashing muslim youth to forget their prime goal. You know how Turkey transformed from Ottoman to being secular? Zionist and west supported that. Pakistan was also penetrated through divisions on the grounds of ethnicity, language and other stuff that led to even weaker Pakistan.

The history is witness that in the past..Muslims from many different ethnicities lived in peace and flourished.
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