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Wake up Pakistan!: Where do we stand in the comity of nations?

Pakistan's meat and dairy based diet is much more nutritious that the Indian diet which relies mostly on daal for proteins.

Pakistanis consumed nearly 39 million tons of milk in 2011-12, according to Economic Survey of Pakistan. This translates into 223 Kg of milk consumption per person which is about the same as the developed world's per capita milk consumption and more than twice that of neighboring India's 96 kg per capita.

Indians consume only 3.2 Kg of meat per capita, less than one-fifth of Pakistan's 18 Kg. Daal (legumes or pulses) are popular in South Asia as a protein source. Indians consume 11.68 Kg of daal per capita, about twice as much as Pakistan's 6.57 Kg.

Another ingredient popular in South Asian cuisine is vegetable oil. It's an important source of fat and protein for a nutritious and tasty diet. Edible oil consumption soars during the holidays as hundreds of millions of people eat sweets and fried foods during the September-December festive season. Pakistanis use about 20 Kg of oil, the per capita amount recommended by the World Health Organization, while Indians consume about 13 Kg per capita.

Haq's Musings: Pakistan Among Top Meat Consuming Nations

so whats the point here with this BLOG again ??
Pakistan is one of the largest and most important countries in the world. With population exceeding 170 million, it is one of only eight nations armed with nuclear weapons. The nation ranks as sixth largest in population, seventh largest in its army size, 8th in number of mobile phone users, 10th in educated English speaking population, 10th in labor force size, 17th largest in number of Internet users, 26th in economy and 34th in land area.

Pakistan sits at the entrance to the oil rich Persian Gulf, and it shares borders with Afghanistan, Iran and the world's most populous nuclear states of China and India. Pakistan's Gwadar port is only 180 nautical miles from the exit of the Straits of Hormuz, considered extremely important for the flow of the bulk of world's demand for oil transportation from the Gulf nations. It provides convenient access to sea routes for many of the landlocked mineral-rich Central Asian states and Western China.

Pakistan has a 650-mile long coastline on the Arabian Sea, extending from India to Iran. In addition, some of the air and land routes between west and east pass through Pakistan because of its central location. Karachi and Gawadar have natural harbor ports serving as trading and re-fueling stop for ships.

Haq's Musings: Is Pakistan Too Big to Fail?

And the point is what exactly?

Despite all of what you say, Pakistan is OVERALL heading towards disaster. That is a sobering prospect indeed.
Pakistan's meat and dairy based diet is much more nutritious that the Indian diet which relies mostly on daal for proteins.

Pakistanis consumed nearly 39 million tons of milk in 2011-12, according to Economic Survey of Pakistan. This translates into 223 Kg of milk consumption per person which is about the same as the developed world's per capita milk consumption and more than twice that of neighboring India's 96 kg per capita.

Indians consume only 3.2 Kg of meat per capita, less than one-fifth of Pakistan's 18 Kg. Daal (legumes or pulses) are popular in South Asia as a protein source. Indians consume 11.68 Kg of daal per capita, about twice as much as Pakistan's 6.57 Kg.

Another ingredient popular in South Asian cuisine is vegetable oil. It's an important source of fat and protein for a nutritious and tasty diet. Edible oil consumption soars during the holidays as hundreds of millions of people eat sweets and fried foods during the September-December festive season. Pakistanis use about 20 Kg of oil, the per capita amount recommended by the World Health Organization, while Indians consume about 13 Kg per capita.

Haq's Musings: Pakistan Among Top Meat Consuming Nations

We already are water stressed countries. You should be stressing that is untenable in the long run. You guys will only realize the economy of meat based diet when water becomes more precious. Simply put: it's wasteful and irresponsible to squander our precious resources on a luxury item like meat.
what can we say, not everyone is a galactic supa dupa pawa like India who comes in at number 1 in starving population.

India is the 2nd most well fed nation on earth.
if 350 million indians are starving it means 850 million indians are well fed. that means India is better than america where only 350 million are well fed, and second only to china where 1.1 billion are well fed,.

Go India, you are the best.
Pakistan's meat and dairy based diet is much more nutritious that the Indian diet which relies mostly on daal for proteins.

Pakistanis consumed nearly 39 million tons of milk in 2011-12, according to Economic Survey of Pakistan. This translates into 223 Kg of milk consumption per person which is about the same as the developed world's per capita milk consumption and more than twice that of neighboring India's 96 kg per capita.

Indians consume only 3.2 Kg of meat per capita, less than one-fifth of Pakistan's 18 Kg. Daal (legumes or pulses) are popular in South Asia as a protein source. Indians consume 11.68 Kg of daal per capita, about twice as much as Pakistan's 6.57 Kg.

Another ingredient popular in South Asian cuisine is vegetable oil. It's an important source of fat and protein for a nutritious and tasty diet. Edible oil consumption soars during the holidays as hundreds of millions of people eat sweets and fried foods during the September-December festive season. Pakistanis use about 20 Kg of oil, the per capita amount recommended by the World Health Organization, while Indians consume about 13 Kg per capita.

Haq's Musings: Pakistan Among Top Meat Consuming Nations
Would the less consumption of meat be due to the fact that majority of Indians are vegetarian? He'll we even forced McDonalds to start McAloo Tikki.

And if you are going to say that meat eaters are stronger than vegetarians then that myth propagated by your generals has been debunked in wars
I am not trolling , but kindly you give me one blog link of Haq's musings where Pakistan is not ultimate winner against India in any field.
Among other South Asian nations, India's GHI score improved to 23.7 in 2011 to where it was in three years earlier in 2008 after worsening from 23.7 (2008) to 23.9 (2009) to 24.1 (2010). India's ranking remained at 67 in 2011, the same as it was in 2010 but worse than 66 in 2008 and 65 in 2009.


Haq's Musings: World Food Day: Pakistan Hunger Rising

Doesn't the lower the number get indicates the less hungry people are getting?
look down, way down, towards the end...yeah thats right, thats us there
Has anybody done a comparative study of incidence-rates of flatulence and constipation between India and Pakistan?

I mean the lentil-heavy Indian diet may lead to higher levels of flatulence, but the meat-heavy Pakistani diet may lead to higher levels of constipation.

Does anyone know of any studies (published) on these two key indicators for India & Pakistan?
Pakistan is one of the largest and most important countries in the world. With population exceeding 170 million, it is one of only eight nations armed with nuclear weapons. The nation ranks as sixth largest in population, seventh largest in its army size, 8th in number of mobile phone users, 10th in educated English speaking population, 10th in labor force size, 17th largest in number of Internet users, 26th in economy and 34th in land area.

Pakistan sits at the entrance to the oil rich Persian Gulf, and it shares borders with Afghanistan, Iran and the world's most populous nuclear states of China and India. Pakistan's Gwadar port is only 180 nautical miles from the exit of the Straits of Hormuz, considered extremely important for the flow of the bulk of world's demand for oil transportation from the Gulf nations. It provides convenient access to sea routes for many of the landlocked mineral-rich Central Asian states and Western China.

Pakistan has a 650-mile long coastline on the Arabian Sea, extending from India to Iran. In addition, some of the air and land routes between west and east pass through Pakistan because of its central location. Karachi and Gawadar have natural harbor ports serving as trading and re-fueling stop for ships.

Haq's Musings: Is Pakistan Too Big to Fail?

Except for India, I don't see how Pakistan's geographic location be of great use to other nations. Unfortunately, because of bad relations between India and Pakistan, Pakistan may never realize its geographic location.
Pakistan's meat and dairy based diet is much more nutritious that the Indian diet which relies mostly on daal for proteins....

This is exactly what a lot of my friends from Kabul say about Pakistanis. Of course, when they say "Pakistanis" they really mean the Punjabis and are not really referring to the Pashtu and Baloch speaking people.

They always refer to the Pakistani Punjabis as "Daal-Khor".

The term is sometimes considered derogatory.

So is it true? Do the Punjabis in Pakistan eat a lot of this "daal"?
Another ingredient popular in South Asian cuisine is vegetable oil. It's an important source of fat and protein for a nutritious and tasty diet. Edible oil consumption soars during the holidays as hundreds of millions of people eat sweets and fried foods during the September-December festive season. Pakistanis use about 20 Kg of oil, the per capita amount recommended by the World Health Organization, while Indians consume about 13 Kg per capita.

Haq's Musings: Pakistan Among Top Meat Consuming Nations

are you sure sir that vegetable oil is an important source of protein?
To my fellow Indian here please stop trolling here this thread is about Pakistan Economics ,why covert into a dick measuring contest for getting cheap thanks.

On topic:Until unless zardari & co in power,i dont see anything improvements,why not someone like musharaf.
Diets heavy in meat and dairy (general animal products with saturated fats) are known to predispose to higher incidence of colorectal cancer.

Diets heavy in plant proteins and fiber are known to reduce incidence of colon cancer.

JAMA Network | JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association | Meat Consumption and Risk of Colorectal Cancer
Eating Meat May Raise Colon Cancer Risk
Meat consumption and risk of colorectal cancer:... [Int J Cancer. 2006] - PubMed - NCBI
Red meat and colon cancer
Meat And Colorectal Cancer Risk: Scientists Suggest Potential Mechanisms

QUESTION: Do Pakistanis have a HIGHER incidence rate of colorectal cancer than Indians?

In order to find the answer, we need to do a comparative study between Pakistan and India. We need a mass campaign of rectal exams and deep colonoscopy. After a thorough & vigorous search for polyps, we should perform a rigorous analysis of the resulting statistical data in order to determine the correlations.
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