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Wake up, America! You’re falling behind

Defense is high tech! Healthcare can be considered "half high tech" because it drives much of biotechnology.

I think services are not limited to restraunt and retail, they include strategic areas like finance, technical consultants and outsourced engineering design. however, I agree somewhat. The industrial production of China just outpaced that of the US. This indeed means that the US is starting to fall behind in production of real goods.

China vs. US: Manufacturing comparison - Business News - Manufacturing Digital
However, productivity is still a massive issue. IHS's Head of World Industry Services Mark Killon points out: “The US has a huge productivity advantage in that it produced only slightly less than China’s manufacturing output in 2010 but with 11.5 million workers compared to the 100 million employed in the same sector in China.”
The 11.5 million workers in the US has the same productivity as 100 millions in China. This is just another epic failed 'analysis' from you who were proven equally spectacularly wrong about semincon manufacturing. No wonder people suspect the lot of you to be paid mouthpieces of the Chinese government...:rolleyes:
So China will become a super-power all because of "ISLAMIC COUNTRIES" and "MUSLIMS" - How great muslims can be for China, China is totally indebted to muslims. Fail America cus of the "warriors of Islam".

China vs. US: Manufacturing comparison - Business News - Manufacturing Digital

The 11.5 million workers in the US has the same productivity as 100 millions in China. This is just another epic failed 'analysis' from you who were proven equally spectacularly wrong about semincon manufacturing. No wonder people suspect the lot of you to be paid mouthpieces of the Chinese government...:rolleyes:

Let's be honest gambit. Do you really think a NYC cabdriver is somehow 10 times more productive than a Beijing cabdriver just because he makes 10 times more. I can't tell you how many times I've been in some bullsh!t meeting with 20 other people making $xxx.xx per hour for 8 hours and we did absolutely jack. In fact that factory worker in China making happy meal toys probably did more real work in those 8 hours than all 20 of us combined. I can name entire industries in the US that don't do jack but inflate those GDP numbers.
Let's be honest gambit. Do you really think a NYC cabdriver is somehow 10 times more productive than a Beijing cabdriver just because he makes 10 times more. I can't tell you how many times I've been in some bullsh!t meeting with 20 other people making $xxx.xx per hour for 8 hours and we did absolutely jack. In fact that factory worker in China making happy meal toys probably did more real work in those 8 hours than all 20 of us combined. I can name entire industries in the US that don't do jack but inflate those GDP numbers.

very well said , but no need to reply to this useless troll just ignor him.
There is no denying that China has caught up with U.S. in certain areas. However, here the main argument is to catch up with U.S. overall.

In that sense, China is still way behind. We have a lot to do in overall catch-up game. We should not under-estimate U.S. power, incentive as well as its initiative to push itself ahead just like what China did in the past.

That 5-year estimate is really way out of line. There is no such possibility.

People are scared of the great leap forward not because of the thinking, but because it failed.

It is definitely possible to leap forward in strategic areas by bypassing traditional rules in emerging areas. That is exactly how Taiwan leaped ahead in computer hardware while being still stone age in traditional heavy industries like shipbuilding, automotive and aerospace.

Emerging areas and critical technologies like deep sea mining, photovoltaics and other advanced materials, supercomputing, biotechnology and advanced transportation are relatively easy to leap ahead in provided they have necessary funding. It is extremely difficult to leap ahead in traditional areas.
what history been telling us is once an empire begin to fall nothing can stop it till it fall to the bottom before they can bounce back . just look at what happened to the roman and the brithish empire.
So China will become a super-power all because of "ISLAMIC COUNTRIES" and "MUSLIMS" - How great muslims can be for China, China is totally indebted to muslims. Fail America cus of the "warriors of Islam".

So you want to convert Chinese to muslim as well???
Let's be honest gambit. Do you really think a NYC cabdriver is somehow 10 times more productive than a Beijing cabdriver just because he makes 10 times more. I can't tell you how many times I've been in some bullsh!t meeting with 20 other people making $xxx.xx per hour for 8 hours and we did absolutely jack. In fact that factory worker in China making happy meal toys probably did more real work in those 8 hours than all 20 of us combined. I can name entire industries in the US that don't do jack but inflate those GDP numbers.
Buddy...Here is another tidbit about myself...

Micron Technology, Inc. - Micron Technology Opens New Manufacturing Facility in China
While the Xi’an facility is Micron’s first manufacturing plant in China, the company is no stranger to the China business community. Micron first came to China in 2001 to service its growing customer base from an office in Xiamen. In 2004, Micron established Micron Semiconductor Shanghai in Shanghai with about 60 employees and branch offices in Beijing and Shenzhen to provide corporate, sales and marketing services throughout China. That same year, Micron also chose Shanghai as the location of one of the company’s integrated circuit design centers and formed Micron Semiconductor Technology. With about 50 employees, Micron Semiconductor Technology is a key hub in Micron’s network for providing support to a variety of Asia-based mobile phone and consumer electronic device manufacturers.
I used to work for Micron when the company was known for DRAM. My specialty was what the industry called 'Burn-In'...For example...

STEC | Test During Burn In (TDBI) | DDR3, DDR2
To improve reliability, STEC has developed a proprietary test system called TDBI (Test During Burn-In), that can run dynamic test patterns on a large number of DIMMs while they are undergoing both thermal and electrical stress.
When we were ramping up our China facility there were already plenty of research, analysis, and reports on productivity issues comprehensive enough from clean electrical power and water to workers capabilities. Chinese workers had issues that ranged from physical to educational. Before Micron I was with Santa Clara Plastics (SCP) where I do field installs on wafer processing tools and a lot of robotics. Micron, Intel, IBM, and Texas Instruments were among my clients. The robotics were 'automated material handling systems' or AMHS...

200 Series 200 mm Wafer Transport Carriers
Trends in wafer processing technology have mandated advancements in wafer carrier technology to support today’s advanced semiconductor processing facilities. Wafer carriers designed for advanced wafer transport offer dramatic performance benefits over traditional low and mid-range wafer carriers, including:

* Precise wafer access – the wafer is in a precise and predictable location >
* Reliable equipment operation – on process tools and AMHS
* Secure wafer protection – from contamination and damage

It is well known in the semicon industry, particularly among tool makers such as SCP, Advantest and Verigy, that they have to tailor their tools to accommodate the shorter Asian stature. Nothing wrong with that. However, manufacturing instructions were in order from simplest to most complex: China, South Korea, more complex were Japan, Europe, and the US. There were no shortages of stories on how difficult it was to write manufacturing instructions for our China Micron facility, even when many of our agents were fluent Mandarin speakers. When we ramped up our SG facility, the difference was like we moved from China to Japan or back to the US.

You have your stories and I have mine.
Chinese people will continue to be non-religious.

Well, Chinese people consider religions differently. They may believe in different religions or GODs. However, they will not take religion over their country.

In addition, there won't be any religion that will ever dominate China for any foreseeable future.
lol if america goes down so will 75% of world economy .
america won't wake up until congress gets a swift kick in the balls
no need to worry about USA,its a nation known to get stronger in the time of need
lol if america goes down so will 75% of world economy .

Yes, i totally agree. Keep thinking that. Yep. USA all the way.


About the supposed "educational and physical inferiority" of Chinese workers:

I don't know. What I do know is that there are Chinese workers, also educated in China, working in Silicon Valley without their "racial inferiorities" getting in the way.

Seriously, specially tailored tools for Asian height? Is this a joke?

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