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Wagah-like show in Petrapole of BD

What your same branve BGB has done in Pilkana.. You want me to post that..??

To express happiness in in It is something like your wife delivered a child, but you are not the reason behind it.
Yea go for it, it's a free forum, have your say. No one knows how these things happen or the reality of what the true causes were, but we know those that did this will be held accountable, and dully punished. But that still don't mean that your BSF "super soldiers" are any better then our "pot bellied" BGB, the only time the two clashed head to head, over 200 of your "super soldiers" tried to do a surprise attack against a small outpost of just 17 "pot bellied" BGB men and got their butt kicked.

Were the Jedi fighters of uber cool timrud BGB troopers wielding lightsabers?
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