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Vs Thread Protocol For Air force Comparisons


Jan 18, 2009
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If a member wants to post a Vs thread between two *non enemy air forces in the warfare section, he should start off posting some info regarding these points so that an informative debate without one liners / trolling can occur.

Members are free to add more pointers here--

Total number of personnel
Total number of fighter aircrafts , their generations / composition / upgrades
Air refuellers
Transport aircrafts
Standoff weapons
Helmet Mounted Systems & off-boresight missiles
Integrated Air Defense Network
Special mission aircrafts
Electronic Warfare
Experience / kills
Industrial base
Future projects
Number of air bases
Nuclear capability
UAV / drones
Lets start off e non enemy countries ... like greece vs brazil --- as the tempo gains momentum, some people might* gain some maturity for vs threads between fr- enemy states
I had such a huge and well informed reply for haman and somewhat sensible mohsen poster in the other thread. But you locked it :(

It even explained in detail how Iran got unencrypted link access and took over the sentinel.


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I had such a huge and well informed reply for that retard haman and somewhat sensible mohsen poster in the other thread. But you locked it :(

It even explained in detail how Iran got unencrypted link access and took over the sentinel.


If a thread is to be started, say between pak - iran, OP should have a scheme to follow - you are free to start a thread as long as you follow an agreed upon scheme. This scheme can be updated in this thread by members

Members can divide the work load among themselves
Lets start off e non enemy countries ... like greece vs brazil --- as the tempo gains momentum, some people might* gain some maturity for vs threads between fr- enemy states
sir,why not Srilanka vs Bangladesh:p:
If a thread is to be started, say between pak - iran, OP should have a scheme to follow - you are free to start a thread as long as you follow an agreed upon scheme. This scheme can be updated in this thread by members

Members can divide the work load among themselves

Took me quite some time to go detail by detail. And then you locked it and i trashed my post.

I'm not gonna type all over again, maybe sometime else.
between any countries you like.. just not enemies
S.Arabia vs turkey --- korea vs japan -- brasil vs greece / pak whetever , SL vs philipines etc

KSA vs Turkey sounds decent. @Neptune Could you build this thread in your free time.

And woah you have a family here? Neptunes dad, grandad, step dad :wacko:
retard haman
look mate , this kind of behavior , name calling and cursing only shows your logical incompetency .

believe me , i'd love to have a logical , mature debate BUT a debate with sources being provided not just blabbering and rants made by kids like you .

sentences like " pakistan's air force is like that of USA , Iran's like guatemala" is mere childish and stupid sentences which where made in that thread .

a good Vs thread should explore everything from Air defences to UAV Fleet , Future programs and .........

@Manticore is name calling allowed here mate ?
look mate , this kind of behavior , name calling and cursing only shows your logical incompetency .

believe me , i'd love to have a logical , mature debate BUT a debate with sources being provided not just blabbering and rants made by kids like you .

sentences like " pakistan's air force is like that of USA , Iran's like guatemala" is mere childish and stupid sentences which where made in that thread .

a good Vs thread should explore everything from Air defences to UAV Fleet , Future programs and .........

@Manticore is name calling allowed here mate ?
Its been taken care of -- you are free to start the thread again --- however an agreed upon scheme has to be followed
look mate , this kind of behavior , name calling and cursing only shows your logical incompetency .

believe me , i'd love to have a logical , mature debate BUT a debate with sources being provided not just blabbering and rants made my kids like you .

sentences like " pakistan's air force is like that of USA , Iran's like guatemala" is mere childish and stupid sentences which where made in that thread .

a good Vs thread should explore everything from Air defences to UAV Fleet , Future programs and .........

@Manticore is name calling allowed here mate ?

No body brought in guatemala or US, you did. No member said it! You did and you felt so i dont know how You felt we were mocking you. Nopes. Nobody hates Iran, no body hates you. Your best friends the Indian posters said PAF was superior. This isnt about blind loyalty it's about facts. Believe me i took the pains of answering mohsen's queries with great detail even explaining the way (most probable/my theory) Iran took down the sentinel.

I also went into details over your F-14's conditions, combat readiness, combat effectiveness. Our Block 52 capabilities. My only post where i took time to explain in minute details. And the admin locked it up partly because of you being childish with your assertions. What does Airforce have to do with air defence when the OP wanted info regarding planes. It was about fighters not your bringing up non related stuff into the foray.

Yeah i called you a name because your antics got the thread closed. Sleep on it.
Wow...lets stick to the thread topic...well,to start with ,lets do russia and china or india maybe...
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