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Vladimir Putin ‘wants to regain Finland’ for Russia, adviser says


Aug 13, 2012
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Russian Federation
Vladimir Putin ‘wants to regain Finland’ for Russia, adviser says

After annexing Crimea and with troops massed on the border of Ukraine, Vladimir Putin will not stop trying to expand Russia until he has “conquered” Belarus, the Baltic states and Finland, one of his closest former advisers has said.

According to Andrej Illarionov, the President’s chief economic adviser from 2000 to 2005, Mr Putin seeks to create “historical justice” with a return to the days of the last Tsar, Nicholas II, and the Soviet Union under Stalin.

Speaking to the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet, Mr Illarionov warned that Russia will argue that the granting of independence to Finland in 1917 was an act of “treason against national interests”.

“Putin’s view is that he protects what belongs to him and his predecessors,” Mr Illarionov said.

“Parts of Georgia, Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic States and Finland are states where Putin claims to have ownership.

He added: “The West’s leaders seem, from what they say, entirely to have forgotten that there are some leaders in the world who want to conquer other countries.”

Mr Illarionov has helped draft a host of Russia’s economic policiesin recent years, and served as Mr Putin’s personal representative at a number of G8 conferences. He is now a senior fellow at the Cato institute’s Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity in Washington.

Finland is not a Nato member, meaning a Russian invasion would not be considered an attack against the alliance. The commander of the Finnish air force has said it has increased surveillance operations over the Baltic Sea in recent weeks.

The Scandinavian nation was part of the Russian empire for 108 years as an autonomous Grand Duchy. Asked if Mr Putin posed an immediate threat to what is now a stalwart of the EU, Mr Illarionov said: “It is not on Putin's agenda today or tomorrow.

Vladimir Putin ‘wants to regain Finland’ for Russia, adviser says - Europe - World - The Independent
illaronov andrei is a liberal and known liar.I have read his articles and most russians consider him on payroll of some western ngo.
western propaganda, russia would only invade Finland if they would seriously consider to go to nato
well,Russia always had some regions of Finland in their mind.its those regions for which they fought two bloody war against Finland during WW-II.don't know if I'm right,but the then SU actually acceded those regions to increase security buffer for Leningrad/Saint petersburg.in both Winter War and Continuation War,they actually conceded much of the "Desired regions".if this rumour is true,then probably Porkkala Peninsula and Hanko are the reason.

i propose this flag :rofl:
In WW2, Finland defeated Russia. Learn something instead of being an ignorant fanboy
\wrong.Finland lost territory to russia in both winter war and continuation war. The resistance by finns and incompetent tactics of stalin forces were a major embarassment..

Hostilities ceased in March 1940 with the signing of the Moscow Peace Treaty. Finland ceded territory representing 11% of its land area and 30% of its economy to the Soviet Union.[38] Soviet losses were heavy, and the country's international reputation suffered.[39] While the Soviet Union did not conquer all Finland, Soviet gains somewhat exceeded their pre-war demands. They gained substantial territory along Lake Ladoga, providing a buffer for Leningrad, and territory in northern Finland.[40][need quotation to verify] Finland retained itssovereignty and enhanced its international reputation.
Winter War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is about winter war.If you lose land and industry then its a defeat.

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