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Vladimir Putin ‘wants to regain Finland’ for Russia, adviser says

Funny guy. It took nearly 1 year to conquer rag tag militias in tiny Chechnya.

the problem there was russian built refugee camps were themselves being used as rebel recuperation camps and food resupply and manpower resupply lines in first chechen war with connviance of the local regional elites in Ingushetia and Dagestan.
Funny guy. It took nearly 1 year to conquer rag tag militias in tiny Chechnya.

and you guys lost to hezbollah in 2006 lebanon war.Second the russian made refugee camps for chechen civilians themselves in first and second war chechen had a lot of rebel and islamist sympathizers in those camps ,plus russians had great difficulty in differentiating civilian refugees and rebels using the refugee camps for resupply of food,logistics .Plus they had a lot of arms courtesy CIA,Turkey,ISI .But still chechen casualties -200,000 to 370,000 .Russian MVD and military casualties in both wars-20,000. Enough said.
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Guys guys... we are losing the focus here.

Do you see Russia attacking Finland? No.

Recently, the defence ministers of all Nordic countries got together contemplating a local military alliance among all Nordic nations while expressing that they do not feel threatened by Russia.

Then why this speculation?
the problem there was russian built refugee camps were themselves being used as rebel recuperation camps and food resupply and manpower resupply lines in first chechen war with connviance of the local regional elites in Ingushetia and Dagestan.
I am talking about second war.

and you guys lost to hezbollah in 2006 lebanon war.
What we lost? We wanted a quiet border and we got it.

Plus they had a lot of arms courtesy CIA,Turkey,ISI .
Thats nonsense. There were no any modern weapons in hands of Chechens. Chechnya is basically locked inside Russia. Few mountain passes can be easily controlled.

But still chechen casualties -200,000 to 370,000 .Russian MVD and military casualties in both wars-20,000. Enough said.
The overwhelming Chechen casualties are civilians. Including many Russians who could not left Grozny.
I am talking about second war.

What we lost? We wanted a quiet border and we got it.

Thats nonsense. There were no any modern weapons in hands of Chechens. Chechnya is basically locked inside Russia. Few mountain passes can be easily controlled.

The overwhelming Chechen casualties are civilians. Including many Russians who could not left Grozny.

Most of the russians left grozny in the ethnic cleansing that chechens under dudayev waged in 1991-94 with exception of the russians who had been captured and used as sex slaves or traffickated by the chechen rebels . A lot of so called civilians were themselves rebels who hated russia for 1944 deportations under stalin.

Thats nonsense. There were no any modern weapons in hands of Chechens. Chechnya is basically locked inside Russia. Few mountain passes can be easily controlled.

Again,Dudayev had acquired considerable arms between the chaos in Russia 1991-94 .considerable amount of anti tank missiles ,ATGM's like konkurs,milan,radiological weapons,igla and stingers and even an SS-20 IRBM .That guy was parading SS-20 in a parade in Grozny. Plus CIA and other intelligence agencies were helping him and he has an army of ex-soviet veterans .Compare that with the conscript force that yeltsin used to capture grozny.

Danger in Chechnya | News | The Moscow Times
Oil And The Battle For Chechnya - NATO's Secret Islamic Jihad

Russia's Chechen chief blames CIA for violence| Reuters
Chechnya Special Weapons

As for Israeli defeat at hand of hezbollah :
How Hezbollah Defeated Israel » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Israel can't defeat Hezbollah: Israeli expert| Reuters

In second chechen war,pankisi Gorge was used a lot by chechen rebels to bring in anti-tank missiles and stingers .
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Go and check the finland military now instead of talking what happened 60 years ago,then hang ur head in shame

Its u who is being a fanboy
Russia will need probably 3-4 days to conquer the finland if finland even decides to put up resistance

Finland is one of toughest nut to crack in Europe. Even today, they would make Russians bleed through their Asses; Unlike Ukraine where they surrendered at the sight of Ruskies.

During WWII, Military difference was even more lopsided than it is today.
Most of the russians left grozny in the ethnic cleansing that chechens under dudayev waged in 1991-94 with exception of the russians who had been captured and used as sex slaves or traffickated by the chechen rebels .
Many old Russian people remained in Grozny who had nowhere to go.

A lot of so called civilians were themselves rebels who hated russia for 1944 deportations under stalin.
There were some 20-30 K rebels at most. Rest - civilians.

Again,Dudayev had acquired considerable arms between the chaos in Russia 1991-94 .considerable amount of anti tank missiles ,ATGM's like konkurs,milan,radiological weapons,igla and stingers
Yep, some Soviet weapons left. Not a big number of Fagot ATGM and Igla MANPADs. Not any Stingers and Milan.

and even an SS-20 IRBM .
Quit smoking. :)

Mark Perry is the same clown who claimed that Israel has bases in Azerbaijan to attack Iran. Also he was Arafat's adviser. Very creditable source.
propaganda at it worst, the west seems desperate to malign Russia.....
i think this is a another BS article about putin.
Many old Russian people remained in Grozny who had nowhere to go.

There were some 20-30 K rebels at most. Rest - civilians.

Yep, some Soviet weapons left. Not a big number of Fagot ATGM and Igla MANPADs. Not any Stingers and Milan.

Quit smoking. :)

Mark Perry is the same clown who claimed that Israel has bases in Azerbaijan to attack Iran. Also he was Arafat's adviser. Very creditable source.

So now an outsider,especially a jews who are known for lying and fraudery since the middle ages and have been kicked out of every country for 3000 years for their financial fraudery and lying will tell me what was happening in chechnya . Go ahead ask the russians themselves or read through russian newspapers. FSB had in the 1990's captured iglas,stingers,milan and other ATGM and funny thing Dudayev was running zindans and sex slave trafficking of russians who chechen rebels captured in the ethnic cleansing of 1991-94. Jews are known for one thing ,hate of everything russians. Funny thing dudayev was parading a SS-20 in Grozny. Luckily he seems to not have had launch codes .Chechen rebels even planted radiological bombs in Moscow in 1995.

Stingers in Chechyna:
US/Saudi covert operations in Chechnya: Ricin, diamonds, Stingers - English pravda.ru
Anti-aircraft fire in Chechnya threatens Russian attack plan - Baltimore Sun
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The point is, Russia is planning to target only those places that are:

1- Either Russian speaking
2- Have loyalty to Kremlin
3- Have important mineral and energy reserves.

There is simply no other reason. Finland has none of these. It relies on renewable resources technology and therefore has nothing of importance. The only thing Putin will achieve by invading Finland is send an otherwise-neutral Sweden and Norway running into NATO's arms.

As such the Nordic nations are right now contemplating whether to join NATO or to form a local military alliance of all Scandinavian countries with Sweden in lead. Sweden is small country compared to Russia but they are in no means weak. All their military tactics are designed to take out or at least limit an invasion from a much larger country.

Invading Finland will achieve nothing for Putin except weaken support. The only reasons why half the world supported him for Ukraine other than old strategic ties (a different topic altogether) is because it was historically Russian and that Crimeans actually wanted to be a part of Russia; not a case in Finland.

Russia is right now keen on consolidating Russian-dominant areas outside its borders. Access to Crimea gives them critical leverage in Black Sea which they need to keep certain NATO countries in check and to oversee their military progress.

As for using ICBMs, this is not our hosts we are talking about who always mention nukes as if it is a lollypop. ICBMs will be used only in cases where a NATO alliance invades Russian mainland.

Ukraine and Georgia are examples. Instead of using the typical brute firepower that Russia has always used in conflicts, Putin's military is a whole new game.

The Spetsnaz stormed into Ukraine at lightning speed before NATO could even blink and by the time they opened their mouth to cry foul, Crimea was Russian territory.

This highlights a more modern approach of Russian forces. They are building a lean-mean force capable of striking at a moment's notice, destroy their target and quietly move out before anyone can escalate it. That, is the new military model of warfare. One reason is that they are assured of the immense firepower they have as a backup in case shyt hits the fan and a counter-invasion begins.

The VDV and Spetsnaz units are designed to conduct surgical assaults which is going to be the new tactic of warfare.

Norway & Denmark are already members of NATO...

There is no debate regarding an alliance with Finland in Sweden.
Sweden joining NATO is not discussed either.
The only ongoing discussion is whether we should discuss being a member, or not.
but so far the answer is no. Two political parties are in favour, but they are not actively pursuing this.

The main reason for Russia to invade Finland is that Russia may want to control Swedish Iron mines.
The reason Hitler invaded Norway during WW2 was that Brits/French tried to stop the export
of iron ore through Narvik. Finland would be en route o Kiruna.

Then again, Northern Sweden could hardly be claimed to be part of any Zone of Influence by Russia.
Think it would be a hard sell to the rest o the world, and Russia is well aware of this.

Maybe a takeover of the island of Gotland in the Baltics, to "protect" their pipeline.
Still a little unreasonable, because that would piss off the people at the other end of the pipeline.

Soviet and Sweden negotiated the borders in the Baltic Sea and Soviet wanted to count Gotland as uninhabitated.
The Prime Minister of Sweden then asked the Russian negotiators if they seriously believed that his summer house
was on Soviet territory, which made them do a hasty retreat from their position.
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