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Visually Impaired Pakistan Female UN Representative UNCLOTHES India in Braille at UN! Must Watch!!!

A true hero of Pakistan.

Just read the comments on YouTube against her.... All Indians ... Full of hate!!!.. the despicable Indian are attacking her blindness! No wonder women suffer in India.

Indians are the most uncouth race 200 years of British rule couldn’t civilize these mules. Even Biden in an indirect way referenced East India Company to Modis face to show him his place among society that even he is beneath them.

Corona was a blessing to hit that nation to thin out the uncouth heard.

Saima Saleem hits back at India, makes Pakistan proud

In hard-hitting statements, Saima Saleem, Pakistan's delegate at UNGA, responded to Indian diplomat’s allegations against Pakistan in a befitting manner. She debased all claims by highlighting India’s involvement in 4 different types of terrorism.

Pakistan’s delegate at the United Nations (UN) is gaining mass traction on social media for her strong response to India. Visually impaired Saima Saleem made Pakistan proud for hitting back at India.

At the 76th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) session, Saima responded to Indian diplomat’s allegations against Pakistan in a befitting manner.

While exercising the right of reply to PM Khan’s statement, Indian delegate, Sneha Dubey, made sweeping allegations about Pakistan’s involvement in terrorism.

Reacting to the Indian claim, Saima Saleem, said, “India remains in occupation of an internationally recognized disputed territory whose final disposition needs to be decided in accordance with the democratic principle of a free and impartial plebiscite under UN auspices, as provided for under numerous resolutions of the Security Council.”

India regurgitates stale arguments: Saima Saleem

In a hard-hitting statement, Saima Saleem said India’s use of the canard of terrorism, regurgitating stale arguments is typical of all occupiers.

She then went on to highlight India’s involvement in 4 different types of terrorism. Firstly, India resorted to “state terrorism” to suppress the people of Indian Illegally Occupied in Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

Secondly, India funded and supported terrorist organizations like the TTP which conducts numerous cross-border terrorist attacks against Pakistan. In this regard, Saima Saleem recalled the Doval doctrine.

Thirdly, India financed and organized mercenary terrorist organizations against Pakistan to impede the economic growth and prosperity of the region. For this, she cited the capture of Indian spy Kulbhushan Jadhav.

Lastly, India’s supremacist ideology mainstreamed Islamophobia and bigotry against minorities, particularly Muslims.

However, Saima Saleem did not stop here. She further stated that Indian atrocities in IIOJK are well documented by credible international organizations, including the UN High Commission on Human Rights.

“If India has nothing to hide, it must accept a UN Commission of Inquiry and agree to implement the Security Council resolutions stipulating a plebiscite to enable the people of Jammu and Kashmir to exercise their right to self-determination,” the Pakistani delegate added.

As a result of her strong words, Saima Saleem made the nation proud.

🇵🇰 Pakistan - First Right of Reply, United Nations General Debate, 76th Session | #UNGA


So proud of Saima - she made all Muslims proud in the subcontinent !!
This is a useless exercise with no meaning to it. INDIA has been using the most junior of its team to reply to Pakistan's assertions at UN (including as a rebuttal to Imran). Modi in his speech couldn't even bother about Pakistan. So please taking pride in this is silly as nothing will come out of it.
...and yet you still don't take a cue from your own kind, and force your odious presence here.
More power to saima naseem , she makes cried modi and noora supporters altogether
And this is how India responded.

That was the most stupid rebuttal if you can call that a rebuttal. She couldn't counter with facts anything the Pakistani's levied.
If this is the shit brain caliber of your diplomats, can't expect much from your officers either.

Do us a favor and go back to serving under the Brits cause freedom was wasted on you mules.
That was the most stupid rebuttal if you can call that a rebuttal. She couldn't counter with facts anything the Pakistani's levied.
If this is the shit brain caliber of your diplomats, can't expect much from your officers either.

Do us a favor and go back to serving under the Brits cause freedom was wasted on you mules.
Indian rep was response to IK speech. After that Pakistan had the final right to reply which Madam Saima Saleem did brilliantly. As hers was the last reply Indians were just left fuming as they could not reply again.
and FYI paksitanis are not allowed to buy land in azad kashmir . so there will be no demography changed.
Anyone who doesn't have a state subject certificate ( a documentary evidence of permanent residence in Kashmir and Pakistanis can't have this) isn't legally allowed to buy land in Azad Kashmir.
Sir you missed the bus by turning it religious. That was biggest blunder from Pakistan side.
Sir you missed the bus by turning it religious. That was biggest blunder from Pakistan side.
yes it has impacts but its not missed anything sir . WOT was a temp issue while kashmir turned hot and millions of kashmiris raised with this plan . further modi and gang fueled it for long time . on long term strategically pakistan did great job with this insurgency and we have take so much of time to overcome our weakness . you are watching it tactical level while we see it as permanent war theater to keep busy 700000 enemies . this game will go so long a fight between 1100 people ofISI's JIN + pindi core VS 700000 indian forces since last 31 years .
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