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Violent clashes as ‘mentally ill’ Christian ‘desecrates’ Quran in Lahore

Reverend Riaz Arif of the St. Joseph Church in Sanda said that troubles began when "a christian man, Humayun Masih, was accused of burning the Koran."


Sunday afternoon, "Hamyun who is mentally unstable and a drug addict was burning a newspaper with holy verses," he said.

I wish a couple of hundred thousand muslims were burnt like that newspaper.. would perhaps knock some permanent sense into them.
Nobody will start rioting cuz someone burnt a newspaper. This news seems fishy as hell. Coming from an unknown source, this news might as well turn out to be false. Lets not jump our guns.

Lets see what is behind all this...

On the positive side, this time christians did go around and burnt alive innocent Muslim men and then danced as the old Muslim men screamed (all while recording their terrible agony and enjoying). This is what happened last time when some radical terrorists attacked churches.
Nobody will start rioting cuz someone burnt a newspaper. This news seems fishy as hell. Coming from an unknown source, this news might as well turn out to be false. Lets not jump our guns.
No need to close eyes from reality and events happening in Pakistan. ..I was in Gojra, when mobs killed and they burnt alive 10 Christians. ..All happened due to RUMORS of burning Quran and Our illiterate Mullahs gathered thousands of people there and they burnt hundreds of houses.
Just type Gojra incident or gojra Massacre in YouTube and you will get hundreds of videos or live leak for 18+graphic contents.
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Firstly mentally ill people shoudn't be allowed to move freely on roads as they may loose their path or may harm any body. Seecondly it is a common norm that in order to avoid any penal action the accused is either declared as mentally sick or minor like efforts made to save child murdrer Shafqat Hussain in same way by NGOS.

Transparency should be maintained in every field of life which is not so common in countries like Pak especially in religious cases. If justice is done then no body will take law in his hand.
I wish a couple of hundred thousand muslims were burnt like that newspaper.. would perhaps knock some permanent sense into them.

Dear Sir while sitting in USA u may say such words but first we should check whether the accused was really mentally sick or not.
What are your views about two poor muslim men which were tortured and burnt by Christian Mob in Yohnabad or the y should have to be burnt as they were Muslims same thing already highlighted by AUZ.

If we consider your stance justifiable then Afia was rapped in US jail so several thousand US men and women should be rapped in the same way. Perhaps u are blind or ignorant about forces behind the terrorism in Pak.

The majority of Pak muslims consider Christians same as they are and they are enjoying equal rights. In some cases of blasphemy they even can get refuge in ur beloved USA or any Euorpean country.
Sorry for using derogatory remarks but your beloved Francis Masih accused in Yuhnabad case is enjoying asylum in USA. He burnt Pakistani flag accused Pakistani Govt and officials.
Some Muslims in this world still have some honour left in them and can sacrifice their lives in the name of Islam and Holly Prophet.
Dear Sir while sitting in USA u may say such words but first we should check whether the accused was really mentally sick or not.
What are your views about two poor muslim men which were tortured and burnt by Christian Mob in Yohnabad or the y should have to be burnt as they were Muslims same thing already highlighted by AUZ.

If we consider your stance justifiable then Afia was rapped in US jail so several thousand US men and women should be rapped in the same way. Perhaps u are blind or ignorant about forces behind the terrorism in Pak.

The majority of Pak muslims consider Christians same as they are and they are enjoying equal rights. In some cases of blasphemy they even can get refuge in ur beloved USA or any Euorpean country.
Sorry for using derogatory remarks but your beloved Francis Masih accused in Yuhnabad case is enjoying asylum in USA. He burnt Pakistani flag accused Pakistani Govt and officials.
Some Muslims in this world still have some honour left in them and can sacrifice their lives in the name of Islam and Holly Prophet.
I was sitting in Pakistan for the last 27 years till January . I will say the same.. Pakistani Muslims need to burn and go through unbelievable suffering before they wil perhaps turn into civilized people. Most importantly,they need to starve.. total famine in the country that leaves tens of millions hungry.. because only people who are dying of hunger will change.
You would rather have me believe that Christians and other minorities in the country have grown more irrational and disrespectful with the rise in radicalization and extremism within Muslims? Knowing how they would be treated if someone catches them in the act? You think that makes more sense than the tag of "mentally ill"? Because if I am not wrong, the blasphemy cases have increased in the recent years. Minorities getting burned, getting their houses destroyed en masses, getting killed, you name it. Condemnations? Well people look for excuses, rationalizations and justifications first here before they uncomfortably condemn it and by that I am referring to a very small number. People fear God's punishment in afterlife too much here to speak against such inhumane and barbaric actions. How would you know that Muslim masses defend the culprits? There's a man in jail in Lahore, he's there for the death sentence awarded for killing Salman Taseer. See how much sweets, flowers he gets every month. See how many people and Madarsa boys rally with him in support and shower petals if he's taken out for a court hearing. See the support all around and then be critical of the masses support for the culprits. And mind you, this man has been proven guilty by a court of law, forget the ones who are alleged.
junaid jamshed is a muslim. What masses had defended him?
I wish a couple of hundred thousand muslims were burnt like that newspaper.. would perhaps knock some permanent sense into them.
This is also a form of extreme mentality. And as of famine, u want to see babies dying from it? U want to see kids dying? Will u bring ur child with u to live in pakistan during famine period?
frustration is understandable, but such silly remarks wont help. if we remember pharaohs nation , Allah had inflicted them with multiple calamities ,one being famine,once the calamity used 2 get reversed they used 2 get back to old habits.


Anyways, news sources look really weird and weak,what is bro firstnew?????

Anyways, whatever happened was sad.Christians should also stop doing this burning,desecaration habits.

And Pakistani muslims need to learn how to act like humans.

Even if someone is God forbid caught desecrating..is this the kind of response Islam teaches you? No. Then if u do that you are a blot on islam's name.

As of radicalization of society, well if there will be poverty, no access to education.. the vicious cycle will go on. Unfortunately , our molvis are not the people who use their position and authority for constructive purposes.

And if someone defends mqm fiercely , then u shudnt speak so loudly abt society's radicalization.
junaid jamshed is a muslim. What masses had defended him?

Ignorance of the facts doesn't excuse, mate. Junaid Jamshed was defended extensively, just by a selective but powerful and more violent group that time. You don't know how Mufti Naeem and other scholars of the same sect came in his defense after he was found involved in blasphemy that too with video proof? Yeah, the same scholars who had said earlier how blasphemy is punishable by death since the people who can forgive aren't alive any longer, the same Mullahs who would called for violent and barbaric actions against the "accused" without any evidence.

Anyways, whatever happened was sad.Christians should also stop doing this burning,desecaration habits.

They aren't burning and desecrating, Muslims in the country have gone more violent and extreme. These clashes happened over the burning of newspaper, something which I have seen people do all the time. They needed an excuse to go after Christians and the rest they say is history.
Ignorance of the facts doesn't excuse, mate. Junaid Jamshed was defended extensively, just by a selective but powerful and more violent group that time. You don't know how Mufti Naeem and other scholars of the same sect came in his defense after he was found involved in blasphemy that too with video proof? Yeah, the same scholars who had said earlier how blasphemy is punishable by death since the people who can forgive aren't alive any longer, the same Mullahs who would called for violent and barbaric actions against the "accused" without any evidence.

They aren't burning and desecrating, Muslims in the country have gone more violent and extreme. These clashes happened over the burning of newspaper, something which I have seen people do all the time. They needed an excuse to go after Christians and the rest they say is history.
(i knew abt naeems statements, btw it wasnt blasphemy what jj did, but some stupidity).

Yeah we are some losers. When they put ads like 'do show aik ki keemat pay dekhain 'sort of crap outside cinemas ,as special eid milad un nabi offer, then one knows what is the state of that nation's morals.
I was sitting in Pakistan for the last 27 years till January . I will say the same.. Pakistani Muslims need to burn and go through unbelievable suffering before they wil perhaps turn into civilized people. Most importantly,they need to starve.. total famine in the country that leaves tens of millions hungry.. because only people who are dying of hunger will change.
I love to sit in Pak as a proud Muslim and Pakistani. Majority of Muslims are non violent but if blasphemy actually occurs then no true Muslim has to be called a Muslim if don't react on it. Further the tensions bretween Muslims and Christians in Pak are result of NGOs and foreign fundings both to radical Muslims and Christians alike. Even Pak govt has tried many times to curb these USA and Western backed NGOs but they can;t do so because we have touts or American paid agents in Govt officials. Our previous Defence Minister and Service Industry-Gujrat also confessed same fact on air after Usama operation.
Further Christians inevitable part of our society but irrational and biased statement like u just based on assumptions is
a sad thing. Fruther perhaps from behing your US made glasses u can't see how many Muslims in Pak, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya and now even in Egypt are dying.
I suppose u are also having Pak roots so u should be burnt first along with US touts. We are proud nation which includes all Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs etc living in Pak. Even the paid touts dying in different operations belong to Afghan, Uzbik or Chechen nationalities. Perhaps u are also ignorant of Black water activities in Pak.

Further Pak is a strong country which is facing single handidlyso many enemies at same time, i.e TTP dogs, US Int, Indian Raw, Mosad and even now our brotherly countries like UAE and Iran also want to destabilise the country due to Gawadar Port.

If thousands want to go out of this country then there are many who want to die here. So first u should burn whole US population to get them realised what they are doing then Pak number comes next.

Perhaps its better u should use ur expertise towards defense issues and forgive poor Pakis.
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