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Violence kills 75 in Iraq, PMseeks world's support


Feb 19, 2013
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BAGHDAD: Bomb attacks and shootings killed at least 75 people in Iraq on Wednesday, police and hospital sources said, making it one of the bloodiest days in months.

In the deadliest incident, a bomb blew up in a funeral tent where mourners were marking the death two days ago of a Sunni Muslim pro-government militiaman, police said. It killed 18 people and wounded 16 in Shatub, a village south of Baquba.

In northwestern Iraq, assailants detonated roadside bombs near a bridge in Ain al-Jahash, 60km (37 miles) south of Mosul as an army patrol was crossing it. Six soldiers were killed and eight people were wounded, six of them civilians, police said.

Gunmen killed seven truck drivers, kidnapped two and set three trucks ablaze in the mainly Shia district of Maamil in Baghdad's eastern outskirts, police said.

Two years after US troops left Iraq, violence has climbed back to its highest levels since the Sunni-Shia bloodshed of 2006-2007, when tens of thousands of people were killed.

The army is locked in a standoff with Sunni militants who overran Falluja, a city west of Baghdad, more than two weeks ago in a challenge to Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's Shia-led government.

They are led by the al-Qaida linked Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), which is fighting in western Iraq and Syria to carve out a cross-border Islamist fiefdom.

"The battle will be long and will continue," Maliki said on state television, calling for world support. "If we keep silent it means the creation of evil statelets that would wreak havoc with security in the region and the world."

Maliki has ruled out an assault on Falluja by the troops and tanks ringing the city of 300,000, but has told local tribesmen to expel ISIL, which has exploited anger among minority Sunnis against a government they accuse of oppressing them.

Al-Qaida loyalists are pursuing a relentless campaign of attacks, mostly aimed at security forces, Shia civilians and Sunnis seen as loyal to the Shia-led government.

The violence has dismayed leaders of Iraq's autonomous Kurdish region. "This is a disaster," its president's chief of staff Fuad Hussein told Reuters. "Now the whole country is being threatened by terrorists, so we need to have a common front."

Suicide truck bomber

At least eight bombs struck the capital, mostly in Shia districts, killing 40 people and wounding 88, police and medics said.

A car bomb in Dujail, a Shia town 50 km (31 miles) north of Baghdad, killed three people and wounded seven.

The bombings followed attacks that cost at least 24 lives the day before, as well as coordinated assaults by militants on a highway bridge and police station near Falluja.

A suicide bomber in an explosives-laden fuel tanker blew it up under the bridge near the town of Saqlawiya, about 10 km (six miles) north of Falluja, causing the bridge to collapse and destroying one of two army tanks parked on top, police said. Gunmen then attacked and destroyed the second tank.

Simultaneously, dozens of militants stormed a police station in Saqlawiya, whose occupants surrendered. Helicopter gunships attacked the police station, but failed to evict the militants.

The gunmen withdrew towards Falluja on Wednesday, making use of a corridor the army had left for civilians. Troops and tanks then retook the police station, turning it into an army base, and civilians living nearby fled towards Falluja, police said.

The wrecked bridge spans the main highway leading west from Baghdad across the vast Sunni desert province of Anbar towards Syria and Jordan. Police said the truck bomber had driven from Ramadi, the provincial capital of Anbar.

Violence kills 75 in Iraq, PM seeks world's support - The Times of India
well, they chose not have a residual american force behind to help out for just these cases and they chose not to integrate sunnis into their government. so you made your bed now.

the americans warned them on both accounts and have continually told them that you cannot continue with literally no reconciliation with sunnis. this is what happens when religion, sects come first before recognizing that one's country should.
well, they chose not have a residual american force behind to help out for just these cases and they chose not to integrate sunnis into their government. so you made your bed now.

the americans warned them on both accounts and have continually told them that you cannot continue with literally no reconciliation with sunnis. this is what happens when religion, sects come first before recognizing that one's country should.

Current government in Iraq is democratically elected one.Main problem is the pourus borders.May be under current circumstances Iran needs to help their neighbours.

By the way congrats on becoming Elite.
well, they chose not have a residual american force behind to help out for just these cases and they chose not to integrate sunnis into their government. so you made your bed now.

the americans warned them on both accounts and have continually told them that you cannot continue with literally no reconciliation with sunnis. this is what happens when religion, sects come first before recognizing that one's country should.

That’s not true

-Minister of Defence
-Ground Forces Commander General Ali Ghaidan (in charge of 90% of the Iraqi armed forces)
-5-6 out of 14 army division commanders.
-30% of all soldiers

are Sunnis.

The recent violence is due to a military offensive on al qaeda, the outcome will be better.
That's because Iraq don't want to attack zionist saudi behind this
That’s not true

-Minister of Defence
-Ground Forces Commander General Ali Ghaidan (in charge of 90% of the Iraqi armed forces)
-5-6 out of 14 army division commanders.
-30% of all soldiers

are Sunnis.

The recent violence is due to a military offensive on al qaeda, the outcome will be better.

Brother do you think the American Invasion of Iraq has changed things for the better or do you think that Saddam - no matter how meglomaniac he might have been (as hes often called) - at least during his reign so much death & destruction wasn't happening ! :(

I pray that things change for the better & peace & tranquility to Iraq are restored !
Brother do you think the American Invasion of Iraq has changed things for the better or do you think that Saddam - no matter how meglomaniac he might have been (as hes often called) - at least during his reign so much death & destruction wasn't happening ! :(

I pray that things change for the better & peace & tranquility to Iraq are restored !

We don’t know what could have happen if the 2003 invasion didn’t happen.
Sanctions would continue killing the people, a similar Syria scenario could have happened during the Arab spring so it’s not like everything would be good if 2003 did not happen.
We don’t know what could have happen if the 2003 invasion didn’t happen.
Sanctions would continue killing the people, a similar Syria scenario could have happened during the Arab spring so it’s not like everything would be good if 2003 did not happen.

Seems to me that Syria has become a vortex for every extremist of any sect to jump in.

Then you have the Kurdish problem as well. The war seems to be a microcosm of what ails Middle East I think.
Brother do you think the American Invasion of Iraq has changed things for the better or do you think that Saddam - no matter how meglomaniac he might have been (as hes often called) - at least during his reign so much death & destruction wasn't happening ! :(

I pray that things change for the better & peace & tranquility to Iraq are restored !
What if Saddam Hussein contained his dictatorship inside Iraq's borders?
What if Saddam Hussein contained his dictatorship inside Iraq's borders?
How many Iraqi have died during Saddam's 24-year reign? A few thousands. How many Iraqi have died during 10-year of democrappy? A million and they're still dying daily and they have ZERO security. Democrappy does not work!
How many Iraqi have died during Saddam's 24-year reign? A few thousands. How many Iraqi have died during 10-year of democrappy? A million and they're still dying daily and they have ZERO security. Democrappy does not work!
First...If Saddam Hussein had restricted himself to Iraq, he would have been left alone. You do remember the invasion of Kuwait, no? By the way, I was in Desert Storm.

Second...The deaths during the occupation came mostly from Iraqis killing each other.

Third...Once Saddam Hussein was removed, what do you expect the US to do, find another Saddam Hussein?

Finally...How is that communist shit working out for ya...???
First...If Saddam Hussein had restricted himself to Iraq, he would have been left alone. You do remember the invasion of Kuwait, no? By the way, I was in Desert Storm.

Second...The deaths during the occupation came mostly from Iraqis killing each other.

Third...Once Saddam Hussein was removed, what do you expect the US to do, find another Saddam Hussein?

Finally...How is that communist shit working out for ya...???
Second....That's the greatest sin; removing the stability of a country so it can be another Yugoslavia. Don't fix it if it ain't broke! Tito kept the lid on so did Sadamm. More death and destruction from removing Sadamn then ever

Third.....yes...or don't remove Sadamn

Finally...you're still butthurt about the communists...despite the fact that you've never tasted communism. In fact, you're probably one of the first who ran away and hopped on those carrier in April 30th, 1975. You're one of those who live comfortably oversea your entire life and never endure a day under communism rule while preaching to us about "communism suks" ; what a phucking joke
Second....That's the greatest sin; removing the stability of a country so it can be another Yugoslavia. Don't fix it if it ain't broke! Tito kept the lid on so did Sadamm. More death and destruction from removing Sadamn then ever

Third.....yes...or don't remove Sadamn
Saddam Hussein proved what he was when he invaded Kuwait. Why are you ignoring that?

Finally...you're still butthurt about the communists...despite the fact that you've never tasted communism. In fact, you're probably one of the first who ran away and hopped on those carrier in April 30th, 1975. You're one of those who live comfortably oversea your entire life and never endure a day under communism rule while preaching to us about "communism suks" ; what a phucking joke
So how is communism working out for you? How is that Intel plant going in Sai Gon? I do not need to live under communism to know that it sucks. I was in East Germany when it existed. I have been back home as a Việt Kiều and know that I can get any girl just because I am a Việt Kiều. I do not need to have third degree burns to know what fire can do to skin when sunburn will be just enough. I do not need to get into a car crash to know that I do not want one.

Anyway...How is communism working out for Viet Nam?
Saddam Hussein proved what he was when he invaded Kuwait. Why are you ignoring that?

So how is communism working out for you? How is that Intel plant going in Sai Gon? I do not need to live under communism to know that it sucks. I was in East Germany when it existed. I have been back home as a Việt Kiều and know that I can get any girl just because I am a Việt Kiều. I do not need to have third degree burns to know what fire can do to skin when sunburn will be just enough. I do not need to get into a car crash to know that I do not want one.

Anyway...How is communism working out for Viet Nam?
If you have not lived under communism, you have no right to talk about it because people like us don't take you seriously. You ran away from Viet Nam, you did not stay to fight so you're a deserter in our eyes when the SHTF. How funny that you keep talking about being in the military when yourself is a deserter, what a joke

You should thank communism because without communism you won't be able to live in the U.S. PERIOD!

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