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Violence in Assam Has Pan-India Implications


Apr 8, 2007
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The recent violence in Assam’s Bodoland has implications for all of India.

BySanjay Kumar

The Diplomat - May 06, 2014

Assam’s fragile peace could be unraveling as its ethnic fault lines resurfaced again last week, claiming over thirty lives within the Muslim community. According to unconfirmed reports, over fifty people are still missing. The attack came just a week after parliamentary elections were held in the region, on April 24. The violence was attributed to the large-scale polarization of voters along ethnic and religious lines .

The incident took place in Bodoland, a northern area of Assam where the Bodo tribes lives. The Bodo are an indigenous people and one of the oldest tribes within the state. Over the years, the area also came to be occupied by non-Bodo communities from different parts of the country and even Bangladesh. Many Bangladeshis immigrated there both before and after the partition in 1947.

Eventually, the demographic marginalization of Bodos led to rebellion and violence against non-Bodo settlers and the demand for a separate state in the 1980s and 1990s. The insurgency under the aegis of the Bodo Liberation Tigers (BLT) culminated in the Bodo accord in 2003 that gave the indigenous ethnic group the Bodo Territorial Council (BTC) — an autonomous political body comprising four districts,where they can exercise exclusive control, thereby denying other communities any stake in the governance of Bodoland.

This led to resentment among non-Bodo groups. The Bodo constitute only 26 percent of the population of the area but exercise full political control. A majority of settlers in the Bodoland are Muslims but they are not illegal migrants; they have settled in the area over many decades and have become part of the area. The BTC has recognized the political aspirations of the indigenous tribe while ignoring the interests of the non-tribal population who comprise 74 percent of the population.

These grievances led non-Bodo groups to consolidate and vote against the Bodo candidate who has been winning elections for over a decade. An Indian Expresseditorial notes that “in a region with a long history of ethnic strife and crisscrossed by competing ethnic demands, a polarizing election has brought dormant tensions to life again.”

“This is not a new problem it is rooted in the history of Assam.This is basically a fight between old and new settlers,” says Dipanjan Roy Choudhary, a journalist with theEconomic Times.

But he finds it strange that the violence took place after the elections which will not benefit any political group in Assam. ”Perhaps this is an attempt to polarize voters at the pan-India level,” says Choudhary.

Without mincing words, Abdul Kalam Azad of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Guwahati, says that “Narendra Modi’s (the prime ministerial candidate of Bharatiya Janata Party) anti-immigrant pitch against Bangaldeshi Muslims has aggravated the situation.” He further says that “Bodo groups are getting support from the BJP.”

In recent political speeches in West Bengal, Modi has come down hard on illegal Bangladeshi immigrants and promised to throw them back once he comes to power. He however welcomed Hindu migrants from the neighborhood.

This has polarized opinions in the country at a time when elections are in the final stages and voting is taking place in the areas where there is a significant Muslim population.

This is the reason why Chief Minister Omar Abdullah of Jammu and Kashmir blamed Modi for the violence in Assam and other places.

A senior political analyst on the condition of anonymity notes that Modi’s rhetoric has given anti-India forces in the region the opportunity to foment communal troubles in the country. The Indian Expresswrites that “fears about Muslim migration from Bangladesh, notions of a Muslim ‘infestation’ spreading across the Bodo homeland, abound and have been happily encouraged by certain political parties.”

The rhetoric of the Hindu right-wing leader has aggravated the communal situation in neighboring Bangladesh as well. Reports coming from Dhaka say that a mob of 3,000 youth attacked Hindu temples and households in the Comilla district of eastern Bangladesh.

The hard line communal rhetoric of the Hindu right-wing leader might help him win elections but it will end up creating tensions in a pluralistic society. Therefore, the violence in Assam is not a local issue; it has wider implications not only for the country but the whole region.

Violence in Assam Has Pan-India Implications | The Diplomat


The article is objective and reasoned in its assessment of the communal violence in Assam. After decades of propaganda and disinformation blaming illegal Bangladesh immigrants of swamping Assam and other North East provinces has led to frequent acts of violence against the Muslim community. In reality East Pakistan/Bangladeshi immigrants entered India en-masse on only two occasions - in 1947 and 1971. These immigrants were in the vast majority Hindu and were accepted wholeheartedly by India and given citizenship rights. After 1971 there were a trickle of Muslim immigrants from Bangladesh who were only grudgingly given certain very limited rights but have nevertheless been the target of rabble rousing politicians who demand their deportation even though many are now third or fourth generation immigrants. In other words, whether under Congress or BJP the Indian government has practiced a form of communal discrimination. To enflame passionsand emotions politicians cynically conflate the mass immigrations of 1947, 1971 and after making it appear that Muslim immigrants numbers in the tens of millions breeding fear in the local populations in Assam and the Seven Sisters. Essentially in the name of secularism India promotes communalism and this issue of illegal immigration is often used as a foreign policy tool to put Bangladesh on the defensive. This necessarily causes anger in Bangladesh with the public feeling that India is targeting its own Muslim population while hypocritically blaming political parties in the neighboring country for victimizing Hindus. In fact this is another propaganda ruse used by India as more often than not the party doing the most oppressing of minorities in Bangladesh is the Awami League which is an Indian favorite so the blame falls on the opposition BNP and JeI creating a false fear of Islamist fanaticism and thus creating a vicious circle of hatred towards Muslims in India and demands for their expulsion. Read more on these issues in The India Doctrine –

Yes. What is it to you? My name does not appear in the article. Stick to relevant discussions.
Just asked confirmed your name.Chill. :)

And your name not being there?? Lolz..Trying to act innocent or plain dumb? Who has put that link at the end of post? Since you decided to parade your book, hence the author comes up for review. Simple.:agree:
Okay now you Indian have had your fun please return to the thread topic ....
And the thread article is about India's prostituted attitude to communal violence ....

And the Bangladeshi people will go after Hindus in BD and this communal violence seems to ride on perpetual motion. RIP is all who died in this violence.

Bodos cannot take law into to their own hands and start killing indiscriminately innocent families. It is time to take away their special rights and make them assimilate in mainstream society.
Yes. What is it to you? My name does not appear in the article. Stick to relevant discussions.

This is not a relevant discussions.You have you own border guards ,constitution and your own country .Just try to concentrate in to your own issues.If Narendra Modi decide to pack up all illegal immigrants from India we will do that no matter what.
We have our own intelligence agencies and method and slowly we filter illiegal BD from Indians and kick them out.Damn sure
This is not a relevant discussions.You have you own border guards ,constitution and your own country .Just try to concentrate in to your own issues.If Narendra Modi decide to pack up all illegal immigrants from India we will do that no matter what.
We have our own intelligence agencies and method and slowly we filter illiegal BD from Indians and kick them out.Damn sure

Your definition of what are illegal immigrants is contradictory and communal. Why should only Hindu immigrants be allowed to remain but not Muslim ones although the latter are far far smaller in number ...
Your definition of what are illegal immigrants is contradictory and communal. Why should only Hindu immigrants be allowed to remain but not Muslim ones although the latter are far far smaller in number ...
Because Muslim's one already decided there Fate when they choose pakistan over india at time of Creation of pakistan on their Religious Bases.Hindus are Persecuted in pakistan and Bangladesh on Religious Bases, they are genuine refugees Not Economical Refugees like Bangladeshi Muslims Don't try to say it's communal it's Hard fact
If this communal then what was the Two nation Theory
Your definition of what are illegal immigrants is contradictory and communal. Why should only Hindu immigrants be allowed to remain but not Muslim ones although the latter are far far smaller in number ...

Are you serious??

They need to leave and not come over because they wanted a separate country from themselves and got it - so why bother coming back?

and, The Hindu's of both Pakistan and Bangladesh tend to come because the Muslims (the same one's who also infiltrate) commit atrocities against the minority communities.
Are you serious??

They need to leave and not come over because they wanted a separate country from themselves and got it - so why bother coming back?

and, The Hindu's of both Pakistan and Bangladesh tend to come because the Muslims (the same one's who also infiltrate) commit atrocities against the minority communities.

So it is alright for 5 lakh Indians to illegally come to Bangladesh but not a few thousand Muslims to stay in India although they are now third and fourth generation immigrants?
So it is alright for 5 lakh Indians to illegally come to Bangladesh but not a few thousand Muslims to stay in India although they are now third and fourth generation immigrants?

Yes it's not alright even for one illegal immigrant - other than if he is here because of oppression - as for a few thousands - a few thousand Bangladeshi Muslim illegal immigrant can be found in a single slum in any of India's metro's, the overall India figures are appalling....it goes into millions.

If 5 lakh illegal Indians are there in Bangladesh :lol:, then please send them back - we promise we won't whine like you lot, provided they are really Indians and not Bangladeshi's acting as Indians.
The figure of millions of illegal Bangladeshi immigrants I have disputed at the and of the thread article. No Indian so far has been able to counter my argument.
The figure of millions of illegal Bangladeshi immigrants I have disputed at the and of the thread article. No Indian so far has been able to counter my argument.

You need what? Dead body of thousands of Bangladeshi who killed so far while crossing Indian border or uncountable who caught alive while crossing border.

Because of people like you I have no sympathy for your people. I wish government again allow BSF to shoot at sight.
You need what? Dead body of thousands of Bangladeshi who killed so far while crossing Indian border or uncountable who caught alive while crossing border.

Because of people like you I have no sympathy for your people. I wish government again allow BSF to shoot at sight.

Many of those killed were on this side of the border or had been abducted in Bangladesh and taken to India. That still leaves you a mere few thousand.

You have presented a assertion, a statement. Not an argument. And i have no wish to elevate your ramblings with a reasoned debate, thus the absence of a counter argument. So you can continue to whistle in the wind......

Oh how convenient for these willed Indians ...
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