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VIEW: Anatomy of military image: Dhaka falls — II —A R Siddiqi

We were never indian - we were Punjabi and now we are Pakistani.

"Me = Pakistani = Shia = Punjabi = Jatt," ruled for 1000 years?? new to me :P

your quote : our civilization has ruled South Asia for a thousand years.

and your second quote Me = Pakistani = Shia = Punjabi = Jatt, where the frig do you get arab from :(
Well Two Nation Theory is still alive - Bangladesh is still a viable independent state and did not merge with India and we all know how much Banlgadeshis love Indians.

Two nation theory turn into three nation theory :P.
Two nation theory: hindu and Muslim can not live in same country so Muslim want new country, But they will not leave India.
Three nation theory: Muslim and Muslim can not stay together coz one speak Urdu-Punjabi and other speak bengali.

Distance is not an issue, there are many countries which has distance landmass, like Alaska for USA,Nikobar fro India, Falkland for Brits etc. Some Pakistani believe that BD breakout coz of Evil Hindu enemy (India), for your forfather never told that India never attacked on East Pakistan in 1947 to 71.

This happened 41 years ago - it is history - mistakes were made on our part, but it being separated from Pakistan by 1000 miles of hostile territory was impossible to defend. But this was one war, our civilization has ruled South Asia for a thousand years. And Bangladesh remained independent and did not return to india proves that the thesis that the two nation theory is alive and well.

what do you mean by your civilization, this thousand year mark is usually quoted by to potray Islamic rule? so now are you suggesting you are from islamic civilization...

if above is what you state, then please dont forget, the rule of my civilization (thats the rulers of Indian subcontinent, mauryas, chalukyas, early indian empires) predates even the formation of your religion by 1500 years, so please dont boast around with your 1000 year rule.

Most of the invaders barring the mughals often claimed to be heroes were nothing more than looters, who ruled outskirts and converted most of present day pakistan's inhibitants who were hindus and buddhists into muslims by force, fear of persecution and incentives.

the article is about 1971,
Although two nation theory was not to be debunked and formation of pakistan was a good thing to have happened.

71 was tactically it was huge win for India to have owned this war within 15 days, with surgical precision.
Bangladesh .... Cut off from Pakistan ... GOOD RIDDEN :)

Look like you are happy, so please never complain us for BD.

Who created BD? : Pakistani believe that Indian created BD, sorry you are wrong BD tigers has decisive advantage before Inda participated into war. BD independence was inevitable, due to entry on India BD got early independence (may be 3-4 months)
Indian killed Pakistani: Sorry Indian saved Pakistani brothers. BD tigers were angry of Pakistani forces deed, so they wanted revenge, Indian saved 90,000 Pakistani soldiers from BD wrath.

Indo-BD relation is bad.: Yes it is bad for Pakistani,Right wing Indian and Radical Bangladeshi. Our PM ate Hilsa fish from BD, BD PM enjoy homelike environment in India. The problem from BD side is "Illegal migration", which We and our brothers working togather. Once BD grow (Insha-allah one day BD become developed nation) Migration will stop. For other issue India and BD are working togather.
by force, fear of persecution and incentives.

yeah and the saints and sufi,s didnt anything. listen this is our history like it or not and we like it i am glad our forefathers converted no matter how far back it was and i am proud of it and op the thread is nothing more then a troll fest and to those who r saying lad mass is not a problem not one country in the world shares the hostility that pakistan and india has and had at that time it was impossible to defend the land when it was covered by india on all fronts there were only two ways

one is you destroy indian air force completely and send supplies to bangladesh which would matter little since india with a destroyed air force would have ended the war.

second is you go through the waters.. naval was the most important thing in that war and it was the most neglected department in our entire fleet where as indias navy was not only experienced in fighting ( war with the dutch) but was well equipped too.

with these two never going to happen east pakistan had no way to hold the fort with 14 planes only and no tanks it was defeated...... worst decision was realizing all those weaknesses an attack in india shouldnt have been made since it was not only messing in bangladesh but was looking for a chance to do something and we gave them the opportunity. but in a way it was better since the way things were going bangladesh would have asked for an independent country sooner or later even if we had nuclear missile india would have stayed out but a civil war would have been their always and plus all the floods and people it would have been hard for us.......

those who r saying the two nation theory failed the two nation theory said that there r two nations one is muslims one is hindus these two have nothing in common so thus they should have different countries. it was successful the day pakistan was created..... linking bangladesh to this means nothing since the two nation theory states hindu and muslims have nothing in common and thus even bangladesh stayed away from india.... i just explained it all if you people still want to stay blind then so be it i am seeing its all troll troll so to all pakistani,s let indians have their fun
Who created BD? : Pakistani believe that Indian created BD, sorry you are wrong BD tigers has decisive advantage before Inda participated into war. BD independence was inevitable, due to entry on India BD got early independence (may be 3-4 months)

no buddy it would have gone on for years and years bloody but in no way bangladesh would have gotten independence without ur help it would have taken them years.... you needed them their and they needed you deal with it

Indian killed Pakistani: Sorry Indian saved Pakistani brothers. BD tigers were angry of Pakistani forces deed, so they wanted revenge, Indian saved 90,000 Pakistani soldiers from BD wrath.

seriously so you were their in dhaka to save us you needed those prisoners to finish the war and get the upper hand bcz without those prisoners sure as hell we would have attacked bangladesh call it crazy we wouldnt have recognized it and they were used for recognization and ofcourse kashmir problem indira is ridiculed that she didnt ask for more using all those prisoners

Indo-BD relation is bad.: Yes it is bad for Pakistani,Right wing Indian and Radical Bangladeshi. Our PM ate Hilsa fish from BD, BD PM enjoy homelike environment in India. The problem from BD side is "Illegal migration", which We and our brothers working togather. Once BD grow (Insha-allah one day BD become developed nation) Migration will stop. For other issue India and BD are working togather.

reallyy!!!!!!!! thats news to me considering the people hate the people hate the regime who supports friendly relations with india and ofcourse their media slants you and the people hate you bcz of all the bgb but yeah relations should be good with everyone south asia so far is not friendly with each other
yeah and the saints and sufi,s didnt anything. listen this is our history like it or not and we like it i am glad our forefathers converted no matter how far back it was and i am proud of it and op the thread is nothing more then a troll fest and to those who r saying lad mass is not a problem not one country in the world shares the hostility that pakistan and india has and had at that time it was impossible to defend the land when it was covered by india on all fronts there were only two ways

one is you destroy indian air force completely and send supplies to bangladesh which would matter little since india with a destroyed air force would have ended the war.

second is you go through the waters.. naval was the most important thing in that war and it was the most neglected department in our entire fleet where as indias navy was not only experienced in fighting ( war with the dutch) but was well equipped too.
Here is where the fallacy lies of most pakistani back then and still today. Why did you have such poor distribution of assets both military and economic , why such incredible disparity...

planes, ships, tanks, banks, buildings, dams, even a brand spanking new capital in west pakistan , and what about east... thats the reason your nation broke into two....

Have you ever questioned why was east pakistan isolated and barely protected... should half of your armed forces should have been deployed or even the brigades raised in east pakistan... afterall it was half of your population, and majority of your GDP's contributer???? why wasn't half of your air force, army and navy protecting east pak from the begining???????????
Well Two Nation Theory is still alive - Bangladesh is still a viable independent state and did not merge with India and we all know how much Banlgadeshis love Indians.

bangladesh is no more part of Pakistan..live with it.. two nation theory got debunked long back.
Bangladesh .... Cut off from Pakistan ... GOOD RIDDEN :)

1.We were 54%. So who got cut off? As Sheikh Mujib had said just after our liberation that we had more rights to use the name "Pakistan". You never promoted or supported the Pakistan project, and had voted against it. Punjab CM was vehemently anti-Pakistan. So was Ghaffar Khan and GM Syed. Pakistan, which was our project, could be born only due to our overwhelming support/vote. Liaqat Ali Khan, Ch Khalequzzaman, Khan Abdul Qayum Khan and many such stalwarts had to be proxy-elected by us.

2. A reason for Pakistan's present morass is the lack of knowledge among the people about the origin, vision and ideology of Pakistan.
1.We were 54%. So who got cut off? As Sheikh Mujib had said just after our liberation that we had more rights to use the name "Pakistan". You never promoted or supported the Pakistan project, and had voted against it. Punjab CM was vehemently anti-Pakistan. So was Ghaffar Khan and GM Syed. Pakistan, which was our project, could be born only due to our overwhelming support/vote. Liaqat Ali Khan, Ch Khalequzzaman, Khan Abdul Qayum Khan and many such stalwarts had to be proxy-elected by us.

2. A reason for Pakistan's present morass is the lack of knowledge among the people about the origin, vision and ideology of Pakistan.

That is actual idiocy of all those military dictators who adulterated history.
The people who had actually fought for Pakistan, who had dreamt of Pakistan from the very beginning..
Were labelled as traitors or sidelined.
I have heard that after Liaqat Ali Khan.. Ghulam Mohd ensured that the original members and stalwarts of the league were pushed aside or brought into mundane jobs.
And those whose ancestors had actually opposed Pakistan to the hilt...now roam its corridors of power.
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