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Vietnamese nationalist fabrications

Unfortunately I'm don't have PHD don't mistake me for someone better,how pathetic you can't even address these claims instead you rely on ad hominems.

You nationalistic Vietnamese keep on dreaming about your ridiculous claims,you don't even have the decency to back it up.

Everyone knows you are all bark and no bite,denouncing academics just because they don't agree with your views is hilarious.
You clowns fabricate historical "fact" by changing what contemporary Viet sources write is quite pathetic

I easily busted you for lying about Le Loi was a Trai. Up till now, you have not been able to prove where in contemporary Viet sources that said Le Loi was a "Trai" (a phantom ethnicity you guys made up). Yeah, where in Dai Viet Su Ky that mention Le Loi was a Trai.....Keith?
You clowns fabricate historical "fact" by changing what contemporary Viet sources write is quite pathetic

I easily busted you for lying about Le Loi was a Trai. Up till now, you have not been able to prove where in contemporary Viet sources that said Le Loi was a "Trai" (a phantom ethnicity you guys made up). Yeah, where in Dai Viet Su Ky that mention Le Loi was a Trai.....Keith?
Keep on trolling by calling me Keith again ad hominems are a sign of you inferiority not mine.

Since when are Vietnamese historical records reliable?

They are full of flaws ie Van Lang myth which you worship so much.

@Wholegrain I think you are more qualified to speak about the Trai ethnicity.

You have busted nothing,you don't even quote any sources.
Keep on trolling by calling me Keith again ad hominems are a sign of you inferiority not mine.

Since when are Vietnamese historical records reliable?

They are full of flaws ie Van Lang myth which you worship so much.

@Wholegrain I think you are more qualified to speak about the Trai ethnicity.

You have busted nothing,you don't even quote any sources.
I busted you for changing what Viet contemporary souces write...Keith
I busted you for changing what Viet contemporary souces write...Keith
You busted nothing, you quote nothing,you are frankly wasting my time with your petty comments.

Contemporary sources are no the ultimatum,Le Loi did not hail from the area of the Kinh Vietnamese quit living in denial.

Last time I checked Keith doesn't have Wu as a surname.

@Hu Songshan this troll keeps on insulting me and doesn't give any sources at all.
You busted nothing, you quote nothing,you are frankly wasting my time with your petty comments.

Contemporary sources are no the ultimatum,Le Loi did not hail from the area of the Kinh Vietnamese quit living in denial.

Last time I checked Keith doesn't have Wu as a surname.

@Hu Songshan this troll keeps on insulting me and doesn't give any sources at all.
Keith,...you just admit that you change what contemporary Viet sources write about Le Loi. Where did Dai Viet Su Ky write Le Loi was a Muong or whatnot? You make up a story about Le Loi was a non-Kinh so stop crying the Moderator to your rescue LOL
Keith,...you just admit that you change what contemporary Viet sources write about Le Loi. Where did Dai Viet Su Ky write Le Loi was a Muong or whatnot? You make up a story about Le Loi was a non-Kinh so stop crying the Moderator to your rescue LOL
Everyone knows you are a useless member who trolls Chinese,and can't even provides sources.

Come back when you have read Ming and Vietnamese sources that state that Le Loi did not originate from the Kinh heartland.
You're right I'm over-thinking it and loosing my cool.

However, I cannot stand foreigners always trying to destroy our Huaxia culture and making ridiculous claims on our ancestry and culture.
Because they are jealous and have an agenda.. Just look at their global rankings of happiest cities, etc and you willl see a pattern.
Everyone knows you are a useless member who trolls Chinese,and can't even provides sources.

Come back when you have read Ming and Vietnamese sources that state that Le Loi did not originate from the Kinh heartland.
Come back here and provide where in Dai Viet Su Ky that write Le Loi was a non-Kinh? You made up a story about Le Loi and when I busted your lies you SCREAM. I ask you again where in Dai Viet Su Ky that write Le Loi was a non-Kinh?

The last time I busted you chinaclowns for making up "fact" like where Le Loi came from Thanh Hoa was the border of Vietnam; hence the army of Le Loi was comprised of non-Kinh LOL. The border of Vietnam at that time reached Quang Nam already my ametuer shitorian and the Kinh Vietnamese had settled in the provinces below the Thanh Hoa province for at least 500 years....Keith

Btw, "Chinese" fengshui has its origin in Vietnam. Sorry, no English version though.
Người chứng minh Kinh Dịch có nguồn gốc Việt - Kinh tế - Bao Cong An TPHCM
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Come back here and provide where in Dai Viet Su Ky that write Le Loi was a non-Kinh? You made up a story about Le Loi and when I busted your lies you SCREAM. I ask you again where in Dai Viet Su Ky that write Le Loi was a non-Kinh?

The last time I busted you chinaclowns for making up "fact" like where Le Loi came from Thanh Hoa was the border of Vietnam; hence the army of Le Loi was comprised of non-Kinh LOL. The border of Vietnam at that time reached Quang Nam already my ametuer shitorian and the Kinh Vietnamese had settled in the provinces below the Thanh Hoa province for at least 500 years....Keith

Btw, "Chinese" fengshui has its origin in Vietnam. Sorry, no English version though.
Người chứng minh Kinh Dịch có nguồn gốc Việt - Kinh tế - Bao Cong An TPHCM
Calm down,you seem to mightily upset.

You haven't proved anything you haven't even quote anything in Hanzi so who is the fool here.

Chinese members look at these Vietnamese trolls they even dare to claim Feng Shui as Vietnamese,how shameful how much more history are you going to distort?

Because they are jealous and have an agenda.. Just look at their global rankings of happiest cities, etc and you willl see a pattern.
They lived under the shadow of Chinese culture and civilization so like some Koreans they seek to place themselves as equal to Chinese when in fact they were on the receiving end.

They are a pitiful bunch having to rely on insulting others and making facts up to appear like they are educated.
Calm down,you seem to mightily upset.

You haven't proved anything you haven't even quote anything in Hanzi so who is the fool here.

Chinese members look at these Vietnamese trolls they even dare to claim Feng Shui as Vietnamese,how shameful how much more history are you going to distort?

They lived under the shadow of Chinese culture and civilization so like some Koreans they seek to place themselves as equal to Chinese when in fact they were on the receiving end.

They are a pitiful bunch having to rely on insulting others and making facts up to appear like they are educated.
Vietnam invented the multiple-shot crossbow that Chinese copied from. If you don't believe me, search for its linguistic origin of the word crossbow in Chinese eh......Keith.
Vietnam invented the multiple-shot crossbow that Chinese copied from. If you don't believe me, search for its linguistic origin of the word crossbow in Chinese eh......Keith.
Are you kidding me?

This is exactly like your claim that Chinese "stole" gunpowder from Vietnamese.

Have you even studied the Warring states period,Vietnamese were the one to adopt crossbows not the other way around.

Vietnamese inferiority complex sure has some weird ways of manifesting.
Are you kidding me?

This is exactly like your claim that Chinese "stole" gunpowder from Vietnamese.

Have you even studied the Warring states period,Vietnamese were the one to adopt crossbows not the other way around.

Vietnamese inferiority complex sure has some weird ways of manifesting.
I'm not kidding you moron. When Vietnam invented the crossbow, the word "Chinese" did not exist in our state of thought. go read about the origin of the Chinese word "crossbow" if you want I don't care.
I'm not kidding you moron. When Vietnam invented the crossbow, the word "Chinese" did not exist in our state of thought. go read about the origin of the Chinese word "crossbow" if you want I don't care.
Keep on sharing your wet dreams with others,the world can see how pathetic Vietnamese nationalists are.
Your English is so poor that you said that I mistook your writing.

Your English not so fair enough, when your ID stated that you are living in USA. What do you do there in USA ?

Chang Jiang is a way more common name then Yangtze.

But Yangzi is more popular on internet.

Quote the Dai Viet su louc in Hanzi.

Why ? Han Ji is foreigner written characters. I learnt futong hua for a short time. My Han-Nom software does it more time to finish my comment.

Your own historian made the claims and all you have to back up your assertions that he's wrong is that we are living in the 21st century.

No evidence for that our author of Dai Viet Su Ky is wrong, when stated that North of Van Lang is Dongding Hu. It mean that Ba and Shu, Wu Yue etc is out of territory of Van Lang of Hung kings. bro.

Guess what, your own ancestors viewed bronze drums as a thing of barbarians.

Don't guess nothing here bro, Van lang was country of ancient tribes,very flexible. it was an alliance of tribes, rather than a conventional state. We have our proverb " One native people is equivalent to one bag of Kinh people"

Name the Vietnamese texts that Ma Yuan burnt,or it is simply untrue.

What could Han invaders do when they invaded in to our land ? burning and destroying what they could seen first. What Chinese PLA has been done when they attacked Vietnam 1979. Same story repeated.

Original sources are better than translated ones as Vietnamese translations often insert their biases ie calling what Nguyen labeled "Han" as Kinh.

If you can't read the original source then don't bother debating with me.

Why ? when I can read it in Vietnamese version. What is different here ?

1. You haven't even answered the questions

I answered to the guy, he is deaf.

2. There you go fabricating history again,Han divided Nanyue not Luoyue.

He he, you are funny boy. Luo Yue of An Duong Vuong was annexed to Nam Yue by Zhao Tuo. When Nan Yue was conqured by Han Dynasty, Jiaozhi pu established.

Can you answer my question ? when is JiaoZhi pu divided in to Jiao Zhou and Guang Zhou ?

The commanderies of Nanyue initially consisted of Nanhai,Xiang and Guilin.
Qin did not conquer OuLuo thus there was no such thing as Jiaozhi or Zhuyuan,Zhao Tuo did, even your own myths admit that.

Ou Luo is still under control of An Duong Vuong.

3.Quit lying,Viet Thuong was South of Jiaozhi this is a fact,furthermore you are injecting random fabrications ie they were gifts not tribute,it was historically recorded that it was tribute.

You are big liar, kid.
Pls to read Dai Viet Su Ky toan Thu in Han zi, it stated that Viet Thuong is one commandary of Hung Vuong.

4.Basically you deflected the question as usual,debating with you is like arguing with a brick wall.

You are funny boy, grand historian with small brain and knowledge.

I'm not doing your homework for you quote Shui Jing Zhu and where it stated the Baiyue recognized the Hung Kings

our ancestors no need recognize of Hans in this time. we are not boring about that. Just a champs betrayed Hing King did that.

My English is leap and bounds ahead of yours you are incapable of understanding the simplest things.

You could do washing plates in Chinese Restaurant in US with your English.

I used a simply analogy yet you don't understand.

What kind of analogy you said here ? for trolling ?

Ancient Baiyue did not speak Vietnamese as Vietnamese is not a fair representation of all Austro Asiatic languages you even admit Mandarin is not Tibetan.

Only idiot in Zhong Yuan copied the word Sông" "Chó" " Chết" from Vietnamese .

I don't understand what is so hard to understand here Austroasiatic =/= Modern day Vietnamese.

Modern Vietnamese language is one language in Austro- Asiatic language family.

You are also living in denial that Vietnamese elite spoke a variant of Southwestern Chinese.

Who is the elite you said here ? such loan words from middle time from Sino-Tibetan language don't change the nature of our language which belong to Austro-Asiatic language family.

Ad hominems are nothing more than a sign of intellectual inferiority, I have tried to act in a dignified manner yet you always try to insult me ie stupid,kid,idiot etc. and try to patronize me.

When you say all such craps, I say you are funny boy, OK ?

What is so hard is providing legitimate Western sources that agree with your claims?

Do you know who is C.J.S Forbes, E. Kuhn and H. Maspero ?

Don't know. I think is best for you when you could keep a silent, kid.

Quote the text in Hanzi or you are wasting everyone's time.

From your unfounded claims and your refusal to show your sources I will repeat what I said you are a fraud with an ax to grind.

Funny how EastSea claims to know more history than me when he can't even read Chinese which form the backbone of Vietnamese and Chinese texts.

Furthermore he has an uncooperative attitude,twists sources or doesn't give any,insults me for no reason and denies his own scholars when it doesn't suit him.

I'm really boring when reading such troll, kid.
Taking a swipe at one another based on a factual point is fine. But most of the troll here belonged to the lowest form of life, they use lie, smear and fabrication as a mean of trolling.

80% of the thread posted is about China, but 80% of the content are filled by retarded Vietnamese and indians trolls. You have no idea what it's like to be attacked by an army of retards. It's extremely hazardous to our intellectual well being. We've no choice but to retaliate and occasionally counter attack, just to prevent the carrier of brain eating virus from spreading.

You're the more reasonable viet, but the rest of countrymen, with their brain virus, are not as harmless.
Good, I see you are reasonable. Let me put some thoughts here. Perhaps that can explain a bit of some of misunderstandings between Vietnamese and Chinese. Vietnam sees China through a history-colored class. The mindset is influenced by interactions between both countries. in good as well as in bad times.

at start, there are two basic questions to answer:

how Vietnam sees China?
how do Vietnamese see Chinese?

we call Chinese as "nguoi trung quoc" (people of the Middle Land).
trung=middle (derived from zhong)
quoc=country (derived from guo)

or Chinese=nguoi trung hoa (hoa derived from Huaxia), the people of Huaxia

the country China="nuoc trung quoc" or "nuoc trung hoa" (nuoc is vietnamese and means river). this comes from the Vietnamese view, where the origin of Vietnamese people: the Red River).

also, we call Chinese as nguoi tau (boat people). the term came as many chinese refugees fled to Vietnam by boats after the collapse of the Ming.

However, the term "nguoi tau" is considered as disrespectful, and a "civilized" Vietnamese avoids using this. But when a Vietnamese gets angry over a Chinese, he uses this term. accordingly, China is called as "nuoc tau", the boat people.

comes to the next question: Who is Chinese?

for many Vietnamese, only Han Chinese are real Chinese. other ethnics are non-Chinese. that is similar to what we used to adopt in Vietnam. Only the Kinh ethnic is Vietnamese, others are not. We used to call other ethnics as barbarians (moi). a deteriorate term similar if you call someone as nigger.

Who is Han Chinese?

actually, only north Chinese are considered as Han Chinese. other ethnics including Cantonese, Manchus and Mongols are Non-Hans. It came because the Han ruled Vietnam for almost 1,000 years. The Han ruled both China and Vietnam.

China was called as northern country, while Vietnam southern country. Chinese as northerner, while we southerner. In this context, we are at the same level as our brothers and sisters in Canton. We both are southerner. The northerner controlled the politics, while southerner dominated business.

in a history book, I found Chinese were called as "men of the Tang". I will need to search why we called you so.

perhaps @Grand Historian knows?
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