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Vietnamese communists call for end to communism

As Vietnam collapses into civil war, the bride of a Vietnamese bride will sink to rock bottom. A poor Chinese peasant can buy 10 brides.

In 2000, out of the 7,304 international marriages that took place between Korean men and a foreign spouse, the largest number of brides by nationality came from China (3,586) and the Philippines (1,358).

In 2009, Chinese brides still made up the majority (34 percent) followed by women from Vietnam (22 percent).

The Business of Buying a Bride | Groove Korea
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Vietnam will give up communism. Vietcongs will be slaughtered by Vietnam democracy heroes.
You are the white guy living in Vietnam dipping your Iberian peninsula into cheap Vietnamese brides all the time. Even cheaper as Vietnam descends into chaos. You are living the dream.

Sorry kid, but I'm not a sex tourist and I had never been and I don't buy a bride either. I respect Vietnamese people or anybody else for that matter, but that is also a two way street, scum like you I don't respect at all, go back to the chinese hole that you crawled out from and stay there..
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In 2000, out of the 7,304 international marriages that took place between Korean men and a foreign spouse, the largest number of brides by nationality came from China (3,586) and the Philippines (1,358).

In 2009, Chinese brides still made up the majority (34 percent) followed by women from Vietnam (22 percent).

The Business of Buying a Bride | Groove Korea
You making shit up again? I can't find those figures you quoted from your Groove Korea article.
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@gambit Again a long post. Let's not waste our Pakistan friends resource ok. I answered you most of your points in the previous post so I don't think I evaded you or something.
I educated this forum on many facts and truths about the VN War, such as it was Ho and the Viet Minh who invited France back into VN. So do not worry about me, worry about your continuing failed arguments.

You are fighting for a lost cause. Even if one day Communism VN falls, and a new govt rises, I am sure that they will never use the name Republic of Vietnam, or use the yellow red-strips flag. It's easy to understand for people to avoid using things of the dead, in this case a dead govt.
You should know by now to never say never. After all, what is today's name for Leningrad ?

The contanst stream of refugee to SV were mostly landlords or French-supported VNese fearing of being punished or people with properties fearing communists would take all from them. They were, like you, afraid of communists enough to fled their hometowns, their lands to "tha hương cầu thực", seeking refugee in the unfamiliar lands.
Truly...Communism make people stupid, and you are proof of that.

You are saying that the hundreds of thousands of refugees, in the 1950s after the Viet Minh took power in North VN and during the war, all of them were 'landlords' ? :lol:

How sad that a young man's mind have been so brainwashed.

If that is true, then why did the communists tried so hard to prevent so many from leaving, in the 1950s and during the war ? You mean you did not know that the communists tried to prevent the refugee flow ? I am shocked at your ignorance. Just kidding, son. I expected such ignorance.

Communism, as the political expression of Marxism, is about power, which translate to control, or more specifically, the NEED to control. It is about control of everything about the person. You, a sheeple, mindlessly bleated the Party line about 'landlords' as if owning anything, not just land, is an evil thing to do. And you protest that I called you a communist ? It is about subtraction and denial. For a communist, the more you lack from either him taking things away from you or to deny opportunities to possess things, the more power the communist have over you. One of the best way to immediately impute a negative moral attribute to private property, as if anyone who owns anything got it thru immoral means, usually theft. In China, the Chinese communists separated husbands and wives, then put their children into state control. In essence, communism is anti-family, or more accurately, MUST be anti-family because the family is a demand on loyalty, attention, and resources.

For a communist, anything that divert attention away from the state must be remedied, if not by re-education, then by death. I was schooled in Thủ Đức and spend summers in Sài Gòn. In 1975, my grandparents decided to stay in VN because they believed that they were too old and too retired from government service to be of any threat to the communists. We fled and they stayed. The communists turned the school I grew up in into a prison, aka reeducation camp, and my grandparents died under torture in the school their grandsons learned their alphabets and math. When grandfather was young, he saw how brutal the Việt Minh was in NVN, so as eldest, he led most of the family clan southward. In NVN, he worked hard and owned his home and the land under it, but he was not a 'landlord' in the evil sense you tried to portrayed him. They abandoned everything they could not carried on their bodies and left. Those of the clan who stayed behind -- died. Predictably. After unification, they died probably the same ways their relatives died earlier. Did you know that the communists often gave animal bones to relatives who wanted to give their family dead proper burials ? Could be the bones from the dinner gà kho.

So what do you call the 'boat people' who fled after unification ? Landlords ? Traitors ? Those tragic people were more foresighted than you are, kid. They fled because they knew the evils of communism. But in a way, you are more fortunate than they because you have only been brainwashed and do not know of the evils of the ideology you now defends.

Tell me, did they find better life in SV?[/USER]
So what does that mean ? That the unknown back then should have compelled them to stay ? I know my life is much better than yours. This shows how little you know about human nature, except only what The Party spoon fed you.

Oh paper number paper number, tell me how many US advisors in the SV army actually held rifles and fought battles, even before the US officially joined VN war? I believe the number was close to your 60,000. And support troops like atillery, helicopter pilots could not cause some serious casualities in the war? Give me a break.
Stop trying to defend your ignorance. You brought on half a mil of US troops to try to portray the ARVN as worthless, but now you learned the truth of military organization and of how wrong you were, you create a diversion.

A corrupted democracy is no better than a corrupted communism govt. A good dictatorship can be as good as a democratic govt. Different systems, all run by human. Why can't you see the corruption of SV govt yet you are picky about communism NV? At least NV didn't pour poison above the forest and the field, forbiding farmers to work.
Yes, of course. The dream of a benevolent dictator. Let us know when you find or create one.

Now your last sentence is disturbing. While many of NV soldiers fought solely for the unification of VN, and died for it, you'd rather leave half of your brethens to wither and rot in poverty, while enjoying the fake luxury life of yours? Unlike Korea which both North and South were evenly developed by the Japanese, VN 3 parts were developed differently by the French. You at least know that much right. 3 parts, NVN followed the landlord system, SVN followed capitalist system while Hue-Da Nang area kept the old imperial system. That created difference and seperation between VNese, and we couldn't effectively unify and fight the French. That also created people like you, who only selfishly cared for yourself while your compatriots suffered. That's you, @gambit.
The Americans have a saying: 'Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.'

South Korea sent annual aid to North Korea, anything from food to industrial supplies to even money. Did it got North Korea anywhere ? Speculate that partition came to be. What do you want an economically prosperous SVN to do ? Continually feed NVN ? South Vietnam did not want communism. The resistance to that was obvious enough. Why do you have a hard time accepting that ?
gambit, we nearly cannot reach Communism party in Vietnam.
Small political party with less than 4 million members and a half retired, I think.

Let's see one-third of US people considered themselves as Republican party members
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@gambit Both of us are long posters, so we can just stop quoting each other or our posts will be TL;DR ok?

The refugees were landlords and their families, France-supporting VNeses and small middle class families. I never said its only landlords. Communism was an alien thing at that time, of course people were scared. Communists stopped people from leaving because when they left, they took money and gold and valueable things with them. Communists needed those money, not for their greeds, but to maintain the economy from collapsing. You at least know that much right? No money = no trading = no economy. Even communists could not use shells and stones to trade. They needed gold, money, properties from the old system. To me, those who could still move southward at that time was people with money, because there were many without money starving on the street because of the faminie.

I am regretful for your grandparents loss after the unification of VN. It's regreatable. To many hard-core communists at that time, your family had a history of being traitors and should be punished (aka "re-education"). Of coure the collapse of SV govt left a big open spot for power so your family might just be one of many victims of power fighting between leaders or simply a political cleansing at that time. I never said communists are saints. What communism wants to achieve is admirable, but the people who follow, well, they are just people.

Do you know the Land Reform program (Cải cách ruộng đất)? Govt took lands from landlords and distributed them to farmers, and landlords who commited crimes against farmers would be put to trial. Who were the landlords? The poor uneducated farmers decided. Who were the judge? The poor uneducated farmers. Communists tried to put power in the hand of the people and looked at what they had done: the Land Reform was a complete failure, people accused each other out of jealousy, greed or old grude. That when communists realized that power should be put in check, and handle carefully. I am sure your grandparents were victims of a similar program.

I did not tartget you in the subject of life in my post, as you are older and have experienced a lot more than me. I just want to point out that you and your family was just one in many families who took refugee in south VN, and not everyone was as lucky as you. Their lives could have been different if they had stayed in NV, for better or worse, we can't say for sure.

I am talking about US advisors who came to VN right after France lost at Dien Bien Phu. As Viet Minh did most of the fighting with the French, the newly formed ROV govt did not have an experience fighting force to defend itself against communism. The US used that to send their "instructors" to help train SV troops. US "instructors" did everything so that SV troops could learn, even how to directly fight NV troops. That was way before the first US Marine corp land on Da Nang beach.

Many people think that the first SK president was quite a dictator, Look at what he had achieved for his country.

People have the right to be against the ideology of communism, but it should not have come in the way of unification. That much I understand. The unification and independence of VN come up above all things else. Communists wanted to unify VN, they have my support. They wanted VN divided, I am against them. Even Uncle Ho said that he was a nationalist before a communist, and he chose communism because it suited VN the most at that time(1940s). If Vn had been a little more developed, maybe he would have chosen democracy like SK.
@gambit Both of us are long posters, so we can just stop quoting each other or our posts will be TL;DR ok?

The refugees were landlords and their families, France-supporting VNeses and small middle class families. I never said its only landlords. Communism was an alien thing at that time, of course people were scared. Communists stopped people from leaving because when they left, they took money and gold and valueable things with them. Communists needed those money, not for their greeds, but to maintain the economy from collapsing. You at least know that much right? No money = no trading = no economy. Even communists could not use shells and stones to trade. They needed gold, money, properties from the old system. To me, those who could still move southward at that time was people with money, because there were many without money starving on the street because of the faminie.

I am regretful for your grandparents loss after the unification of VN. It's regreatable. To many hard-core communists at that time, your family had a history of being traitors and should be punished (aka "re-education"). Of coure the collapse of SV govt left a big open spot for power so your family might just be one of many victims of power fighting between leaders or simply a political cleansing at that time. I never said communists are saints. What communism wants to achieve is admirable, but the people who follow, well, they are just people.

Do you know the Land Reform program (Cải cách ruộng đất)? Govt took lands from landlords and distributed them to farmers, and landlords who commited crimes against farmers would be put to trial. Who were the landlords? The poor uneducated farmers decided. Who were the judge? The poor uneducated farmers. Communists tried to put power in the hand of the people and looked at what they had done: the Land Reform was a complete failure, people accused each other out of jealousy, greed or old grude. That when communists realized that power should be put in check, and handle carefully. I am sure your grandparents were victims of a similar program.

I did not tartget you in the subject of life in my post, as you are older and have experienced a lot more than me. I just want to point out that you and your family was just one in many families who took refugee in south VN, and not everyone was as lucky as you. Their lives could have been different if they had stayed in NV, for better or worse, we can't say for sure.

I am talking about US advisors who came to VN right after France lost at Dien Bien Phu. As Viet Minh did most of the fighting with the French, the newly formed ROV govt did not have an experience fighting force to defend itself against communism. The US used that to send their "instructors" to help train SV troops. US "instructors" did everything so that SV troops could learn, even how to directly fight NV troops. That was way before the first US Marine corp land on Da Nang beach.

Many people think that the first SK president was quite a dictator, Look at what he had achieved for his country.

People have the right to be against the ideology of communism, but it should not have come in the way of unification. That much I understand. The unification and independence of VN come up above all things else. Communists wanted to unify VN, they have my support. They wanted VN divided, I am against them. Even Uncle Ho said that he was a nationalist before a communist, and he chose communism because it suited VN the most at that time(1940s). If Vn had been a little more developed, maybe he would have chosen democracy like SK.

I strongly believe if Ho didn't die, Vietnam would be a better place. Democracy would be more possible today if Ho was alive. Unfortunately, when he died, his traitors took over and turned Vietnam upside down.
I strongly believe if Ho didn't die, Vietnam would be a better place. Democracy would be more possible today if Ho was alive. Unfortunately, when he died, his traitors took over and turned Vietnam upside down.
Too bad dictator like Kim Jong-Ill lived too long, while good leader like Uncle Ho passed away too soon. With his influence over the population, VN would turn to democracy overnight if he had said so.

Some people said that the 1968 Tet Offensive was rushed because NV gens wanted to unify VN for Uncle Ho (he always said his greatest regret was that he could not visit Saigon/ Gia Dinh on the unification day of VN), because at that time he was showing signs of sickness. The loss of many good VNese at the war might be the things that made him go down. I know he'd put VN above all things else. VCP might not do the same. In fact VCP has not followed his wishes several times, including how he wished to be treated after death. For example: Uncle Ho wished to be creamated and his ash scattered over all VN once VN was unified and VCP did not follow that.
Too bad dictator like Kim Jong-Ill lived too long, while good leader like Uncle Ho passed away too soon. With his influence over the population, VN would turn to democracy overnight if he had said so.

Some people said that the 1968 Tet Offensive was rushed because NV gens wanted to unify VN for Uncle Ho (he always said his greatest regret was that he could not visit Saigon/ Gia Dinh on the unification day of VN), because at that time he was showing signs of sickness. The loss of many good VNese at the war might be the things that made him go down. I know he'd put VN above all things else. VCP might not do the same. In fact VCP has not followed his wishes several times, including how he wished to be treated after death. For example: Uncle Ho wished to be creamated and his ash scattered over all VN once VN was unified and VCP did not follow that.

I believe you. Although, I don't know much about Ho and the VCP. However, I did read up on Ho and how he wished to unified Vietnam. It really make sense to me and my instinct kicked in an I questioned myself why would someone wanted to harm Ho and made him sick. It is because of greed for power with the current VCP. It's very obvious because corruption is right in front of our faces among VCP members. Uniting a country is not selfish nor greed. It is something to accomplish to unite everyone to get along and to look forward to bright future according to Ho's vision. This is why I said if Ho was alive, Vietnam would not look like it is today. The current VCP uses Ho's ideology to manipulate our people and make them believe in VCP.

As we all already know, the current VCP is not working and not making Vietnam a brighter place.
I believe you. Although, I don't know much about Ho and the VCP. However, I did read up on Ho and how he wished to unified Vietnam. It really make sense to me and my instinct kicked in an I questioned myself why would someone wanted to harm Ho and made him sick. It is because of greed for power with the current VCP. It's very obvious because corruption is right in front of our faces among VCP members. Uniting a country is not selfish nor greed. It is something to accomplish to unite everyone to get along and to look forward to bright future according to Ho's vision. This is why I said if Ho was alive, Vietnam would not look like it is today. The current VCP uses Ho's ideology to manipulate our people and make them believe in VCP.

As we all already know, the current VCP is not working and not making Vietnam a brighter place.
Older mems of VCP have the highest respect for Uncle Ho because they have opportunity to work with him. But most of them retired or passed away now. Later mems of VCP are just fighting over power, political nature I think, instead of following Uncle Ho's vision.

I am not a communist and I welcome VN to change to the good direction. But a total coup to throw down VCP immediately? It will create more chaos than good for VNese. VN might not develop much, but at least it lickes its wounds from the long war.

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