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Vietnam setting up field hospitals for possible coronavirus influx


Jun 18, 2012
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Viet Nam
Doctors help each other put on protective uniforms at Cho Ray Hospital in HCMC as they prepare to check on two nCoV-infected patients, February 3, 2020. Photo by VnExpress/Huu Khoa.

HANOI: Vietnam is setting up field hospitals with thousands of beds to handle a potential influx of coronavirus cases, health officials said, as it prepares to receive its nationals from China.

Vietnam shares a long porous border with China and the communist neighbours have close trade and tourism ties.

So far Vietnam has 10 confirmed cases of coronavirus - including three people with no recent travel history to China.

The virus, declared a global health emergency by the World Health Organization, has so far killed nearly 500 people and infected more than 24,000, mostly in mainland China.

Travel restrictions, flight bans and quarantines have been imposed as countries ramp up efforts to control the fast-spreading pathogen.

In Vietnam's southern business hub of Ho Chi Minh city - where three cases of coronavirus have been confirmed - two existing facilities are being converted into field hospitals with a total capacity of 500 beds.

They will "receive, monitor and treat" all suspected patients of coronavirus if the epidemic spreads further, according to the director of the city's health department, Nguyen Tan Binh.

In Hanoi, two military facilities have been turned into quarantine centres for up to 1,500 people as the country prepares to receive 950 people from China to be isolated at the sites.

Two provinces in northern Vietnam near the China border have also set up beds for close to 3,000 patients. Central Vietnam has centres ready for as many as 3,700.

Vietnam has not announced plans to repatriate its citizens from China en masse, though 21 Vietnamese students in Wuhan - the centre of the epidemic - could be brought back on a chartered flight, the government said.

Vietnam has banned all flights to and from mainland China and suspended new tourist visas for Chinese nationals or foreigners who have been there in the past two weeks.

All passenger trains to and from China have also been halted.

I just read Vietnam sent over 3.9 million masks to China since January 1. Vietnam can increase mask production to 30 million masks per day if necessary.but bad news ahead: Vietnam economy is contracting 1 percent in the January month. Very bad. The world economy will slip into contracting territory.

thank you China

I just read Vietnam sent over 3.9 million masks to China since January 1. Vietnam can increase mask production to 30 million masks per day if necessary.but bad news ahead: Vietnam economy is contracting 1 percent in the January month. Very bad. The world economy will slip into contracting territory.

thank you China

We import steel-rare earth- chemical (which is very dirty- toxic in manufacturing) from CN. But the factories r temporary closed now and we also dare not manufacture those toxic products ourselves, thats why the grow going down.

But we wont risk our life producing those toxic products for export like CN anyway :cool:
I just read Vietnam sent over 3.9 million masks to China since January 1. Vietnam can increase mask production to 30 million masks per day if necessary.but bad news ahead: Vietnam economy is contracting 1 percent in the January month. Very bad. The world economy will slip into contracting territory.

thank you China

When China grow Vietnam and the world also benefits.
I just read Vietnam sent over 3.9 million masks to China since January 1. Vietnam can increase mask production to 30 million masks per day if necessary.but bad news ahead: Vietnam economy is contracting 1 percent in the January month. Very bad. The world economy will slip into contracting territory.

thank you China


Thank the US. The CIA planted the bioweapon with the goal of taking down China's economy and if the rest of Asia gets hurt, that'd be icing on the cake. The American Military Industrial Complex is getting into desperate territory now that it is clear the global economy's center is shifting to Asia. Don't underestimate desperate people.

Don't be seriously retarded thinking this was some random virus that just appeared from the fish market.
Thank the US. The CIA planted the bioweapon with the goal of taking down China's economy and if the rest of Asia gets hurt, that'd be icing on the cake. The American Military Industrial Complex is getting into desperate territory now that it is clear the global economy's center is shifting to Asia. Don't underestimate desperate people.

Don't be seriously retarded thinking this was some random virus that just appeared from the fish market.
Okay, but CN still dare not stop CIA agents in disguise of tourist, bussinessmen coming to CN till now. So, even when u can put down Covirus this time, but u will suffer another deadly virus next year again.
Thank the US. The CIA planted the bioweapon with the goal of taking down China's economy .

LOL! you mean the Chinese lab in Wuhan.

China's first bio-safety level 4 lab put into operation

Source: Xinhua| 2018-01-04 19:49:18|Editor: Xiang Bo

BEIJING, Jan. 4 (Xinhua) -- China has opened its first bio-safety level four laboratory, capable of conducting experiments with highly pathogenic microorganisms, according to the national health authority on Thursday.

Wuhan national bio-safety level four lab of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Wuhan P4 lab) is part of Sino-French cooperation in prevention and control of emerging infectious diseases, said the Department of Health Science, Technology and Education with the National Health and Family Planning Commission.

Level four is the highest bio-safety level, used for diagnostic work and research on easily transmitted pathogens which can cause fatal disease, including Ebola virus.

The Wuhan P4 lab will conduct research in anti-virus drugs and vaccines.


It won't be the first time:

Soviet Defector Says China Had Accident at a Germ Plan

The most senior defector from the Soviet germ warfare program says in a new book that Soviet officials concluded that China had suffered a serious accident at one of its secret plants for developing biological weapons, causing two major epidemics.
A great step forward quick detection and vaccine development. Hanoi‘s institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology successfully isolated and cultured the virus.


The 2019 novel coronavirus is cultured inside the lab at the National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology in Hanoi. Photo courtesy of the National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology.
When China grow Vietnam and the world also benefits.
No one care if CN still grow or not now, selling mask and Med kits to CN-S.K-JP also can make VN rich.

Med mask price in SK is 10 times higher now
LOL! you mean the Chinese lab in Wuhan.

China's first bio-safety level 4 lab put into operation

Source: Xinhua| 2018-01-04 19:49:18|Editor: Xiang Bo

BEIJING, Jan. 4 (Xinhua) -- China has opened its first bio-safety level four laboratory, capable of conducting experiments with highly pathogenic microorganisms, according to the national health authority on Thursday.

Wuhan national bio-safety level four lab of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Wuhan P4 lab) is part of Sino-French cooperation in prevention and control of emerging infectious diseases, said the Department of Health Science, Technology and Education with the National Health and Family Planning Commission.

Level four is the highest bio-safety level, used for diagnostic work and research on easily transmitted pathogens which can cause fatal disease, including Ebola virus.

The Wuhan P4 lab will conduct research in anti-virus drugs and vaccines.


It won't be the first time:

Soviet Defector Says China Had Accident at a Germ Plan

The most senior defector from the Soviet germ warfare program says in a new book that Soviet officials concluded that China had suffered a serious accident at one of its secret plants for developing biological weapons, causing two major epidemics.

That is a possibility. But if it came from the Chinese lab, the Chinese govt. would've had a good working idea of the virus and probably a vaccine. The fact that they've been caught flat footed and are scrambling to contain the after effects show that they have no clue what this thing is.

Meanwhile there is an ample number of coincidences that suggest this was a bioweapons attack by the CIA, part and parcel of a long trend of escalating hostility against China in the last two years.


Look up Event 201 Agenda 21 and also documents linking PNAC to suggestions of a bioweapons program.

Okay, but CN still dare not stop CIA agents in disguise of tourist, bussinessmen coming to CN till now. So, even when u can put down Covirus this time, but u will suffer another deadly virus next year again.

The thing with bioweapons like this is that it is almost impossible to trace, that's why they are so effective.
That is a possibility. But if it came from the Chinese lab, the Chinese govt. would've had a good working idea of the virus and probably a vaccine. The fact that they've been caught flat footed and are scrambling to contain the after effects show that they have no clue what this thing is.

Why is this lab so quiet? Shouldn't we be seeing news stories from this specialized lab at ground zero where they should have people in a quarantined environment being worked on by the greatest minds just like from the movie "Andromeda Strain". That's the whole purpose of the lab.

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In the bio-safety lab
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Why is this lab so quiet? Shouldn't we be seeing news stories from this specialized lab at ground zero where they should have people in a quarantined environment being worked on by the greatest minds just like from the movie "Andromeda Strain". That's the whole purpose of the lab.

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In the bio-safety lab

Them being quiet doesn't mean anything. Look, you can believe whatever you want. The reality is that considering all circumstances and the patterns of escalating hostility and elevated sense of hysteria in Washington, the only actor that has both the motive and capability to conduct a covert bioweapons operation, as well as being coincidentally the one to reap the most rewards from the aftermath of such an operation is the US. And it's not like there isn't a rich history of the US actually using bioweapons on countries it deemed hostile before. You are acting like it is some far fetched claim when it would just be another notch in a long history of such acts.
Them being quiet doesn't mean anything. Look, you can believe whatever you want. The reality is that considering all circumstances and the patterns of escalating hostility and elevated sense of hysteria in Washington, the only actor that has both the motive and capability to conduct a covert bioweapons operation, as well as being coincidentally the one to reap the most rewards from the aftermath of such an operation is the US. And it's not like there isn't a rich history of the US actually using bioweapons on countries it deemed hostile before. You are acting like it is some far fetched claim when it would just be another notch in a long history of such acts.

I think in the world of ridiculous conspiracy theories your CIA bioweapon attack is actually more preposterous than my Wuhan biolab leak.

The Trade War is just a big show and nobody is hurling bioweapons at each other over it. You are being silly just even mentioning it.

As people have alluded to the US and other countries have more people killed by the flu every year...and it doesn't impact the Trade War one iota.

So if this is some kind of Trade War thing it is pretty useless.
I think in the world of ridiculous conspiracy theories your CIA bioweapon attack is actually more preposterous than my Wuhan biolab leak.

The Trade War is just a big show and nobody is hurling bioweapons at each other over it. You are being silly just even mentioning it.

As people have alluded to the US and other countries have more people killed by the flu every year...and it doesn't impact the Trade War one iota.

So if this is some kind of Trade War thing it is pretty useless.

I think the results speak for themselves. China has been badly hurt by this coronavirus debacle, the economic loss, the social chaos, discontinuation of flights, worsening global image. If it was a bioweapon, this was perfectly executed. Nothing preposterous about it given the hysteria in Washington about China's rise, the designation of China as Enemy No. 1 which Pompeo clearly stated just days after the beginning of the Coronavirus quarantine.

This conflict with China is way more than trade war. The trade war was just a sideshow. The real war is geopolitical and technological.

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