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Vietnam sentences students to years in prison for anti-China leaflets


Dec 15, 2009
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The moral of the story is that anti-China behavior will not be tolerated by the Vietnamese government.

Look on the bright side, at least they weren't sentenced to death. Of course, I jest.

This should serve as a warning to the anti-China Vietnamese members on this forum (e.g. NiceGuy and Rechoice). If you keep posting anti-China propaganda, your government may put you in prison for years.

If you Vietnamese anti-China numbskulls keep posting anti-China propaganda, I may have to write a letter of complaint to the Vietnamese embassy in Boston.


Vietnam sentences 2 students to 6 and 8 years in prison for distributing anti-China leaflets | Fox News

"Vietnam sentences 2 students to 6 and 8 years in prison for distributing anti-China leaflets
Published May 16, 2013 | Associated Press

HANOI, Vietnam – A Vietnamese court has sentenced two student activists to between six and eight years in prison for distributing leaflets calling on people to demonstrate against China.

The sentences Thursday were the latest in an intensified crackdown against dissent in the one-party, authoritarian state.

Lawyer Nguyen Thanh Luong says Nguyen Phuong Uyen was sentenced to six years, while Dinh Nguyen Kha received eight years after a one-day trial.

They were arrested in October in Ho Chi Minh city for handing out leaflets urging protests against China's territorial claims in the South China Sea.

Popular anger against China puts Hanoi in a difficult position because it can't afford to alienate Beijing, its large, fellow Communist neighbor.

Luong said the two meant to demonstrate 'patriotism and did not mean to oppose the government.'"
Vietnam current attempt to use US as a leverage against China back fire badly.. There are still large number of Vietnamese who still remember their relative or love ones killed by US linebacker bombing mission in the 1972. They detest the idea of inviting US back to Vietnam.

Effectively, Vietnam needs to rely on itself to stand against China which proves impossible. Co-operation and compromise in Spratly Island issue with China is the only solution. Vietnam government has stop all personal oil exploration mission in Spratly island.

I expect them to accept a join spratly island resources exploration plan devised by China with 70% resources goes to China and 30% resources will go to Vietnam. China will have unopposing access to any part of whole Spratly Island area.

The moral of the story is that anti-China behavior will not be tolerated by the Vietnamese government.

Look on the bright side, at least they weren't sentenced to death. Of course, I jest.

This should serve as a warning to the anti-China Vietnamese members on this forum (e.g. NiceGuy and Rechoice). If you keep posting anti-China propaganda, your government may put you in prison for years.

If you Vietnamese anti-China numbskulls keep posting anti-China propaganda, I may have to write a letter of complaint to the Vietnamese embassy in Boston.


Vietnam sentences 2 students to 6 and 8 years in prison for distributing anti-China leaflets | Fox News

LOL, This post by you show how stupid and lack of understanding that you are.

Those students has been sentenced by Vietnam court because they set up reactionary actions, and make propaganda against Vietnam's Government by taking advantage of Vietnam's people patriotism, under name "call for demonstrate against China" , so they has been jail and judge.

Did you know about this, well, well, .... you think those officers will be "jail and judge" ? So funny by Chinese like always :omghaha:

Vietnam current attempt to use US as a leverage against China back fire badly.. There are still large number of Vietnamese who still remember their relative or love ones killed by US linebacker bombing mission in the 1972. They detest the idea of inviting US back to Vietnam.

Effectively, Vietnam needs to rely on itself to stand against China which proves impossible. Co-operation and compromise in Spratly Island issue with China is the only solution. Vietnam government has stop all personal oil exploration mission in Spratly island.

I expect them to accept a join spratly island resources exploration plan devised by China with 70% resources goes to China and 30% resources will go to Vietnam. China will have unopposing access to any part of whole Spratly Island area.
hahahaha, sorry I have to laugh at the nativity that you demonstrated in the bold part. You call it "Co-operation and compromise," while insist that China takes almost everything? Are those outrageous demands the idea of "peace and fairness" from an expansionist's stand point? Please stop reading the People's Daily and repeat their drum beat to the rest of us. Let me tell you that PRC's position in the Spratly Islands is weak. The lay-out of occupied territories has been discussed many times in this forum, so I don't have to remind you that.

Just use this analogy instead: It's like you want to take almost everything from a Duo Duplex where Vietnam and the Philippines each settle in almost half a house. Taiwan has the bathroom, while the PRC and other nations have couple parking lots. Ok, tell me how can a parking lots owner claim the whole house?!

The only way PRC get it is to cheat and steal the house by brute force. Despite your claim of Chinese naval superiority, Vietnam is fully capable of defending itself. You land base anti ship missiles can cover the entire islands. Our Su-30 can fly there in half an hour. Both Vietnam and Philippines's radars along the coastlines can detect any large Chinese movements days before any of your ships can reach the islands. Our missile ships can also response to the islands in half a day. We are getting new submarines (with land attack capability and anti-air missiles) and American's P-3 Orion that are enough to render PRC's super noise subs useless. Most importantly, we have fortified positions in those islands with several thousands troop garrison as well as brave civilians. Our soldiers are the most well trained and battle harden in South Asia. All in all, this is a very tough and comprehensive Land-Air-Sea-Under water defense based on geographical advantages that the aggressor will never have.

As I said before, parking lot watchers cannot be the owners. Stop holding on the that wild dream. If PRC wants to become a respectable country, then its government has to start acting like one.

Back to the topic of arresting protesters. There are more into the story than that. Vietnam has a way to deal with big bad neighbor for a thousand year, but I will not tell you the secret :smart:
hahahaha, sorry I have to laugh at the nativity that you demonstrated in the bold part. You call it "Co-operation and compromise," while insist that China takes almost everything? Are those outrageous demands the idea of "peace and fairness" from an expansionist's stand point? Please stop reading the People's Daily and repeat their drum beat to the rest of us. Let me tell you that PRC's position in the Spratly Islands is weak. The lay-out of occupied territories has been discussed many times in this forum, so I don't have to remind you that.

Just use this analogy instead: It's like you want to take almost everything from a Duo Duplex where Vietnam and the Philippines each settle in almost half a house. Taiwan has the bathroom, while the PRC and other nations have couple parking lots. Ok, tell me how can a parking lots owner claim the whole house?!

The only way PRC get it is to cheat and steal the house by brute force. Despite your claim of Chinese naval superiority, Vietnam is fully capable of defending itself. You land base anti ship missiles can cover the entire islands. Our Su-30 can fly there in half an hour. Both Vietnam and Philippines's radars along the coastlines can detect any large Chinese movements days before any of your ships can reach the islands. Our missile ships can also response to the islands in half a day. We are getting new submarines (with land attack capability and anti-air missiles) and American's P-3 Orion that are enough to render PRC's super noise subs useless. Most importantly, we have fortified positions in those islands with several thousands troop garrison as well as brave civilians. Our soldiers are the most well trained and battle harden in South Asia. All in all, this is a very tough and comprehensive Land-Air-Sea-Under water defense based on geographical advantages that the aggressor will never have.

As I said before, parking lot watchers cannot be the owners. Stop holding on the that wild dream. If PRC wants to become a respectable country, then its government has to start acting like one.

Back to the topic of arresting protesters. There are more into the story than that. Vietnam has a way to deal with big bad neighbor for a thousand year, but I will not tell you the secret :smart:

LOLzz, You can continue to live in delusion but facts tell you a different thing.


Seem like you have miss out these few news...

Your government is smart enough, it do not want to end up like Philippine. Trying a head on with China is useless..

Don't you realise your vietnam oil exploration of dispute area with China has cease activities?
Drink my beers and watching the SHOW ... :cheers:








Caught all into the Bus ...
LOLzz, You can continue to live in delusion but facts tell you a different thing.

Seem like you have miss out these few news...

Your government is smart enough, it do not want to end up like Philippine. Trying a head on with China is useless..

Don't you realise your vietnam oil exploration of dispute area with China has cease activities?
Do you know that Russia navy ship shot your militia "fishing boat" that illegally entered Russian water a few years back? What was the reaction from "big brother" PRC? Your government folded to Russia since its military is both wrong and weaker. PRC is effectively a mid-tier bully who is scare of "bigger brother."

Diplomatic maneuvering is an art that you need experiences to master. Do you know why I said PRC is a like a parking lot watcher for Vietnam and the Philippines' house, and Taiwan has the bathroom? It has another layer of meaning. If you understand that, then you will know why I bolded your sentence.

No one is trying head-to-head with PRC. Actually, your government prefer that but smaller nations are smart enough to not comply.

With that, I will leave you and your fellow Chinese-men to bath in your collective arrogant sense of "superiority."
hahahaha, sorry I have to laugh at the nativity that you demonstrated in the bold part. You call it "Co-operation and compromise," while insist that China takes almost everything? Are those outrageous demands the idea of "peace and fairness" from an expansionist's stand point? Please stop reading the People's Daily and repeat their drum beat to the rest of us. Let me tell you that PRC's position in the Spratly Islands is weak. The lay-out of occupied territories has been discussed many times in this forum, so I don't have to remind you that.

Just use this analogy instead: It's like you want to take almost everything from a Duo Duplex where Vietnam and the Philippines each settle in almost half a house. Taiwan has the bathroom, while the PRC and other nations have couple parking lots. Ok, tell me how can a parking lots owner claim the whole house?!

The only way PRC get it is to cheat and steal the house by brute force. Despite your claim of Chinese naval superiority, Vietnam is fully capable of defending itself. You land base anti ship missiles can cover the entire islands. Our Su-30 can fly there in half an hour. Both Vietnam and Philippines's radars along the coastlines can detect any large Chinese movements days before any of your ships can reach the islands. Our missile ships can also response to the islands in half a day. We are getting new submarines (with land attack capability and anti-air missiles) and American's P-3 Orion that are enough to render PRC's super noise subs useless. Most importantly, we have fortified positions in those islands with several thousands troop garrison as well as brave civilians. Our soldiers are the most well trained and battle harden in South Asia. All in all, this is a very tough and comprehensive Land-Air-Sea-Under water defense based on geographical advantages that the aggressor will never have.

As I said before, parking lot watchers cannot be the owners. Stop holding on the that wild dream. If PRC wants to become a respectable country, then its government has to start acting like one.

Back to the topic of arresting protesters. There are more into the story than that. Vietnam has a way to deal with big bad neighbor for a thousand year, but I will not tell you the secret :smart:

Very impressive. You forgot to mention that Vietnam is digging tunnels under SCS.
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