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Vietnam, Philippines 'bullying' ASEAN over sea conflict: Cambodian sources

haha,the chance is much smaller than the senario that Vietnam rejoins China and again becomes the most backward Chinese province.

oh,ha,that's why they hate you so much.

He he, China is big but very fragile, bro. we will take back Guandong and Quanxi, let Cantonese become Nan Yue state, Fujian_ren become Min Yue state.:pdf:
You must have been placed in the solitary confinement recently by the Vietcong. Its all over the news that Cambodia helped scuttled a joint SEAN statement against China. You can talk about what Cambodia did in the years past. But this week, they are siding with China against Vietnam. Present day actions is more accurate in judging the position of a nation than historical facts.
beijingwalker said:
haha,that was 40 years ago,but now they are our friends and stand firm to criticize you harshly,remember decades ago when you north Vietnam was just a Chinese puppy dog and then you chose a bigger ally USSR?countries betray each other to serve their best interest,get used to it.
First: Cambodia just ceded two villages to VN last month.
Cambodia to cede two villages to Vietnam
Monday, 18 June 2012

Second: As I said: Phil hasn't show her will in cooperation with VN-Malaysia yet, so we don't need to convince Cambodia to side with Phil now.
Notes Verbale of Philippines on Joint Submission of Malaysia and Vietnam and on Submission of Vietnam
On 4 August 2009 the Philippines submitted separate Notes Verbale to the UN Secretary-General in response to the Joint Submission of Malaysia and Vietnam[92]and on the Submission of Vietnam[93]. The Note to the Joint Submission states that the extended continental shelf claim by Malaysia and Vietnam lays claim on areas that are disputed because they overlap with that of the Philippines and “because of the controversy arising from the territorial claims on some of the islands in the area including North Borneo.” The latter objection is a reference to the historical claim of the Philippines to what is now the East Malaysian State of Sabah, which was formerly known as North Borneo.
The note of the Philippines further pointed out that given the existence of maritime disputes, the Philippines requests that under paragraph 1(5) of Annex I of the rules of procedure of the Commission, “in cases where a land or maritime dispute exists, the Commission shall not consider and qualify a submission may by any of the States concerned in the dispute.” The note then requested the Commission to refrain from considering the Joint Submission unless and until after the parties have discussed and resolved their disputes.
CLCS submissions and claims in the South China Sea, by Robert C. Beckman & Tara Davenport
Phil needsto show more collaboration to others ASEAN members before asking support from other ASEAN members.
He he, China is big but very fragile, bro. we will take back Guandong and Quanxi, let Cantonese become Nan Yue state, Fujian_ren become Min Yue state.:pdf:

With so many wacked ( and a few respectable) members here, I thought Indian gets the title for the most pathetic nationality in PDF. But you Vietcong are really making it impossible for them to keep that title. First of all, unlike the Indians, there are zero Vietnames that has any common sense. I respect a few Indians here but I respect no Vietnamese here. None, zip, nada. Furthermore, you Vietcong on average are even more arrogant than the Indians and just troll on everything. Get a life.
He he, China is big but very fragile, bro. we will take back Guandong and Quanxi, let Cantonese become Nan Yue state, Fujian_ren become Min Yue state.:pdf:


Second: As I said: Phil hasn't show her will in cooperation with VN-Malaysia yet, so we don't need to convince Cambodia to side with Phil now.

haha,then why not asking Cambodia not to criticizea and accuse you of being a bully in ASEAN.
With so many wacked ( and a few respectable) members here, I thought Indian gets the title for the most pathetic nationality in PDF. But you Vietcong are really making it impossible for them to keep that title. First of all, unlike the Indians, there are zero Vietnames that has any common sense. I respect a few Indians here but I respect no Vietnamese here. None, zip, nada. Furthermore, you Vietcong on average are even more arrogant than the Indians and just troll on everything. Get a life.

The irony here. :rofl:
With so many wacked ( and a few respectable) members here, I thought Indian gets the title for the most pathetic nationality in PDF. But you Vietcong are really making it impossible for them to keep that title. First of all, unlike the Indians, there are zero Vietnames that has any common sense. I respect a few Indians here but I respect no Vietnamese here. None, zip, nada. Furthermore, you Vietcong on average are even more arrogant than the Indians and just troll on everything. Get a life.

Think yourself first. Taiwan is independence state now, didn't know you ? I reminder you that Formosa was independence country from China from ancient time up to around 1700 years AC.
hey, you are low level educated guys, history of your land, where you are living now, you don't know nothing.:D
haha,then why not asking Cambodia not to criticizea and accuse you of being a bully in ASEAN.
Bcz we don't wanna leave Phil alone, so we let Cambodia criticize us too, we show our support to Phil first and hope she will do the same to VN-Malaysia's joint submission.:coffee:
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