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Vietnam officially labels pro-democracy group Viet Tan a terrorist organization


Feb 23, 2015
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THE Vietnamese government has officially declared Viet Tan, a California-based anti-Communist group, a terrorist organization, and warned that anyone involved would be considered accomplices to terrorism.

The Ministry of Public Security made the official designation in a statement, saying the Viet Tan, also known as the Vietnam Reform Party, has been carrying out terrorist activities.

The government has long been wary of Viet Tan’s presence and considered them a terrorist group before, labeling the group as “reactionary”, but this is the first time it has been officially given the designation.

The ministry, which is run by the police, accused Viet Tan of training its members in “militant activities”, reports Reuters, and has allegedly had operatives sneak into the country to incite violence and organize protests.

In a statement on their website published on Friday, Viet Tan said the ministry was merely “regurgitating baseless propaganda” and that the Hanoi regime was afraid of opposing voices to its system.

“To justify its human rights abuses, Hanoi has often portrayed critics as engaging in terrorism, subversion and social unrest,” the organization said, adding it is committed to non-violent struggle to end Communist rule.

The U.S. government has said it has seen no evidence that the group is engaged in terrorism. The group was formed in 1982 by a vice admiral in the former U.S.-backed South Vietnamese government, and has been described by the United Nations as a “peaceful organization advocating for democratic reform”.

Additional reporting by Associated Press

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Vietnam labels California group a terrorist organization

By Associated Press October 7 at 5:59 PM
HANOI, Vietnam — Vietnam’s government has officially labeled a California-based anti-Communist group a terrorist organization and warned that anyone involved with it will be considered an accomplice in terrorism and will be dealt with in accordance with Vietnamese law.

The Ministry of Public Security said in a statement that Viet Tan, or the Vietnam Reform Party, has been carrying out terrorist activities to end Communist rule in Vietnam.

The government has long considered Viet Tan a terrorist group, but this is the first time it has officially given it that designation.

The group was formed in 1982 by a vice admiral in the former U.S.-backed South Vietnamese government.

Viet Tan says it is committed to nonviolent struggle to end Communist rule. The U.S. government has said it has seen no evidence that the group is engaged in terrorism.

The statement, posted on the ministry’s website on Tuesday, said Viet Tan in its early years recruited and trained members to use weapons and explosives and sent armed groups to Vietnam to carry out terrorist activities, but the plans were thwarted by Vietnamese and Lao authorities.

It said the group still sends members to Vietnam to stir up anti-government protests and unrest.

Several Viet Tan members from the United States and Australia have been brought to trial or deported.

“Viet Tan is a terrorist organization, therefore, anyone who joins, propagandizes, instigates others to join, sponsors, receives sponsorship from Viet Tan, participates in training courses arranged by Viet Tan, operates under instructions of Viet Tan will be an accomplice in terrorism ... and will be dealt with in accordance with Vietnamese law,” the statement said.

Viet Tan said in a statement that the Ministry of Public Security “is regurgitating baseless propaganda that they have routinely used against peaceful voices.” It said that to justify its suppression of political expression and human rights, Hanoi portrays its critics as engaging in terrorism.

“The Vietnamese Communist Party has a long history of violence and terror against the people of Vietnam. No amount of propaganda can shift attention from Hanoi’s human rights abuses and repression of peaceful political opposition,” the statement said.

The U.S. State Department did not immediately comment.

Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Stick too close to the US, and they'll try to give you a pro US government to keep you close to the US forever.

Nice try, Vietnam.
Hope you keep it up.

It's funny how many "democratic party" of various contires are based in the US and banned in their home state.
First...No one want terrorism in his/her country.

Second...So from the first, labeling a group as 'terrorist' mean there is at least a patina of legalism in going after said group.

Third...Since Marxism-communism is now discredited, legalism is the only avenue of oppression.
Stick too close to the US, and they'll try to give you a pro US government to keep you close to the US forever.

Nice try, Vietnam.
Hope you keep it up.

It's funny how many "democratic party" of various contires are based in the US and banned in their home state.
I thought China worked with Vietnam in this case because Viettan is the group instigating anti-china rhetoric in Vietnam through media and social media.
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First...No one want terrorism in his/her country.

Second...So from the first, labeling a group as 'terrorist' mean there is at least a patina of legalism in going after said group.

Third...Since Marxism-communism is now discredited, legalism is the only avenue of oppression.
Do most overseas viets in US like you oppose it?
Do they generally consider the interests of America over Vietnam?

If the group resorts to violence then it is extremely regrettable, though I would like to see evidence.

Evidence is always hidden in America-financed NGOs....
I guess most Viets back home do not want to see American NGOs and refugees get together for a regime change.
Did this group also get support by US and consider as NGO there?
Do most overseas viets in US like you oppose it?
Do they generally consider the interests of America over Vietnam?

Evidence is always hidden in America-financed NGOs....
I guess most Viets back home do not want to see American NGOs and refugees get together for a regime change.
Oppose to what?

one should know unlike other immigrant groups such as Latinos, our people in America are politically very active. We go to poll when other ethnic show no interest of election process. Let take this guy. His name is Bao Nguyen, the mayor of Garden Grove, a city in California populated by many Asian descent. He has a very liberal immigration policy. He now runs for a seat in Congress.


It is not always about Vietnam. Nor communism or capitalism but local politics.

Oppose to what?

one should know unlike other immigrant groups such as Latinos, our people in America are politically very active. We go to poll when other ethnic show no interest of election process. Let take this guy. His name is Bao Nguyen, the mayor of Garden Grove, a city in California populated by many Asian descent. He has a very liberal immigration policy. He now runs for a seat in Congress.


It is not always about Vietnam. Nor communism or capitalism but local politics.

He seems to be the right person to help organise anti-Vietnam demonstration.
More overseas refugees might have the ambition to fight back and rebuild their regime in Vietnam.
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