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Vietnam, Japan Sign Deal for Nuclear-Plant Study

lol Nay yue guo was never viet to begin with.

Last post.

Hey, you must study one more again about Chinese History, how written about Nan Yue Quo. Zhao Da was first King of Nan Yue Quo, even he was Chinese but he has been followed habits of Bai Yue, like sitting in squat, letting long hair, etc... One thing is importance that General in Head of Nan Yue quo Kingdom in three generation is Viet : Lữ Gia. His name was named to one Street in Hanoi (Recently was changed to Lengoc Han).:coffee:
Producing Nuclear weapons takes a while, not to mention money and manpower.
This isn`t the 60`s, i don`t think Vietnam wants to become the new Iran, just find make an agreement with a great power and that`s it.
An attack on Vietnam will be an attack on Japan/Russia/US, etc...

---------- Post added at 05:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:48 PM ----------

That really depends on what kind of government the Indian people elect.

Good no Indian Prime minister has visited after 1999 a long ago but Israel can become major Trade partner in view of the global scenerio i want to com Tel Aviv .My Bank has its overseas office In Israel:disagree:
This is really good news. Now we need to rebuild relationship with France to get Nuclear fusion technology and harmon collider to study about matters. Since there's lack of power in vietnam, this would support its fast growing economy.
If Vietnam makes nukes, that is an existential threat to China, and we should reserve the right to dump nuclear waste into the Mekong to permanently damage Vietnam's ecosystem and make half their country uninhabitable.

below_freezing, with your logic, if someone dumps nuclear waste in the sky above China and gravity brings it down then it would be okay.

It is not natural for smaller and weaker countries to fight larger and stronger countries unless they must. China needs to look at itself as to why it does not have friendly neighbours. China's support (?) for North Korea only make North Korea more isolated from the world. After many decades, the prospect of a united Korea is still not any closer. China's so-called support for North Korea is to just to use it as a pawn to deal with Japan and USA.

On world stage, Pakistan is also on the path of being more isolated.

Sooner or later, North Korea and Pakistan will realise the devillish China and send the Chinese home.
I hope wise Chinese people don't think so.
However, under threatening and bulling of our enemy, Vietnam has a right to produce his own nuke for response the same manner as our enemy dare using nuke against us.
When china do such as to dump nuclear waste into the Mekong it will be effected to Laos, Thailand an Cambodia. China Gov shall be wanted as crimes against humanity shall be taken to international court to punish.

No, i don't think Chinese leader is that stupid. Only people on the internet like below freezing like to talk sh*t and say crap like this. Something is wrong with his mentality.
No, i don't think Chinese leader is that stupid. Only people on the internet like below freezing like to talk sh*t and say crap like this. Something is wrong with his mentality.

Hahaha believe me nothing more mental than having agent orange in your body like viet trolls here:rofl:
You are nursed by milk poisoned with Melamine made in china, therefore your brain is wrongly developed.:wave:

Hahahaa can you guys be smart for once or is it asking toomuch? i m not even in china you silly fool:rofl:
Hahahaa can you guys be smart for once or is it asking toomuch? i m not even in china you silly fool:rofl:

dirty milk product poisoned with melamine invented by chinese from long time ago. You may have same defected ADN form your papa.
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